《Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)》Chapter 11: What the hell?
On the next day, I woke up to watch the sunrise. Although my eye still burned in pain, it was less swollen. My wounds appeared to be healing faster after Dr. Bakker took care of them. Despite the lack of resources and assistants, he did his best to make sure the rest of the crew and I would be fine. The surgeon was so similar to Sven that I wondered if he wasn't his real father... I'm joking! They were just both blond and blue-eyed like me. Anyway, I knew the injuries would eventually become scars, which was upsetting and thrilling at the same time. Although the marks on my skin weren't dashingly beautiful, they'd always remind me of my first time as a real pirate. They'd remember me of all the punches, blows, victories, defeats... almost defeats, actually. After I finished watching the beautiful sun emerging, I went downstairs to the gun deck. Uncle Ruben had told me not to go there, but I wasn't going to fire a cannon, so what was the worst that could happen? Besides, I never liked following rules anyway.
"This place is much larger than I thought," I smiled while observing the black cannons. "I could even sleep here someday."
I never imagined I'd say that, but the gun deck was a very peaceful place. The silence allowed me to hear my own thoughts. As I walked by the large wooden corridors, I wondered if uncle Ruben would ever teach me to fire a cannon. Even though I once tried to convince the master gunner to let me use one, he said it'd be against my uncle's orders... so annoying! I sighed as I gazed at the ocean from one of the squared slots. That place was filled with those little squares since the cannon's front had to be out of the galleon. Once I laid eyes on the sea, I wondered about the sailor I'd thrown off the fluyt. A part of me wanted him to be alive and I couldn't understand why.
"It was a shame I had to push that redhead into the ocean," I frowned slightly and sighed. "He seemed to be an interesting guy."
When I was about to continue my extremely useful conversation with myself, I heard a noise of creaking wood. I gulped since that could only mean one thing: someone was there. I bit my lower lip and widened my eyes. Although I couldn't hear what was being said, I knew who that voice belonged to. It was uncle Ruben. I hid behind a wooden column to listen to the conversation.
I gazed at the barrels nearby, "Let's hope they won't see me..."
"I'm so proud of Eva," uncle Ruben put both hands behind his back. "I can't believe she came back with almost no injuries from her first time!"
You've got to be kidding me!
I frowned and ground my teeth. Had my uncle gone crazy? My eye was more purple than an eggplant, so how could he say that? Well, at least he seemed content with what I did...
"Yeah, it's extremely rare to find good young pirates like her," Dr. Bakker raised his brows and chuckled. "She's so much better than that stupid father of hers!"
I gulped as the memory of my father dying hit me like a cannonball. Although eight years had gone by since his death, it still bothered me. In addition, I could never forget what he'd done to my real mother and me. There was no way I'd forget that he ruined my life by taking me from the Netherlands.
"Don't remind me of that bastard!" my uncle scowled and pursed his lips while shooting an icy glare at the wall. "He deserved a much worse and slower death."
I blinked rapidly. What the hell was he talking about? Although dad had taken horrible decisions, which harmed my mother and me, he didn't have a heart of stone like Hendrika. I'm not defending him, obviously, but uncle Ruben nurtured a rather exaggerated hatred towards my father.
"I'm sorry I couldn't find a more painful poison, Captain," Dr. Bakker downturned his head and sighed. "The lady told me that one was the best to kill someone painfully!"
Time stopped as those words hit my ears like the loudest explosion ever. I gawked, raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes. My whole body paralyzed for a moment. I wasn't sure if I screamed, smashed a wall, or just remained silent. My heart shattered in a thousand pieces at that instant. That couldn't be true; it just couldn't... he was my uncle! How could he do that to me?
"No. Not him," I breathed faster. "From all people, not uncle Ruben..."
I felt the air escaping my lungs for an instant. Even though I wanted to run to my room and cry desperately, I didn't. My curiosity was too big. I had to find out the truth about what happened with my father regardless of how much it'd hurt.
"We put that monster in hell, where he always belonged, and that's what matters!" uncle Ruben's lips curled into a cruel grin. "It took me just one second to put the poison in that bastard's drink while he was distracted in the tavern... The idiot was so drunk that he didn't see it."
That was why uncle Ruben went to have a drink with dad at the Flying Seagull? To kill him? My God...
I frowned while hyperventilating. That was too much for me... way too much! I wished I could pretend I'd never heard those words from uncle Ruben and Dr. Bakker. They both conspired to kill my father and God knew what else they were hiding. Did Maartje know? What about Sven? Had my friends been lying to me the entire time? My chest hurt just by thinking of the possibilities.
Dr. Bakker cocked his head, "What about Govert's crazy mistress? Did you let her live?"
A lopsided grin formed on my uncle's face. Swallowing hard, I wondered what else he'd kept from me. He gave the doctor a pat on the back and laughed. I clenched my jaw. What the hell did that mean? Uncle Ruben's facial expression made me feel even worse than before.
My uncle smirked, "I gave her a taste of the good old cat-o'-nine-tails."
Both men laughed loudly. I bit my lower lip once I remembered what that thing could do. Uncle Ruben had taught me that the cat-o'-nine-tails was a powerful whip that should only be used sporadically. There was only one reason he'd used it on Hendrika: revenge. I sighed while pressing my lips together. I won't lie, I controlled myself not to smile... Don't judge me! You know that insane lady flogged me for years.
Dr. Bakker chuckled, "The ten minutes you took to meet us at The Revenger were worth it then."
"I still think I should've whipped that witch for longer," uncle gritted his teeth and breathed fast. "She deserved to die just like her ridiculous husband!"
The surgeon raised a brow, "Why did you spare her?"
"Because of her son," uncle Ruben pressed his lips together. "He is innocent and didn't deserve to suffer more than he already did."
So, you do have a heart in the middle of all this ice?
Although I hadn't realized it at first, my chin trembled. I stared at my toes while trying to absorb all that crazy information. I wondered how many years uncle Ruben had spent planning that madness. An act of revenge like that took time to be elaborated.
"I hope Carolien recovered from her chronic sadness caused by Govert's stupid actions," Dr. Bakker shook his head in denial while gazing at the floor. "I hated to see my childhood best friend suffer like that..."
Dr. Bakker knew my mother! That's why he was part of my uncle's evil scheme!
I squeezed my eyes shut, resisting the urge to ask what my real mom was like. My feelings were divided between sadness, anger and curiosity. The three emotions smashed me inside like a firm hand.
"I haven't spoken to my sister in years. I miss her terribly," uncle bit his lower lip. "When I heard from a privateer friend that Govert had gone to Willemstad, nothing but a thirst for revenge occupied my mind."
Feeling as if I couldn't control my breathing anymore, I gasped. I raised and curved my brows. Even though I knew that ship wasn't called The Revenger for nothing, I'd never imagined it was for such a dark reason. My uncle's heart was so filled with rage and hatred that I wondered how that didn't destroy him inside.
"I'm glad Govert finally paid for what he did," uncle Ruben puffed out his chest while smiling widely. "He took my niece from Carolien, so he deserved to die and to lose his daughter to me."
Both laughed loudly. I froze for a moment. I gaped and my tears fell nonstop like a massive sea wave. My throat begged me to let out a scream. I stepped away from the wooden column, wondering if uncle Ruben would have the guts to look me in the eye after finding out I knew what he'd done. I couldn't believe I was just a prize for my own uncle. Taking a step forward, I felt like my rage was an uncontrollable fire that spread through my soul... that was poetic, wasn't it?
Dr. Bakker grinned broadly, "You're really vindictive, aren't you?"
Uncle Ruben nodded and his eyes gleamed, "Revenge is what I live for."
With the anger burning me inside, I clenched my fist and punched the column, causing a wood cracking noise. Dr. Bakker gaped once we locked eyes. Uncle Ruben's eyes widened. He gawked and was paralyzed. My heart was beating so fast that I could hardly breathe.
"So, that's what I am to you, uncle? A prize?" I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes while crying desperately. "I need to get out of here..."
I ran towards the stairs and quickly left the gun deck. Rubbing my eyes, I walked to the forecastle deck. My uncle followed me. I wouldn't stop hyperventilating. I glared at him, feeling the cords in my neck getting rigid. Uncle Ruben opened his mouth as if he'd say something, but soon closed it and pressed his lips together. Although I knew my father was a bad man, he didn't deserve to be murdered.
"I felt guilty after I left Willemstad without saying goodbye to dad and Johannes..." I took a step forward while narrowing my eyes at uncle Ruben. "But now I feel even worse because I followed a murderer!"
The sun had barely risen and the grey clouds were surrounding it already, threatening a thunderstorm. I gulped once I gazed at the sky.
The weather knows what I'm feeling...
"Eva, please! Listen to me!" sweat ran down my uncle's face as he knit his brows. "Your father treated my sister with violence for years, took you from her and did nothing to avoid your suffering! What else would I do?"
I stared at my toes, shook my head in denial and breathed even faster than before. My eyes were frozen open. I couldn't believe my uncle thought he was right... it was too crazy to be true. More tears ran down my cheeks at that instant.
"You admit it then?" I increased my tone of voice while baring my teeth. "You killed my father and took me from Willemstad because of your stupid vendetta?"
His eyes widened, "Yes, I did it for revenge, but I only asked you to come with me because I wanted to save you!"
"You staged that conversation with Hendrika, didn't you? You knew I'd hear everything!" I laughed nervously. "It was all to make me hate my family even more and convince me that you were my only chance of being happy!"
"What?! Jesus! I didn't stage anything!" he frowned and gawked. "I intended to tell you the horrible truth about your family eventually, but I'm not an evil genius!"
I heard a thunder noise and it started to rain, which made me and, apparently, uncle Ruben even more nervous. I swallowed hard and he bit his lower lip as the wind got stronger. Although ocean storms usually didn't scare me, that one seemed different.
A little rain won't stop me from telling him off!
More tears ran down my face, "Now I know why you truly showed up in Curaçao..."
He sighed and pressed his lips together. I walked away from uncle Ruben while directing my gaze towards the rough sea. That conversation made me want to vanish and never go back to that stupid vessel. I bit my lower lip as I felt the ship swaying.
"I'm not asking you to forgive me immediately, but if you could only understand..." uncle Ruben closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "That man ruined your mom's life and yours! Can't you see that?"
Another lighting struck and The Revenger pitched strongly, making me trip. I held myself on the main mast not to fall. Uncle Ruben gulped and his eyes widened. We could only agree on one thing: that thunderstorm wasn't doing any good to the ship. The only fact that kept me from lashing out completely at uncle Ruben was because he'd avenged me by flogging Hendrika. Although I hated myself for liking what he did to her, I couldn't change how I felt.
"I wonder what your crew would think if they found out... No, wait!" I raised my brows and smiled defiantly. "You and Dr. Bakker would kill them if that happened, right?"
My uncle glanced away for a moment and shook his head in denial, "I'd never do that. Besides, everyone but Sven and Maartje knew and had a part in it."
Putting both hands on my face, I growled in anger. I pulled the air quickly through my mouth, controlling myself not to jump off that galleon. My heart broke more at each word I heard from my uncle. I couldn't stop glaring at him. He rubbed the skin between his eyebrows and could barely look me in the eye. My cheeks were flooded by tears... and rain.
"Dr. Bakker didn't give my father a drug to ease the pain that night, did he?" I crossed my arms while taking some steps closer to my uncle. "That was to enhance the poison, wasn't it?"
Your silence speaks more than a thousand words, Captain...
I sobbed, wishing I could forget everything I'd heard at the gun deck. Breathing fast and with moist eyes, my uncle took a step forward. For a brief moment, I wanted to hug him.
"I did that to your father because I love Carolien. She didn't deserve what he did to her," uncle Ruben wiped away a teardrop. "I didn't realize it at first, but I also killed him because of you. I love you, Eva."
I gaped, unsure of what to answer. I blinked fast while my mouth slowly closed. The rain intensified and my boots started to be filled with water.
My uncle approached me and smiled sweetly, "I love you since the day you were born because you're my niece. Blood of my blood."
Even though my expression softened, my heart was still broken. The galleon rolled, throwing a tremendous amount of water on my uncle and me. I forgot about the quarrel for a moment as I observed my hair, which got even more straight after the water hit it.
Why seawater has to ruin my hair like that?
Uncle Ruben hit his back on the ground and winced. Hesitantly, I offered my hand. He took it, got up and put the cocked hat back on his head.
"My point is," he cried while looking deep into my eyes, "I'm sorry for hurting you."
I stared at the ground, shaking my head in denial. How could he possibly expect me to forgive such an atrocity? I bit my lower lip and huffed, unable to believe my relatives were so mad. Father, stepmother, uncle... was everybody in my family crazy and violent? Perhaps my real mom was just like them, who knew?
"People only apologize if they regret something," I took a step closer to him and narrowed my eyes. "Do you regret what you did, uncle Ruben?"
He fixed his eyes on me and bit his lower lip. When I was about to yell at him, The Revenger swayed violently again. I fell and slid on the wet wooden floor until I hit my back against the port side. My bones hurt as they hit the wood, making me flinch.
Uncle Ruben ran to me, "Take my hand!"
Before I could move, The Revenger rolled, throwing me against the starboard side. I winced and yelled in pain. My uncle slid and hit the same place. Clenching his teeth, he placed a hand on his back. Another lightning struck, damaging the topsail. My uncle widened his eyes and gawked. We both got up, struggling to reach the main deck.
He turned to me, "Eva, go back to your room! Now!"
Uncle Ruben ran to Isaak, who was at the quarterdeck trying to steer our ship away from the storm. I wondered if the navigator had heard our horrible quarrel. Isaak seemed to be having several difficulties in taking The Revenger away from the rough sea. I breathed shakily and my hands trembled. Guess what? The ship heaved and I tripped again... Once I arrived in my room, I sat against the wall and embraced my legs. Sweat ran down my face, back and neck. Uncle Ruben was my dad's killer, Dr. Bakker and most of the crew helped with the assassination, a terrifying storm threatened to sink the ship... what a crazy situation! At least it couldn't get any worse, could it?
Author's note:
I chose Ralph Fiennes to be our vindictive Ruben de Vries. I think he would make a perfect Ruben because of his amazing talent if "Ocean Storm" becomes a movie one day. In this aesthetic, I put three of Ruben's most remarkable characteristics and some emojis that relate to him. As you probably already know, I wanted a picture of Ralph in pirate clothes, but unfortunately, I couldn't find any. I hope you all liked it! Let me know if you also imagined Ralph as Ruben.
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