《Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)》Chapter 21: The Caribbean is ours
After my people and I moved to the galleon, we gave it a name: Ocean Storm. My crew liked my nickname so much that they wanted to include it in our vessel's name! Awesome, right? Our lives changed significantly once we abandoned Sea Urchin. Unfortunately, I didn't see Miguel again when my crew and I arrived in Nassau on the day after becoming captain, but I still had a great time. We didn't find a lot of difficulties to adjust to the new ship and never wasted an opportunity to have some fun. What can I say? I was a captain that liked to keep the crew entertained! There weren't parties all the time or anything like that, I just tried to make everything enjoyable. Laurens and I took care of our little pirate family much more efficiently than I expected. In less than a month, we recruited... well, captured actually, thirty more men to work for us. I wish we could've brought more with us, but they chose to fight when we captured their ships, so you know what happened. Although we decided not to have a fleet because it called too much attention, our vessel was constantly filled with precious cargo. I always divided the loot equally between the crew to keep them satisfied. Only Laurens and I got a more significant share due to our ranking. We also sold a large amount of our cargo whenever we docked somewhere. I plundered numerous ships in just a few days and couldn't believe how fine I was doing as captain. No one disrespected me because of my gender, my people worked impressively well with me in everything, our booty was enormous... God, my life was perfect! There was only one thing on my way: the Royal Navy.
Since I became famous in the Caribbean, they wouldn't stop looking for me. Unfortunately, they were much more efficient than the RNN. Despite the fear of being caught, I couldn't be happier. Piracy was my true calling and I realized that even more after becoming captain. Maartje had spoken the truth, I was born to be a pirate. Reminding myself of my success lifted my spirits as I walked on the quarterdeck. The night had come and I was ready to celebrate what my crew and I had accomplished since my election.
A broad grin formed on my lips, "We're kings of the Caribbean! I've never imagined anything like that!"
"I know, right?" Laurens shook his head in denial and laughed. "It seems like yesterday that we were only kids suffering because of Ms. Zeevalk's anger."
"Tell me about it..." I bit my lower lip and raised my brows. "I can't believe we kept this place in order and looted so many ships!"
"Yeah, it's crazy," Laurens touched the outside of our ship as if he wanted to caress it. "We've been doing an amazing job in Ocean Storm."
"I couldn't agree more!" I rubbed my chin. "We just need to find a way to deal with this problem with the British..."
Although the annoying guys looking for my vessel weren't a big issue yet, I had to find a way to make them leave me alone. It was too dangerous for a pirate, especially for a captain, to be wanted by powerful men like Royal Navy officers. I won't lie, I loved to be known as one of the most feared buccaneers ever, but I couldn't let my fame become my downfall.
Laurens pressed his lips together, "Allying ourselves to other pirates could be a solution. I've heard that many are doing that to have a better chance against the Navy."
"We could try to strike a deal with Captain Bosch. He's wanted everywhere just like us," Maartje suggested while tying a clove hitch.
I sighed, "Although I've never met Bosch, I don't think he'd accept it. Everyone says he's pretty tough to deal with."
"I agree with Storm," Laurens nodded and his eyes widened. "People say he's always angry."
"That's crazy! How can someone be mad all the time?" Maartje gawked and scowled. "I've heard Bosch's twenty-four, but now that you said that I'll imagine him as an annoying old man with a huge white beard..."
I laughed, trying to imagine how Bosch looked like. A lot of people talked about him. He and I were two of the most wanted pirates in the Caribbean. I won't lie, I'd always been curious about Bosch. He was my main competition and known to have conquered a lot in little time, just like me... I'm not bragging, it's just the truth!
"We don't need Bosch. There are plenty of other pirates around, I guess..." I raised a brow. "Who else could be our ally?"
Laurens rubbed between the eyebrows while walking from one side to another. I felt nauseous and slightly dizzy, seemingly due to my distress. My cousin started working on another clove hitch. Francis showed up and licked my black boots as if he wanted to motivate me.
My oldest friend sighed, "I don't know. I just think these annoying Navy guys could mind their own business..."
"The problem is we are their business," I rolled my eyes as I remembered how insistent the British were. "We're pirates! They live to throw us in jail."
"We're approaching Tortuga, Captain Storm," Ashton warned me.
I put a hand on my chest, relieved. God, I couldn't wait to relax for a while! Tortuga was one of the best places for pirates to rest. I'd been waiting for that moment since the previous week. Don't judge me, even robbing can make someone tired!
"Great! Thanks, Ashton," I put my black cocked hat back in its place as I walked towards the bowsprit. "Maartje, call Sven and your guys. Prepare us to dock."
My cousin ran to the stairs, "Aye, Captain!"
"Now it's time for our celebration! After accomplishing so much as leaders in just two months, we deserve it," I turned to Laurens while smiling broadly and tilting my head back. "We can talk about this alliance thing later."
Laurens nodded and grinned, "You're right. After all, we managed to plunder ninety-four ships! Let's have a good time today!"
I gave him a pat on the back, "That's more like it!"
At that same instant, Francis came to me.
I stroke his head as he licked my hands, "I'm sorry, Francis, but you're not coming with us. You're guarding Ocean Storm tonight."
My dog whined. I laughed softly, excited to have a good time in Tortuga. Although I feared finding enemies there, I decided to focus on enjoying myself with my pirate family. Since I'd become well known in the Caribbean, the risks of getting caught increased, but I wouldn't let that upset me. After docking, Maartje, Laurens, Sven, and I went to a tavern. We ordered some food and ale. God, I was so hungry that night that I almost ate the table...
Laurens took a sip of his ale, "I'm glad we're finally having something other than rum and grog!"
"Same here! It's great to drink ale for a change," Maartje's eyes gleamed as she spoke, "but the best part is spending time with you all, not getting drunk."
Laurens and Maartje fixed their eyes on each other for a moment. She sighed and smiled at my oldest friend. He appeared to be admiring her for a moment and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"I don't think Maartje's talking about all of us..." Sven rolled his eyes. "Why don't you two kiss already?"
Maartje's face flushed and she glanced away as if she wanted to hide. Laurens bit his lower lip and smiled nervously, still gazing at my cousin. I sighed, feeling bad for Sven at that moment. It must've been horrible for him to watch the woman he liked having feelings for another man.
"I've noticed you're wearing your favorite coat today, Eva. Dark purple looks good on you," Maartje grinned nervously. "I like your black cocked hat as well."
Changing the subject... Such a clever girl, aren't you, Maartje?
"Thank you!" I laughed softly as I took off my hat and admired it for a while. "It's good that I got this hat from someone else. I couldn't bear wearing Fletcher's anymore since it always reminded me of his excessive violence."
Laurens nodded, "Makes sense. I'm glad I stopped wearing Knight's as well. Everything about Knight and Fletcher is cursed!"
"I agree, but let's not talk about them. Tonight's about Eva Van Acker, our beloved captain," Sven's lips curled into a face-wide grin as he raised his glass. "Without her, we would've never achieved so much in so little time. Cheers to Captain Storm!"
Maartje smiled and did the same as Sven with her glass, "I couldn't agree more. I love being part of this crew. To Captain Storm!"
Laurens' eyes gleamed, "I'm honored to be the quartermaster of the best captain ever and I'll never forget our first two months as a team. To Captain Storm!"
"You're all wonderful! Thank you!" I put my hat back on and grinned while raising my glass. "Like every captain, I wouldn't have made it without my amazing crew, so cheers to all of us!"
"Cheers!" my three friends said in unison as we clinked our glasses.
The four of us took a sip of our own ales. I was so happy that I could feel my heart getting warmer. God, that night had everything to be one of the best! My friends and I were drinking, celebrating, laughing... That was one of the few moments I felt unafraid of the dangers around me. My smile was so broad that it almost reached my eyes.
"This food is amazing..." Laurens muttered, with his face so close to the plate that his cocked hat almost fell.
I chuckled and nodded. When I was about to speak, I gaped. Raising and curving my brows, I couldn't believe that crazy redhead was back in my life. Different from the last time, Dirk was wearing clothes similar to mine. The only difference was that his coat was black. He slowly approached my table, staring me down while pursing the lips.
I won't drag my friends into my mess, so I must go away before he does too much damage... Also, how the hell did he find me?
I stood up and took a few steps backwards, gritting my teeth as I tried to stop my eyes from bulging. Dirk approached me, his face getting redder at each second. I felt dizzy and nauseous, probably due to my fear.
I gulped, "Excuse me, mates, I need to deal with some unfinished business."
Before my friends could talk, I left the restaurant. Dirk followed me. My heart pounded as he walked faster. Since I couldn't take being chased by the redhead anymore, I entered an empty alley and looked from side to side. Dirk shot me an icy glare. There was only one way to stop that if he didn't talk: fighting.
I frowned, "I'm sick of this stupid tension between us! Why don't we talk things through, Dirk?"
How can he be so angry and cute at the same time? Damn, red looks good in him...
"It's Captain Bosch for you!" Dirk reached for his cutlass as his brows knit together. "How did you find me twice? Why don't you leave me alone?"
I gawked. Dirk was the so-called Captain Bosch... My night couldn't get any crazier, could it? Besides having survived a fall in the ocean, that stubborn sailor had become a pirate captain. How the hell Dirk Bosch ended up as my main competitor? That was insane...
"Leave you alone? That was a good one!" I laughed loudly. "You chased me in Nassau, not the other way around!"
Bosch kept getting closer. A shiver ran down my spine and I grabbed my cutlass, blinking rapidly. My nausea increased. I took a deep breath and stared deep into his eyes, trying my best to hide my desperation.
He's taller than I remember...
"I know you've been trying to kill me since that day in the fluyt!" Dirk bared his teeth and glared at me. "I won't let you hunt me down anymore!"
"I swear I'm not following you! I won't ever do that," I winked, took a step forward and smiled coyly. "Unless you want me to, of course. I have a thing for redheads, so I wouldn't mind..."
Dirk's mouth was half open. He breathed faster and examined me from head to toes as I got closer. The redhead flushed and it didn't seem that anger was the cause. I fluttered my eyelashes. Was he attracted to me as well? That would be too crazy to be true.
"You... You won't distract me!" Dirk scowled and looked away. "I... I won't let it happen!"
I grinned mischievously, "I wouldn't be so sure, darling."
When I tilted my head and smiled, ready to talk again, he attacked me with his cutlass. Luckily, I blocked the enraged pirate with my own. Dirk's eyes widened as he struck another blow. With sweat running down my face, I dodged again.
Laurens was right. Captain Bosch is indeed angry...
Bosch tried to hurt my shoulder. I defended myself, clenching my teeth and taking a step backwards. He kept attempting to strike me, but I blocked him every time.
"Listen, I don't want to hurt a cutie such as yourself. Why don't we help each other instead of continuing this stupid fight?" I frowned as our cutlasses clashed. "I know you don't really want to kill me. You don't seem like a bad guy to me, Dirk."
Dirk increased the aggressiveness of his attacks as if he didn't listen to me. He was so furious that I thought his face would burn. I felt a terrible headache and dizziness for a moment, getting more nervous at each second. I gulped once Bosch pushed me against the wall, pressing my chest to stop me from escaping. Using the other hand, he pointed his cutlass at my neck. When I felt that damn blade against my skin, I was sure I'd die soon. We were so close that I could feel him breathing quickly. Dirk sighed, fixing his eyes on mine. He was aggressive, but his touch... God, I loved feeling his warm hand on me! Although there was no way to be sure, Bosch seemed not to be hating that we were extremely close.
Why are you enjoying this, Eva? Stop being such a weirdo!
"I already said it's Captain Bosch!" Dirk scowled and pressed his lips together. "You pushed me off a ship, stole my cutlass and followed me twice. Give me one reason not to kill you!"
"We have a common enemy. Let's fight the Navy together!" I took a deep breath and forced a smile. "I'm Captain Eva Van Acker, also known as Storm."
He sighed, appearing to be considering my proposition. His cutlass suddenly got closer to my neck, almost leaving a wound there. Biting my lower lip, I swallowed the pain. You must be wondering how Dirk managed to be so furious that night... Well, I still haven't figured that out.
Dirk narrowed his eyes, "How am I supposed to know you're not a charlatan?"
I bit my lower lip, thinking of how I'd convince the most stubborn man ever that I wasn't a liar. At that same moment, five men wearing dark blue coats, cocked hats, and white wigs approached us. I gulped and my eyes widened. I had no idea how they'd found me. Bosch's eyes bulged and he breathed even faster.
I raised my brows, "Great! Now the whole anti-Eva squad is here..."
The redhead removed his hand from my chest and moved the cutlass away, apparently forgetting about me. I froze as the men got closer.
"It's Bosch and Van Acker!" the leader pointed at Dirk and me, pursing his lips and glaring at us. "Get them!"
The other four men walked towards Dirk and me. We took some steps backwards. Bosch looked back as if he thought of something. I blinked rapidly, unsure of what to do. Without hesitation, Dirk pulled me by the arm and we ran for our lives. His touch gave me a weird good feeling again. Luckily, we were faster than the British, but they could've set a trap on another street.
My lips curled into a nervous smile, "Do you believe me now?"
Dirk huffed and I couldn't tell whether the cause was the Navy or me. We ran even faster as the British got closer. My legs burned due to the physical effort. I pulled my brows together, not believing I ended up chased by my enemies on my celebration night. I pressed my lips together to stop myself from crying. There had to be a way to escape those annoying officers. The last thing I needed was to get arrested and executed. I prayed that Dirk and I would find a way out before anything terrible happened.
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