《From Classy to piracy (Buggy the clown x reader) | Complete》Chapter 7 - Threat


You didn't notice when you fell asleep. You do remember having a fun dream before hearing a voice wake you.

"Hey, (y/n)." You heard and opened your eyes, seeing Mohji. You sat up, seeing your here human again and yawned. He unlocked the cage, and moved. You moved to step out and stretched.

"Follow me." He said. You followed him up. Once on deck, you saw everyone was doing something, unlike when you were first brought abroad. Some were cleaning the deck, others the guns and some were putting away a sail. You wanted to look around, but didn't, only followed Mohji. He led you to a door, knocked and walked away. You were about to follow but the door opened, reveling Buggy.

"Ah, Sweetheart. Come in." He said. You walked in and saw him sit down in front of a desk.

"My name is (y/n)." You said, trying to sound nice, but it came out a rude.

"Again, I don't care. I called you in here to tell you some good news." He said. You hoped it was your freedom, but your gut told you it wasn't.

"And?" You asked. Buggy looked irritated.

"And should i have you sit in your cage again?" He asked. You looked down.

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful." You said. You really weren't. You were trying to escape by gaining his trust, not by being rude.

"It's alright. I understand." He said. You looked at him. He was smiling.

"Well, as I said, I have good news. I decided to put you into the kitchens. You won't be cooking but you will be prepping the food, like you did with the potatoes." He said. You let out a groan.


"Why! I'm not use to it! I don't want to be apart of this crew or a pirate! I want to go home!" You yelled. You knew it was stupid, but your anger came back and you forgot about trying to gain his trust.

"Well you shouldn't have eaten that devil fruit than." Buggy said.

"Well I don't want it!" You yelled. He smirked.

"I can get rid of it then, if you want." He said. You froze, why was he so calm.

"Fine." You said. Once he did, you would grab it and run, jumping into the ocean. Buggy smiled, jumping up and pinned you, a knife to your throat. Fear clenched your body, you couldn't move or even scream.

"I will have to kill you first Sweetheart." He said. Your mouth dropped. He leaned in close.

"Do you still want me to take it from you?" He asked. You tried to say no, but nothing came out and you began to shake. Buggy moved off you and you sat up, moving away from him till your back hit the wall.

"Listen to me now sweetheart. If I tell you to prep food, you will. If I tell you to jump, you will. If I tell you that you won't go anywhere till you die and I get that devil fruit, you won't go anywhere. Do I make myself clear?" Buggy asked. You shuddered the only thing you could think of to get you away from this pirate.

"Y-yes C-captain Buggy."

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