《His Daredevil》20


Chapter Twenty - Badass Bitch

"God fucking dammit!" I huff in frustration as I keep wiggling while my leg screams in protest. "Come on, you bastard! Loosen up!"

As soon as Dan had left I started the grueling task of getting myself out of these ropes with a knife wound. My brothers had taught me how to get myself out of these situations when we used to live in the rougher side of town. When I was being tied to the chair I made sure to go through all the steps I've been taught so that I could position myself in such a way that I couldn't be tied tightly.

To my luck the guy got frustrated quickly with me and didn't care how tight the ropes were. I never needed their lessons until now and for that I'm grateful. Wait till I tell them about how I kicked this delusional motherfucker's ass! I grin widely to myself.

Eventually, after what feels like hours, the ropes loosen completely for me to get one of my arms through. With a deep breath I take the knife out of my thigh and bite my lip hard to stifle my pained scream. By this time, I'm sweating bullets and panting harshly from exhaustion as I cut at the rope.

I finally cut myself free and stand but a loud gasp escapes me when I almost stumble to the ground because of the sting that shoots through my leg. Gritting my teeth, I take off my shirt and tie it around my wound in a makeshift bandage just so the bleeding will stop. Now left in only my tank top and jeans I grab the duct tape that's left on the table and take hold of the chair. As quietly as I can I make sure everything is positioned so that my plan works out perfectly.

With a deep breath to steel my nerves and a firm grip around the knife and duct tape I knock on the door. Just as I suspected Cody is dumb enough to open it and look inside instead of calling someone. Working quickly, I knee him in the balls with my good leg and slap some duct tape across his mouth to prevent him from making much noise. The door shuts behind him as I grab his gun and put it into the back of my jeans. I struggle to drag him to the chair but eventually manage to get him on it before duct taping his entire torso and legs to it.

"Cody...you good man – hey!"

Just as I finish the door slams open and gritting my teeth I throw myself at the two men that enter. I struggle to fight against them at the start because of my leg but I manage to throw their guns to the back of the room and get a few stab wounds in with my knife. I make one of them stumble before grabbing his long hair and slamming his head repeatedly against the ground until he's out cold.


The other guy recovers in that time and lunges at me with a brutal punch to my ribs. I gasp in pain before groaning as I headbutt him. He pins me on the ground and takes the dagger from my hand before trying to stab me. I knee him in the stomach before quickly grabbing the gun from the back of my jeans.

Seeing no choice as he's aiming straight for my chest I shoot his side before pushing him off me. I'm thankful it had a silencer on it which was probably because there's a neighborhood nearby that I saw on the way. The guy wails in pain and shudders against the wall. It takes me a moment to shake it off before I get up and limp back to Cody.

I press a gun to his head before peeling away just a tiny bit of the duct tape for him to speak. "Scream and you're dead. How many others are out there?"

"O-Only me and these two g-guys were inside the house. Nobody is outside b-but you won't –"

I cover his mouth with more duct tape just in case before grabbing the ropes and tying him for extra measure. While I'm working on him I feel something in his pocket and take it out. My eyes brighten in joy when I realize it's his mobile and I quickly call the police. These guys are dumb as fuck! I think to myself in glee.

Sighing in annoyance I rip a little bit of the duct tape again. "Give me the exact location and nothing else or I'll blow your brains out."

His eyes widen as I press the gun against his head. "Tw-Twenty-Two H-H –"

"Hurry up! Does it look like I have all fucking day?!" I hiss as I press the gun further into his throat. It doesn't take him long to give me the address before I slap another piece of duct tape on him since the one I ripped is now loose.

"Not so smart now are you?" I chuckle breathlessly before grabbing the gun and making sure there's bullets inside. "Good luck dickface!"

I salute him before stepping out into the hallway and closing the door. It's one of your usual two-story houses except it's unkept and there's a horrid smell of dampness. I make my way through the silent house only to come to the realization that not even Dan is here. There's no movement, no sounds, nothing.

I quickly dial the number and a female voice answers. "911 dispatch. What is the nature of your emergency?"

"Hi, this is Elena Moretti. I was kidnapped by a serial killer who goes by the initials D.S." I explain quickly as I try the front door only to find it locked. Face palming myself because of how antsy I am to get out of here I quickly provide the address to her as well.

"Okay Elena, someone will be there to help you shortly. Stay on the line, I have more instructions for you." She says before asking me about what injuries I have.


I tell her everything that happened and she tells me to hold on...until a car pulls up just as I'm about to try the back door. I freeze and my heart races a mile a minute when I realize it's not the police because I'm pretty sure there would be sirens and shouting. I curse under my breath when I find the back door to be locked also and all the windows are barred. I hear Dan come in, lock the front door and after setting his keys down on the table he makes his way to the room I'm supposed to be in.

I hear his angry yell before he turns and walks back out only to find me standing there with a gun. His eyes widen considerably before they narrow and he points his own gun straight at me. I smirk even though I'm shitting bricks on the inside and would much rather be anywhere in the world than here.

"Seriously? You used countless of men to try to get me before and when you finally have me tied up in a room you leave three brainless idiots to watch over me?" I roll my eyes at the utter stupidity of this guy. "You're not very good at being a serial killer."

He chuckles albeit humorlessly before I notice his jaw lock tightly. "I didn't think you'd be smart enough to get out."

"You're joking right?" I pause before sighing and shaking my head dramatically. "Come on now Danny, even I would have done better than this! You had so much potential!"

"Shut the fuck up!" He seethes before his finger finds the trigger again.

"If you shoot me, I shoot you. Trust me bitch I'm not afraid to pull the trigger either."

"Anyone notice the oil tanker truck coming straight at us...on the wrong side of the fucking road?!" Devon yells at the top of his lungs from the back seat.

I swerve onto the other side in a drift before racing down the highway in the direction we came from just as the oil tanker truck explodes into a ball of fire. Everyone screams at the volume and sudden heat as I accelerate to get us away from it.

"Fuck this shit! He can have her!" Mac yells and I glare at him murderously. He grins sheepishly before swatting my arm. "I'm kidding man, that was fucking awesome!"

I shake my head as I find a way to get back on track again. Ever since we set out to find Elena D.S. has been throwing us off by sending multiple obstacles our way. We've shot down many of his men, been chased by several vehicles trying to throw us off the road, forced off track about four times and now, he sent an oil tanker truck to kill us. My car is fucking ruined by now.

"Dakota get me a new route!" I order and she quickly gives me directions of where to go.

Devon, Morgan and Mac have been continuously reloading their guns and shooting the men following us. It doesn't take long for them to show up again and I find myself baffled over how much money this kid has.

"Your guess was right as always! Fucking prick is filthy rich!" Mac yells before leaning out of the window and shooting at a car which causes it to eventually overturn and roll off the bridge.

"We need to get faster cars! This is fucking shit! They're already catching up!" Morgan shouts as he shoots a guy off a motorbike.

"Oh my god what if they give us fast supercars?! Imagine!" Devon laughs joyfully as he whips out an axe from god knows where and bursts a car's tires while Dakota shoots the driver.

"This isn't a movie!" Dakota hisses before reloading her gun.

"Hey! A guy can dream!"

"Shut up and kill these fuckers already!" I shout in frustration as a car shoves me to the side and a loud screech fills my ears.

Eventually we lose them and speed down to the location Briar had told us. We drive past the national forest and towards the back of it, following her directions before heading towards a house at the far back of a neighborhood. I frown in confusion when I see police cars and an ambulance already at the scene. One guy, completely covered in duct tape and rope, is brought out of the house in handcuffs. Two others are carried away on stretchers.

A paramedic runs up to the door and yells at another to bring them more gauze. I feel my heart skip a beat in terror when I realize Elena's still in there. I race inside with the team following behind and ignore everyone's protest. She's laying on the floor looking horribly roughed up and I wince when I catch sight of the wound on her thigh and head along with the bruises and cuts on her skin. I start to run towards her in panic when I spot her shoulder bleeding heavily. She's talking to the paramedics with drooping eyelids before her mesmerizing brown eyes meet mine.

"Fuck, she looks pissed." Mac mutters from behind me.

"Took you long enough!" She snaps at me angrily with a fierce glare. "You piece of shit! I would've found you quicker than this if our roles were reversed!"

"Oh my god –" Morgan starts before Devon ends with, "I love her!"

"If you don't marry her I will." The boys, even Dakota, say in unison from behind me.

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- R.W. ♡

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