《The Man Without Fear [Daredevil Male Reader X MCU]》The God Without Fear: Ragnarok
[Hey everyone and welcome to the final entry in 'The God Without Fear' arc of this book. I really hope you have all been enjoying it so far, and I hope you will all enjoy this epic conclusion. Now just a quick update, I released the Moon Knight book, and at the writing of this I have not seen the results for The first Chapter, so be sure to check it out...I've tried to make it fresh while also adding the movies into it. So be sure to go check that out after reading this chapter if you haven't already. But with that being said, let's get into today's chapter.]
[3rd Person POV]
Later that same day both (Y/n) and Thor could be seen looking out the large window that ran across the side of Hulk's room that he had been staying in while on Sakaar. Both males caste their gaze to the parked Quinjet that still remained in the junkyard across from them, but whereas Thor seemed impatient and eager to get out of Sakaar, (Y/n) on the other hand was calm and collected, perhaps due to the fact that even though he wanted to get off this planet and see his loving girlfriends, he also loved to seen, and something told him that once his stay with Thor was done he would be unable to do that ever again.
(Y/n): "You alright? You been looking out that window at the Quinjet for an hour now."
Thor: "Because I want to get off this stupid planet, (Y/n), my home is in danger. I should be fighting my evil sister, not..." [He looks around but struggles to find the right words] "...Standing here."
Immediately (Y/n) felt sorry for Thor, and upon feeling sorry for the Norse god, he had also come upon the fact at how selfish he had been lately. Here he was trying to prolong the escape so he could see, when right now Asgard could be placed in eternal ruin. His next cause of action is to slowly close his eyes, letting the voice of Thor fade into the distance as (Y/n) focuses all of his energy on seeing Asgard. Soon (Y/n) finds his body floating around in an endless void of darkness, the small specks of stars in the distance light up his way as he travels through a realm of his mind and soul combined. But he does not fear this...Remember, he's a god of not fearing things now.
(Y/n): "Heimdall, I need you to help me...Help me see."
Immediately upon opening his eyes next (Y/n) finds himself standing in a lone corridor of stone, and even though he didn't know how, he knew he was on Asgard. Momentarily (Y/n) looks around in confusion before setting his eyes straight ahead to see Heimdall looking directly at him.
Heimdall: "I see you, Sir Devil, but you're far away."
(Y/n): [Looks around] "What's going on here?"
Heimdall: "Come see for yourself."
Slowly (Y/n) begins to follow Heimdall through the corridors, around turns and twists before finally coming to a clear that showed the burning lands of Asgard from high. As (Y/n) approached the edge he looked around at a group of 20 or so Asgardians on high alert, but from their calm expressions (Y/n) guessed they couldn't see him.
Heimdall: "I'm providing refuge in a stronghold built by Asgards ancestors. But if the garrison falls, our only escape is Bifrost. That's when we'll need you to come in."
(Y/n): [Immediately turns around] "You're talking about evacuating Asgard?"
Before Heimdall can answer the sound of Hela's undead soldiers snarl loudly, alerting the Asgardians and the Man without Fear to duck behind the stone wall as they pass by.
Heimdall: "We won't last long if we stay. She draws her power from Asgard and grows stronger every day. Come on."
Waiting for the perfect opportunity Heimdall dashes out from behind the stones and begins leading his fellow Asgardians through the stone corridors all the while a confused and worried (Y/n) reluctantly follows after them.
(Y/n): "What?! No. I-I can't save you...I don't even know how to see Earth, let alone control the Bifrost. You can't put your faith in me."
Beginning to tear up (Y/n) drops to his knee's using Hofund as a means of maintaining his balance as the unholy amount of pressure continued to build on his shoulders. Heimdall saw the pain in (Y/n)'s body and slowly approached the young man, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder causing the man filled with the powers of a god to look up at him.
Heimdall: "From what Thor has told me, you place faith in a god you cannot see, yes?"
(Y/n): [Drops head] "Not now."
Heimdall: "Yes. Now is the perfect time for this. Now. Do you place your faith in a god you cannot see?!"
Heimdall screamed, this proceeded to send a burst of anger through (Y/n)'s veins as he jumps to his feet and screams back at Heimdall, their faces inches away from one another.
(Y/n): "Every night!!!...Every night I place my faith in him. Every time I step out onto those dark and unforgiving streets. You know why, because even though I can't see people, I can see their souls, I can see the fear and hopeless void that plunges their hearts daily. That's why I do what I do. So I can show people that have had the whole world thrown against them that they can stand up and fight..."
Heimdall: [Chuckles] "Then you already have enough faith in you."
(Y/n): "Huh? W-What do you mean?"
Heimdall: "You don't get it? You place your faith in someone you can't see, like how the people of the City of York place their faith in you...To protect them at night. You already have their faith, and with faith...anything is possible. Now, Hela is ravenous. If I let her leave, she'll consume Nine Realms and all the cosmos. But there is still a chance that we don't need to flee...We need you and Thor."
(Y/n): [Scoffs] "Yeah, we've tried getting out of here. But there's no way."
Heimdall: "There is always a way."
Slowly Heimdall begins to step backwards as Hela's undead soldiers began charging at the former keeper of the BIfrost after being attracted by (Y/n)'s screams. But before (Y/n) faded away he was offered one last bit of advice."
Heimdall: "You're on a planet filled with doorways...Go through one."
(Y/n): "Door ways? Which one?"
Heimdall: "The big one."
With that Heimdall raised his sword and sliced through (Y/n)'s body, the God without Fear disappearing as Heimdall easily kills both of Hela's soldiers. Meanwhile with (Y/n) he finds himself standing back in front of the large window back on Sakaar. The sun had now gone down and the moon stood tall in the sky, seemingly showcasing (Y/n)'s subconscious travelling had lasted for quite some time. Once he regained himself (Y/n) searched around the room before finally spotting Thor and Hulk sitting together on the latter's large bed.
Hulk: "Thor sad."
Thor: "Shut up."
Hulk: "Thor sad."
Hulk repeated as (Y/n) approached the two.
(Y/n): "Why's Thor sad?"
Thor: [Groans] "I'm not sad, you idiot. I'm pissed off! Angry. I lost my father. I lost my hammer. And my sister, she...She's evil."
(Y/n): [Mutters] "And I talk about Wanda and Nat too much, huh?"
Thor: "What was that?"
(Y/n): "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all, please, continue."
And so Thor does continue, in fact, the trio actually end up having a heart to heart conversation. Thor was called a baby, Hulk was called the stupid Avenger, and (Y/n) was once more told by Thor that he practically doesn't stop talking about his girlfriends. Honestly, (Y/n) was starting to consider whether Thor might be a little jealous about the God without Fear. I mean, sure, Thor could have any Asgardian females he wanted, but when it came to the heroines amongst Earth (Y/n) seemed to be the pro in that jurisdiction.
It eventually came to an end when the newly refound hope in (Y/n) forced the God without Fear to ask Hulk for help with a certain someone; and that certain someone came around about 15 minutes later when she entered the room and began playfully fighting with Hulk, only stopping when she found Thor standing in the corner awkwardly leaning against a rack of space booze. (Y/n) just looked at the god of thunder funnily as he stepped passed Thor, shaking his head and slowly began to approach Valkyrie who had by now figured out the little setup.
Valkyrie: "You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone?"
Thor: "Listen. We need to talk."
Valkyrie: "No, you wanna talk to me."
(Y/n): "Please, stay?"
Valkyrie: [In a sing-song voice] "Nope~"
With a fake amused face Valkyrie spins around and goes to exit the room. (Y/n) proceeded to reach out about to say something when suddenly when suddenly he was cut off by Thor for the better...or the much worse.
Thor: "If you stay (Y/n) will let you hook up with him."
Immediately (Y/n)'s eyes burst open as he spun around and looked directly at Thor.
(Y/n): [Blushes slightly] "N-No."
He spins around to see Valkyrie had stopped moving before she turns around and grins at (Y/n).
Valkyrie: "Is that so?"
She says with a teasing tone. (Y/n) goes to clear things up but is stopped by Thor who repeatedly pats (Y/n) on the chest as he walks by the God without Fear, a classic Thor grin running across his Asgardian face.
Thor: "Indeed. (Y/n) has laid many wome-Hargh!"
(Y/n): [Covers Thor's mouth] "I have not laid many women. I have...'laid' three...Okay, four. But I did two of them at once so it doesn't count."
Valkyrie: "Oh, I think it does~"
(Y/n): [Stutters] "W-Well, I'm sorry but I-I will not be doing any of t-that...with you. I already have two girlfriends, a-and--"
Valkyrie: "I don't mind~"
(Y/n): [Blushing even more] "Uh. B-But they might." [Sighs] "Listen. We could really use your help, just please...Stay and listen?"
Sighing Valkyrie shakes and head and chuckles slightly before beginning to move over towards the supply of space booze where she proceeded to grab the biggest bottle.
Valkyrie: "Alright. Here's the deal. I'll listen to you till this is empty."
(Y/n): "R-Really? Alright. Cool. Um, Thor, do you wanna...?"
Thor: "Hmm? Oh, yes, right. Okay, so Asgard is in danger and people are dying. We need to get back there. We really...Wow."
Unable to finish his sentence Thor couldn't help but be impressed as Valkyrie finished off the space booze with ease, smashing the bottle to the ground afterwards.
Valkyrie: "Finished. Bye."[She turns around and begins to walk away, offering (Y/n) a short wink. But not being satisfied by this (Y/n) took in a deep breath before stepping to the side and jumping in front of her.
Valkyrie: "Can I help you?"
She says with a seemingly innocent smile.
(Y/n): "Listen..." [Sighs and mutters] "I can't believe I'm about to say this" [Out loud] "Listen. I'm not going to...uh, sleep with you. B-But if you promise to help, I can...Do something else."
A grin began to form on Valkyrie's lips, the smell of space booze still remained fresh on her breath as she sloppily ran a finger up and down the chest of his Daredevil suit.
Valkyrie: "I'm listening~"
A worried look slowly began to form on (Y/n)'s face as he began questioning whether what he was about to do was truly worth it or not.
But what he did must have done enough because the next thing (Y/n) knew He, Thor and Valkyrie were rushing through the junkyard in search of the Quinjet that Hulk arrived on. After a short search they eventually found the parked ship and rushed inside where Thor and (Y/n) began recklessly pressing random buttons until finally they got the ship to open up a little after (Y/n) pulled off his glove and placed his exposed hand onto the scanning pad in front of him.
Computer: (Female voice) "Welcome. Voice activation required."
(Y/n): "Huh? That's really all it takes? Well, here goes nothi--"
Seconds away from speaking (Y/n) is abruptly cut off by Thor.
Thor: "Wow. Calm down, (Y/n). I think I should do this."
(Y/n): "Uh, why?"
Thor: [Looks behind him at Valkyrie and smiles too her] "Remember...You're not an Avenger, you say so yourself."
(Y/n) was about to argue back with Thor, but for some reason he reluctantly pulled away with a small and seemingly innocent smile.
(Y/n): "Alright, Thor...Be my guest."
Smiling proudly Thor takes (Y/n)'s place in front of the screen and leans down slightly until his face was mere inches away from the computer. He offers another grin to (Y/n) before coughing and finally speaking up.
Thor: "Thor." [Leans against the wall] "See, it's that--"
Computer: "Access denied."
Thor: [Confused, but chuckles] "Uh. Thor, son of Odin."
Computer: "Access denied."
Thor: "God of Thunder."
Computer: "Access denied."
Thor: "Strongest Avenger."
Computer: "Access denied."
(Y/n): "Having a little trouble there, Thor?"
He says with a light chuckle as Valkyrie joins in. Thor just offers them a fake amused look before turning back to the screen and repeating his previous sentence a little louder.
Thor: "Strongest. Avenger."
Computer: "Access denied."
Immediately Thor screams and goes to smash the computer only for (Y/n) to step in, raising his hand in front of Thor before turning around and grinning at Valkyrie momentarily then choosing to finally align his face with the computer.
(Y/n): "Man Without Fear."
Computer: "Welcome, Man Without Fear."
Thor: [Mutters] "Damn you, Stark."
(Y/n) and Valkyrie merely chuckle at Thor's missed opportunity, but he doesn't stay mad for much longer as the Quinjet begins powering up. Everything finally seemed perfect for (Y/n) and Thor, they'd finally be able to get off this planet and go up against Hela. But of course, nothing is ever easy as the sound of rumbling rocks the ground momentarily, but before (Y/n) or Thor could do anything about it the back of the Quinjet was suddenly ripped off, the cause soon being shown to be Hulk who roars desperately as he tosses the torn off piece of the ship to the side of the junkyard.
Hulk: "Friends stay!"
Thor: "No, no, no! Stop!"
Hulk doesn't seem to take in a single word from the god of thunder as he simply begins charging forward, powering down the Quinjet and destroying the roof almost in union as he continues to charge for his friends.
(Y/n): "Hulk, stop breaking everything!"
He says as he reckless presses buttons on the control panel.
Hulk: "Don't go!"
With no other choice (Y/n) uses his quick thinking before suddenly an idea comes to his mind. Immediately the God without Fear jumps into the air, someone narrowly overshooting Hulk and the roof of the Quinjet before landing behind the green monster. As Hulk continues to charge towards Thor and Valkyrie, (Y/n) doesn't waste a second and jumps onto the green giants back before proceeding to apply some kind of pressure points into the back of Hulk. At first nothing seemed to happen when suddenly Hulk screamed as he came to a stop, slowly he dropped to his knees as (Y/n) jumped off his back.
Immediately Hulk's body begins shaking violently against the sides of the ship, his head crashing into the windows as he screams for relief. He even went as far as grasping his head as if in pain before finally smashing straight into the ground and gripping the floor tightly as the others just watched in silence as Hulk's body slowly began to shrink into Bruce Banner's, a somewhat welcoming sight for Thor and (Y/n) who were quick to notice Banners nakedness.
(Y/n): "Oh, jeez. Banner."
Quickly (Y/n) rushes over to his friend and wraps Bruce's lower half with the nearby large clothes Hulk was previously using as shorts.
Bruce: "Hah? Where...Where am I?"
(Y/n): "Hey, hey, hey. You all right, Bruce?"
Thor: [Slowly approaching] "The Sun's going down. Sun's going down. That's it, breathe. I won't hurt you. Sun's going down."
Thor continued to say over and over again as he slowly sat down next to Bruce on one side just as (Y/n) did on the other.
Thor: [To you] "How'd you do that?"
(Y/n): "Oh, a friend of mine taught me. He tends to call himself 'The Imortal Iron Fist' like, a lot. You ever hear of him?"
Thor: [Shakes his head] "No, can't say I have."
(Y/n): "Oh."
A moment of silence filled the Quinjet as (Y/n) and Thor just looked around the small ship, but that wasn't for long as their attention was soon placed on Bruce who was slowly regaining his surroundings after being Hulk for so long.
Bruce: (Y-Y/n)? Thor?"
(Y/n): "Yeah. It's us man."
Slowly Bruce began to lift his head, but almost immediately as soon as he saw the certain differences that his two friends now carried he was pushed backwards by shock. Thankfully it didn't take long before Bruce was able to calm down, though that didn't stop him from looking at his friends who now carried new looks.
Bruce: [To You] "What happened to your suit?"[Glances at Thor] "A-And your hair. Wow..."
He slowly reaches out and touches Thor's hair, only for the god of thunder to whack his hand away.
Thor: "Some creepy old man cut it off."
Bruce: "Oh...It, uh...It looks good."
Next Bruce turns his attention to (Y/n) and is about to say something when suddenly they're cut off by a very familiar voice.
"Alright, big guy, this is Natasha. You've done a great job but we need you to turn the ship around now."
Slowly (Y/n) begins to stand up as Bruce and Thor turn towards the direction of the voice. Valkyrie as well does the same and just raises an eyebrow at the woman with red hair that now occupies a hologram screen forced by the ship.
Valkyrie: [While looking at the video] "Who's she suppose to be?"
(Y/n): "...She's, uh..."
He doesn't finish his sentence, instead (Y/n) slowly begins to approach the recording of Natasha, almost tripping over some of the rubble caused by Hulk's earlier shut down. But (Y/n) pays no attention to this as he reaches the video and drops to the one knee, a smile dawning on his face as he slowly reaches out. All the while Valkyrie joins Thor and Bruce at the back, all three still staring at the video, though Valkyrie was noticeably a little more silent then normal.
Valkyrie: "Don't tell me that's one of his girlfriends?"
Thor: [Narrows eyes] "Yep."
Bruce: "Uh, hold up! (Y/n)'s dating Natasha again? I thought they broke up?"
Valkyrie: [Quickly turns to Thor] "They did?!"
Thor: "Yes, well, they're back together now."
Bruce: [In a smooth tone] "They are..?"
He finishes off with a small smile before Valkyrie suddenly shoves Bruce out of the way, not carrying a single smile at all.
Valkyrie: "THEY ARE?!"
Thor: "Yeah, plus he's also dating that Wanda girl, or at least that's what (Y/n) is saying but I just think he's saying all of this to just get me jealous." [Chuckles] "I mean...Can you believe that? Me...Jealous?"
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