《Last Chance For Redemption (Chara x Male Reader)》The Castle


You entered the elevator and pressed the button while waiting, you sat on the floor looking up at the ceiling

Chara: What are you going to do?

Y/n: We'll see... I don't want to kill Asgore...

Chara: Yeah, I know...

The elevator stopped and you exited... You noticed how similar it was to the ruins but how different at the same time, it was all the same, but it lacked hope and joy, it was all gray

Chara: We're almost there

You started walking after saving and you saw the whole town to your left, a town full of monsters but lacked spirit and hope, it could have a little glimmer, but still, it was almost like a ghost town. You kept walking until you saw a tiny house, it was exactly like Toriel's one. You've entered it and were met by two froggits

Froggit A: A long time ago, a human fell into the Ruins

Froggit B: Injuries by her fall, the human called out for help

They hopped away and two Whismuns appeared

Whis A: Asriel, the king's son, heard the human's call

Whis B: He brought the human back to the castle

And the Whismuns flew away. You started walking in the house and found a chained path to the basement with a note that said

" Howdy, I'm in the garden. If you have anything to take off your chest, please don't hesitate to come. The keys are in the kitchen and the hallway" you kept walking and entered a room with two presents and two beds. You looked inside one of the presents and it had a heart-shaped locket inside, you took and put in your chest. After you looked at the other one and found a worn dagger, you took the dagger and put in your belt

Chara: Our room...

She said with teary eyes, you felt bad for her but kept silent until three slimes greeted you out of the room

Slime A: Over time, Asriel and the human became like siblings.

Slime B: the King and Queen treated the human child as their own

Slime C: The underground was full of hope.

They walked away and you took one key that was on top of a counter. You walked some more and found another room, you entered it and found a journal, all pages said: "Nice day today!" The ink is still almost wet... Walking in the room you found a trophy written: "Number 1 Nose-nuzzle champs '98!"


Y/n: Nice trophy... Heh...

You walked out of the room and went towards the kitchen. Arriving in there, you found the key and a trashcan full of butterscotch-cinnamon pie recipes, he must miss Toriel...

Chara: Those pies...

You kept walking and unlocked the chain and walked towards the basement where you found more monsters

(I forgot their names)

Monster A: Then... One day...

Monster B: The human became very I'll

And they walked away, soon after Three vegetoids came to you

Veg A: The sick human has one request

Veg B: Too see the flowers from her village

Veg C: But there was nothing we could do

They walked away and you continued to walk down the hallway until two mike wazoskies came

Mike A: The next day

Mike B: The next day

Mike A:...

Mike B: The human died

They walked away and you kept walking towards the garden but two Snowflakes blocked your path

Snow A: Asriel, wracked with grief, absorbed the human's soul

Snow B: He transformed into a being of incredible power.

You kept walking and three Ice caps showed up

Ice A: with the human's soul, Asriel crossed through the barrier

Ice B: He carried the human's body into the sunset

Ice C: Back to the village of the humans

You walked more and more three monsters appeared

(Forgot their names too)

Monster A: Asriel reached to the center of the village

Monster B: There, he found a bed of golden flowers

Monster C: He carried the human onto it

You walked some more and found three Shyrenes

Shy A: Suddenly, screams rang out

Shy B: The villagers saw Asriel holding the human's body

Shy C: They thought that he had killed the girl

You walked more and three dummies appeared

Dummy A: The humans attacked him with everything they had

Dummy B: He was struck with blow after blow

Dummy C: Asriel has the power to destroy them all

You kept walking and a Knight knight and a Madjick showed up

Knight: But...

Madjick: Asriel did not fight back

Knight: Clutching the human...

Madjick: Asriel smiled and walked away

You kept walking some more until three final froggits steeped in

FF A: Wounded. Ariel stumbled home

FF B: He entered the castle and collapsed

FF C: His dust spread across the garden

You kept walking more until three Whis(something) appeared (I'm really good with names)


Whis A: The kingdom fell into despair

Whis B: The King and Queen had lost two children in one night

Whis C: The humans had once again taken everything from us

More three monsters appeared

Monster A: The king filled with grief decided it was time to end our suffering

Monster B: Every human who falls down here must die

Monster C: With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever

More monsters appeared while you were walking

Monster B: It's not long now

Monster A: King asgore will let us go

Monster B: King Asgore will give us hope

Monster C: King Asgore will save us all

You kept walking a little sad now when three more monsters appeared

Monster A: You should be smiling too

Monster B: Aren't you excited?

Monster C: Aren't you happy?

You were nearing the end of the hallway when...

Froggit: you're going to be free...

You finally reached the end of the hallway and found the judgment hall

Little after you entered the hall, you saved your progress and met Sans at the end of the hallway, gazing at each other while the sun enters the windows by your left

Y/n: I don't miss this place...

Sans: You know... It is a beautiful day outside...

Y/n: The birds are singing...

Sans: The flowers are blooming...

Y/n: On days like these...

Sans: Kids like you...

Y/n:... Shouldn't be talking about the weather

Sans: Definitely not, but still

Y/n: This place it's actually beautiful... Too bad we fought here instead of talking like we're doing now

Sans: Thank Dog you went back and changed everything

Y/n: It wasn't fair for you guys, I've read your tale, you guys suffered enough...

Sans: What are you planning to do?

Y/n: Free all monsters from this prison...

Sans: Heh... Good Luck buddy, you still have to fight Asgore

He leans in a pillar and closes his eyes while you walk past him

Sans: Hey, catch!

He throws a key to you and you grab it looking at it

Y/n: What's this?

Sans: I've been urging to know someone who is a Time-Traveller, you are one, you know what to do with it

Before you could answer he had already vanished in front of you

Chara: This guy gives me the creeps...

Y/n: C'mon... We have to meet your father...

You kept walking and entered a frame door being met with a giant garden of golden flowers and a really tall figure with their back turned to you

Y/n: Uuummmm Asgore?

Asgore: Dum Dee Dum... Uh? Just a moment, I'm just finishing watering these flowers

He finishes and turns to you without noticing you at the initial moment

Asgore: Howdy! How can help...

He takes a step back finally noticing you

Asgore: Oh... I was about to say "do you want a cup of tea?"

Y/n: Asgore, I'm not here to fight, okay? I want to help you! And yes! I do want a cup of tea, golden flower tea if I might. Like I told you before, I'm not here for a fight, Humans are way stronger than monsters, what would all of your kind do without you? You know I would defeat you, you want me to defeat you, you hate this place, you hate us, humans, for what we have done to you before, you just don't deserve all this suffering, I know what happened, so please, stop and let me handle things now! Please, sit down, make yourself a cup of tea, and rest

Asgore: Toriel told me of how you handle things, she talked to me for the first time in years, she didn't insult me or hang up in my face, she just talked...

Y/n: See, I just need to give a little push and things kinda work, what did she say?

Asgore: She apologized for all the things she said to me, since our children...

Y/n: I know what happened, so?

Asgore: She wants to come here to talk...

Y/n: So be a man and talk to her too, don't give up King! You gave every monster hopes and dreams, give yourself some too

Your phone rings and you noticed it was a message from Papyrus

'Undyne wants to talk to you, she's here in front of my house, she says she wants to give you something'

Y/n: I shall return, King Asgore!

You bow to him and smile a little

Asgore: You don't need to do this...

Y/n: I know, but I will come back later, I hope you guys do get into an agreement, and I want some tea later too

Asgore: That's quite alright

You wave him farewell and walk back towards waterfall, you then go back to Asgore

Y/n: Is there anyway I can go back to snowdin faster than just walking?

Asgore: You can pick the elevator to MTT's resort and pick the other elevator to Alphys lab, below that, there is a stream, there you shall find a person in a boat, it will take you to your location

Y/n: Thanks! See you later!

Chara: I... How... What...?

You walk out of his castle and walk towards your destination, to meet with Undyne


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