《From Classy to piracy (Buggy the clown x reader) | Complete》Chapter 1 - Sea life.


(y/n) - Your name

(h/l) - Hair length

(h/c) - Hair color

(e/c) - Eye color

You smiled as you looked out onto the sea. Your (h/l), (h/c) blew in the wind. The smell of the water hit your face, but that was the best part of being on a cruise. You loved to just look out onto the endless water of the Blue sea. You sighed happily and turned, seeing your mother and father, relaxing in the sun.

"Mother, Father, Why didn't we just take our own yacht? Why go on this cruise, not that I'm complaining." You asked, taking a cup of water from one of your servants that came with this cruise. Your mother smiled but your father spoke.

"Why, (y/n), don't you remember? My friend, Sakazuki, is transporting one of the Devil fruits and wanted us to come along on this wonderful ship." He said. You smiled.

"Oh, yeah." You said and finished your water. You sat down and closed your (e/c) eyes. Life was wonderful. With your father's and mother's connections in the marines, you knew your hand would never see any kind of work, besides helping them count money.

"(y/n)." You heard and looked. It was Sakazuki. You sat up.

"Hello Admiral." You said. He smiled at you.

"Would you like to see a devil fruit?" He asked. Your eyes widened in joy. You looked to your parents and they nodded. You jumped up.

"Yes! How did you know?" You asked following him once he began to walk. He smiled.

"Your father told me you always wanted to see one." He said. You smiled, putting a mental note in your head to thank him later. Sakazuki lead you below the decks, a place only authorized personnel is allowed. That were you saw it. It was every shade of green at once, making it look different when you moved.


"Wow. What kind is it?" You asked, looking at it. It was in an open box, something you assumed Sakazuki did before getting you.

"We don't know. It's a new one so a lot of pirates are after it." He said. Soon, a guard came in, asking for Sakazuki. He nodded.

"(y/n), stay here. You can pick up the fruit also, just don't eat it." He said, leaving. You let out a laugh and picked it up, looking at it. You heard the door open again and turned, hoping to see him but you didn't. No you saw something much worse.

"P-pirates." you stuttered.

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