《No Filter x Serial Dating》Intervention Party City


illua didn't text Knuckle more than a few times the rest of that day and the next before the party. He didn't mind it—in fact, his ego was just thrilled that the quarterback even swiped right on him. That was really all there was to it (and also, maybe, quite possibly the fact that he had also fantasized about the quarterback annihilating his head with his thighs).

Zushi once again joined Killua at Hatsu Hall and snuck into the dorm tower with every intent of sitting on Killua's futon and watching the show unravel. When Zushi came to Killua's door, he found the door propped open with a wooden wedge and the sound of Leorio's voice booming from in the room.

"You can't wear a leather jacket to a frat party! You'll get too hot, take it off, and someone will steal it!" Leorio shouted.

"But it looks good," Killua insisted. The leather jacket was flattering on him, and as he turned to check himself out in the floor length mirror Leorio brought, he found Zushi staring at them from the threshold. Zushi was wearing a plain black polo and light grey skinny jeans. The real star of his outfit, however, happened to be a pair of killer sneakers.

Killua looked him up and down and whistled.

Leorio said, "Damn, looking good, kid."

Zushi's cheeks colored pink. "Thanks, man," he said, smiling shyly. He turned to Killua and said, "You ready?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Leorio shouted, startling both of them. He pointed at Killua's brown, ankle-high shoes. "If this man is wearing brown shoes, he cannot wear a black leather jacket. Right?!"

"I-I guess, I don't... really know," Zushi confessed.

Leorio turned to Killua for a translation. "He's straight," Killua said.

Leorio blinked in alarm. His glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose as he said, "Wait, you befriend straight guys?"

Killua groaned and went back to his closet. He put the leather jacket back and pulled out a light black sweatshirt and said, "Okay, then what about this?"


"It's also black!" Killua shouted.

"It's not shiny, though!" Leorio insisted. Killua groaned again and started yanking off his shirt and swapping it with the sweatshirt. He was wearing a pair of loose, dark grey pants that rolled up at the hems, showing off a sliver of his purple socks.

Zushi pointed to them and said, "Nice touch."

"Thanks," Killua said, turning his heel to the side to put them on display. He put his arms out in a gesture to Leorio and said, "We good?"

Leorio gave him one last once-over before holding up a thumbs up. "Yes, good."

Leorio carted his mirror back out into the hallway as Killua shut off the light in his room and ushered Zushi out. He locked the door and slipped the keycard into the zipper pocket on the waistband of his pants.

Leorio wished them the best as they stepped into the elevator. Zushi waved until the doors shut at which point Zushi turned to Killua and said in a dull, vaguely angry voice, "What the Hell did you do."

Killua pretended to busy himself by rolling up the sleeves on his sweatshirt as he said in a sweet voice, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You just like to stir shit up, don't you? Poke a stick around in it, slosh it around in your mouth a little."

"Bullshit tastes like candy sometimes," Killua confessed with a diabolical smile. "It's oh-so sweet tonight. I can taste it already."


Zushi looked up at the floor numbers diminishing on the screen as he shook his head, saying, "I can't believe I'm best friends with a sociopath."

Killua snickered. "I have empathy—most days." But that night, he was ready to screw around and, as Zushi put it, stir the shit pot. His ingredients: A healthy dose of Knuckle Bine and a surplus of feeding Gon Freecss his own medicine.


20:45 We're pre-gaming if you and Zushi Roll wanna join

21:22 Sorry just saw this

21:32 Enroute to Sigma Alpha

21:40 Be my first dance partner? 😘

21:42 Wouldn't have it any other way 😎


19:30 🏈🤼‍♂️ is typing...

19:32 Are you really coming to the party tonight? I didn't think you were into it

20:35 Read ✔︎

20:46 I'm worried D: Killuaaaa

20:57 Read ✔︎


21:01 Read ✔︎

21:22 O Sorry just saw this

21:22 😡

21:23 You're gonna get it 😤

21:26 Get what? 😘

21:27 You gonna spank me for being naughty?

21:28 😳🤭

21:55 Hot wax, perhaps?

22:01 Freecss?

22:10 Comin' in hot (and sexy as hell) 🥳


Killua was already at Sigma by the time he texted Freecss that he was arriving soon. In fact, he was already on the dance floor, hips bouncing to the rhythm of his heels tapping on the tiles, hands clapping and raising over his head with the lights flashing over him and the circle of onlookers cheering him on.

He rocked his hips with sharp, measured jerks that made his flat ass look at least a little flattering. Given the whistles and the chants, he had to have been doing a good job. He popped his knees in and straightened up, heels clicking together before he bounced to the beat and summoned the circle to close in once again.

His ass rocked back against Knuckle Bine, who had his hands back on Killua's hips as he laughed and shouted, "Fuck! You've got moves, dude!"

The instrumentals took a low, quick beat that rocked them back and forth, Killua half-turned towards Knuckle so he could shout, "I've been going to house parties since I was a freshmen in high school!" It was when Illumi was accepted into Yorknew Law and started his own party phase. House parties were different, though. The ones Illumi went to often ended in low-key vibes and a drugged haze.

Frat parties, though? They were all high-strung, unadulterated energy.

Knuckle laughed in his ear as they swayed low and rocked back up. Killua liked it because he was the one setting the pace, not Knuckle, and it gave him a power high.

A girl stopped them with a hand tapping on Knuckle's arm. Knuckle nodded to her and touched her on the shoulder—a promise for the next dance. Killua turned around to face Knuckle, his foot slotted between Knuckle's braced sneakers and straddling his knee as they rolled their hips to the side and back again. As they went, Knuckle said over the music, "I was surprised when you messaged me!"

Killua rolled his eyes and said, "Freecss set up my profile. I don't think he realized what that meant at all until your profile came up."

Knuckle threw his head back and laughed. "I still don't think he fully grasps the concept of Tinder. Almost regret showing it to him, you know?"

Killua tipped his head curiously to the side. Knuckle asked if Gon mentioned that, and Killua said, "Sort of. I thought you endorsed it!"


Knuckle shrugged a little. Their hips rubbed together, the friction burning in Killua's muscles like hot water trickling down his spine. He shivered at the touch of Knuckle's hand against his lower back. He leant in close to say in Killua's ear, "Is it just me, or is this an intervention?"

Killua leant back, surprised. Knuckle smiled at him and said, "I don't mind it, just figured I'd ask before asking if you wanna take this upstairs."

Heat flushed to Killua's face, flooding his skin bright red. Thankfully, with all of the flashing lights, there was no way for Knuckle to know that. "Y-yeah, it's an intervention," he confessed with a grimace. "Sorry for dragging you into it."

"No apology necessary," Knuckle said. "You can't apologize for an ass that moves like that, you know."

"I know, but—" Killua started, biting his lip. He sighed and said, "I do think you're date material. I was sincere about it when I messaged you."

"Asking about my tattoo?" Knuckle laughed.

Killua could barely contain his giggle as he nodded. "Yeah, asking about your tattoo. Which, by the way, I was very impressed by. That is the most badass prison tattoo I've ever seen."

Knuckle burst out laughing so hard they stopped dancing. Killua let out a startled laugh when Knuckle grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. "God, you kill me. Have you gotten something to drink yet?"

Killua shook his head, at which point Knuckle took him by the hand and paved the way through the crowd. People parted for them and Killua felt famous just existing near Knuckle. They were stopped more than once and Knuckle introduced him to people Killua likely would never see again. When the clock ticked closer to ten, they managed to escape to the outskirts of the crowds and hurry up to Knuckle's room for the bottle of Malibu.

Killua felt odd already being familiar with the place. He said nothing about it, though, as he stood near the threshold while Knuckle fetched the Malibu bottle from under his bed along with a case of Coke. Just as Knuckle was cracking open a can, a loud knock sounded behind Killua.

Killua jumped, cursing under his breath as he turned and came face-to-face with a set of hulking pectorals. Killua put his hands out as if to stop them from colliding with his face. He dragged his eyes up to the broad smile of the linebacker, Uvogin.

"Who's this squirt?" Uvogin said, pointing at Killua.

"Ah, Gon's toy," Knuckle said.

"Wow, subtle," Killua droned, turning back around with a flat stare.

"Well, Gon's Toy," Uvogin said. Killua audibly sighed, shoulders slumping as he turned back around. Uvogin held out a hand, so Killua clasped onto it. "Welcome to Sigma Alpha. I think the runt's in the basement."

"Thanks, but I'm in the middle of an undercover operation," Killua said. Uvogin raised an eyebrow at him and reached a hand up to scratch at his thick, black cornrows.

Uvogin pointed at him again and said, "Is he serious?"

"Very... serious..." Knuckle said as he poured a hefty amount of Malibu into Killua's drink. He held the solo cup out to Killua, who took it and took a sip. There was nothing subtle about the alcohol.

Killua gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks Knuckle," he said.

"Fuck my boy Gon up," Knuckle said.

Killua laughed as Uvogin said, "I didn't know we were plotting to get Gon laid. I didn't know he was into guys?"

"Dude, your gaydar is nonexistent," Knuckle said, and as Uvogin argued against it, Killua slipped out of the room and down the hall.

He pulled out his phone to text Gon. He waited at the top of the stairs for a response and when he received none, he left another breadcrumb trail for Gon to pick up on, but he wasn't catching it. Killua sighed against the rim of his solo cup.

Might as well just let him know I'm here, he thought.

He could feel the music pulsing through the floorboards two stories up. It vibrated against the soles of his feet and drummed with his heartbeat in his chest. He watched as people came and went up the steps before finish off his solo cup. By then, Knuckle and Uvogin were on their way elsewhere, so Killua snuck into Knuckle's room once more to pour his own drink. The soda and alcohol were still out, so he poured a can of Coke in and topped it off with Malibu.

He made sure to close the door behind him before hurrying to the stairs. He paused at the second floor to sip his drink, his back to the wall across the balcony. The balcony railing was claimed by onlookers, but Killua could still see the party between their silhouetted figures against the colored lights swirling across the room and sending glittered spots across the vaulted ceiling.

Killua sipped his drink idly and texted Zushi to make sure the guy was still alive and well. The response had him grinning. "Are YOU still alive?!"

He ran his tongue over his teeth as he tapped in his response and sent it off. He grinned as he pocketed his phone and walked down the length of the railings. He leant against the wall blocking him from the main view from below. It was just enough for him to scan without being seen. He could see Knuckle and Uvogin in the thick of things, close to the speakers at the front where the DJ was, accompanying some girls who were standing on the floor speakers and shaking their asses.

And then, he could see Freecss at the archway near the basement stairs. Arms crossed, brooding—as if Freecss was even capable of brooding—looking disinterested in the party.

Killua could feel the first cup buzzing in his skull. He finished off the majority of his second cup before twisting around and heading down the stairs that deposited him at the edge of the dance floor. He bounded forward with a half-skip in his step, bouncing into the song with his eyes lingering at the archway where he saw Gon's eyes scanning the crowd.

Killua spun around and flattened his back to the shoulder blades of a beefy-looking athletic guy grinding against a girl bent over and twerking. He waited a few seconds before glancing around the guy to see that Gon's attention had shifted away from his general direction.

Successfully averted.

Killua wove through the crowd like this. He made accidental partners of guys and girls he used as cover. He slipped into a grinding line (not really by accident, but it seemed like fun until he was a part of it) and rocked his way between couples making out in the middle of the dance floor. He dodged spilled cups and spied Zushi near the windowsills talking to pink-haired Machi. Killua hid behind a basketball player as Zushi spied him and waved. He grinned devilishly, and Zushi's wave turned into a middle finger.

And then, Killua was at the speakers.

The song shifted to a bright, upbeat tune as Killua dragged his hand along Knuckle's back, turning him around with just a grazing touch. Knuckle leant down and Killua shouted over the music blasting their eardrums into oblivion, "Dance with me!"

"Aye, aye!" Knuckle said with a laugh, taking Killua by the hand and spinning him around like they were in a goddamn ballet.

Killua dropped to the side in a sweeping motion, his heels bouncing to the preppy guitar solo. Knuckle—bless his soul—caught the gist of it and went along for the ride as Killua raised his half-empty solo cup up and down the rest of it in two solid gulps.

As he drank, he looked to the empty archway where Gon had been.


The empty solo cup was swept out of his hand. Killua turned towards it and found Gon standing next to them, looking ticked and wearing a threatening smile as he addressed Knuckle. Knuckle raised his hands in surrender.

Killua stepped forward and, likewise, Knuckle backed off. Killua looked back at him and raised a hand to him. Knuckle clapped onto it and gave him a tight squeeze before passing behind him, back to where Uvogin was sandwiched between the two girls from the speakers.

Killua looked back at Gon, who was sniffing the empty solo cup. Killua flicked it out of Gon's hand before leaning back to take in the sight of Gon looking absolutely baller.

Gon's black hair was spiked that evening, adding a solid three inches to his height. Not only that, but his legs were flattered with a pair of high-waisted green slacks synched at the waist by a black belt. As if that wasn't enough to get Killua's mouth watering, the white shirt he tucked in was collared, elbow-length, and unbuttoned down to his pecs.

Overall, the look should have been made illegal.

It was too loud to talk, so Gon took him by the hand and dragged him around the outskirts of the crowd. Killua staggered after him, grinning as they passed Knuckle. Knuckle discretely high-fived him.

At the basement archway, Gon took them on a detour elsewhere. Killua hadn't exactly "toured" the place, so the kitchen was new to him. It was, somehow, empty. Gon slid the doors to the kitchen closed behind them.

Over the bass thumping through the walls, Gon said, "Why did you come with Knuckle?"

Killua leant back against the island counter and said, shrugging, "Why'd you set up Tinder on my phone?"

Gon stared at him like he was crazy. Killua raised his eyebrows at Gon, who had his back in front of the door like he expected Killua to make a break for it. Gon ran a hand through his hair and looked away. The tension in his face faded a little, replaced with just plain stress.

"Do you want me to delete it?" Killua said.

"I—" Gon started, strained. He shook his head and said, eyes on the ground, "You can do whatever you want."

"Be realistic," Killua hissed. The sharp edge to his voice had Gon looking up and meeting his eyes. "Do you want me to go dance with Knuckle?"

"No, fuck no!" Gon cried, only to realize what it meant for Killua to be in possession of a dating app. Gon cursed again and said, "I-I don't... I don't know, Killua. Could you just—delete it? Please?"

Killua hid his relief. He caught his breath in his throat before clearing it and saying, "No." Gon's shoulders tensed and, honestly, it looked like he was about to cry. "I'm not getting rid of it unless you delete yours."

"What?" Gon cried, and Killua jumped at the severity of it. Realizing that he had completely screamed it, Gon put a hand to his chest and cursed, relaxing a fraction. He looked away and said, "I'm not—! I'm not deleting it. It's a messaging app, too—I talk to people on it—"

"You're making excuses for it! It's a fucking dating app, Freecss!" Killua shouted. Gon flinched. "It's no different than me using it to message Knuckle."

"It is different—"

"No it fucking isn't," Killua seethed, jabbing a finger in Gon's direction. "I'm attracted to him, but we're just talking. What bothers you is the first part. It's no different than how I feel about your fucked up date schedule. The only reason you talked to anyone on that app is because you're attracted to them, Freecss."

Gon's eyes were the size of Mars by the time Killua finished. Killua straightened his sweatshirt with a furious huff before putting his hands back on the edge of the countertop. Killua stared Gon down, the alcohol in his system making him feel precisely like his power complex had amplified into a full-blown dominatrix. Honestly, he was getting a little hot thinking about Gon on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. All he needed were a pair of stiletto heels to finish his own look.

Gon took a step towards him, a hand out to reach for him.

Killua put a hand out to stop him. "No. I'm not touching you until you message all of them. You're leading them on, they deserve to know."

Gon curled his hand into a fist. He dropped his hands to his sides. His expression twisted to borderline anguish before he smothered it with a sneer. He pegged Killua with middle finger and hissed, "Fuck you."

He turned around and flung the sliding door open. It bounced off of the frame as Gon stormed around the corner and out of view. Killua stared at the spot where he disappeared, mouth slightly ajar.

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