《The Asshole with a Motorcycle》Asshole with a Motorcycle
I didn't talk to Jay the rest of the day or the next. He didn't try to either. We both had our problems and we had to deal with them.
We had Englishfirst period on Monday. I pulled my hair down to cover the ugly purple and blue bruise on my cheek bone and walked in to class with my head down.
I got to my seat and kept my head down. It's not like this never happened before. I just say I fell off my bike.
I looked up as Jay walked in. He knocked on my desk as he walked by. I smiled at him and he gave me a smile back.
His smile disappeared when he saw my face.
"What happened?" He demanded.
"I was riding around on my bike yesterday and I wasn't paying attention and I ran into a pole." I shrugged.
He looked like he was looking for the lie in my story. He decided there was none and laughed. "And you talk to me about being safe."
I cracked a smile and looked down at my books.
"Oh one more thing." Jay said from behind me. "I can't bring you home tonight. I have to run some stuff between my mom and dad."
I nodded. "Cool."
The day went by in a blur because I spent more of it behind my hair. At lunch, sitting alone, I felt like had been hit again. All of my friends abandoned me. Not like I had many to begin with. They all had better things to do, better people to see.
I got home that after noon to a quiet house. Everyone was still at work and school.
Same thing the next day. And then next.
On Thursday, I sat on the couch and curled up in the blankets quietly. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes.
I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until the phone rang.
I jumped up and grabbed the receiver to look at the caller ID. It was... The hospital?
I assumed it was one of my dad's test results so I answered the phone with a happy tone.
"Ellie Benjamin?" The lady asked.
"Yes?" I asked. That's when my heart started racing.
"I'm calling on the behalf on Jason Stevenson?" She asked.
I swallowed hard. "Yes?"
"He has been in a bad crash. He keeps insisting that we don't call his parents, but just you instead." She responded. "You should come down as quick as you can."
I nodded, and then realized she wouldn't see me. "Yea, I’ll be there as soon as I can."
"Alright. I'll meet you at the front desk. Just ask for Jenny." She said and hung up.
I think I should clarify something. I have been able to drive for the last 2 years. I just don't have my own car yet. And taking the bus, getting to the hospital seemed to take a century.
I finally got to the hospital and powered walked to the front desk. The entire time, My only though was "that bastard was driving his goddamn motorcycle recklessly and crashed.”
I tried to keep my breathing even as I waited for Jenny to get down to the desk.
"Ellie Benjamin?" A blond lady in scrubs called.
"Here!" I jumped up. "God is he okay? I told him..."
"Come with me." She lead me down numerous hallways, I lost track of how many turns we took.
We stopped in front of a privet room.
"He's here." Jenny said as we walked in. "He just came out if surgery. He has been stable the whole time. He had major injuries to his leg and shoulders. I think it was externally lucky he didn't completely shatter any bones."
"What happened?" I whispered. My voice had given up on me. Seeing him lay there, skin covered in bandages and looking as pale as ever. It terrified me.
"He seemed to have swerved off the road and hit a tree. They found him slumped against the tree, under his motorbike." Jenny nodded.
I bit my lip. I told him, damn it. I warned him.
"Thank you." I replied. "When is he supposed to wake up? When did this happen?"
"Well he was brought in about two hours ago." She started. Right after school I thought.
"He was in surgery for one. He is actually just sleeping now." She said. "I'll leave you two. Holler if anything happens okay?"
I nodded and she gave me a pitiful smiled, and then walked out.
I pulled a chair beside Jay's bed and sat down. "What the hell were you thinking?" I said. "You promised."
"You know, it's rude to talk about someone behind their back." A sleepy voice said.
I looked up at Jay as he slowly began to open his eyes. His normally brown eyes that had this mischievous glint in it now looked tired and scared.
"Thank you for being here." He smiled weakly.
"Oh course." I held his hand. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"What?" He asked.
"I told you to drive carefully."
"Hold on-" he started, becoming more awake with every word.
"No. Jay I'm here to make sure you're okay. Not for an excuse. We made a promise."
"I know... I know..." He stammered.
"Look, you should call you mom." I said. "I'm not staying here with someone who is risking his life and others for fun or because he's emotional."
"Ellie wait-" I cut him off again.
"Good bye Jay." I sniffled and let go of his hand.
"I saved his goddamned life!" Jay blurted out, but it was slurred, he was still sort of drowsy.
"What?" I asked.
"I was about to safely take off from a red light when this idiot bike in front of me and I swerved to avoid him. I ran into the tree, he fell of his bike. That's what happened." Jay said, winded.
"I didn't know... I didn't think..." I stammered.
"You didn't think. You assumed. You always assume! I am not a reckless driver or just an asshole with a motorcycle." He grunted, moving the one hand he could still move with his shoulders.
"I know..." He cut me off.
"I think you should leave." He turned away from me.
"You called me down here! I could always get your dad down here."
He turned back to me. "That's low. Even for you."
"Excuse you." I replied.
"You don't have any idea how my dad is. You would never understand." Jay shook his head.
I almost laughed in amusement. "I don't understand? Wanna know something? I haven't ridden my bike in years." I pointed to the bruise on my face that was still pretty clearly outlined.
"What?" He asked.
"Never mind. I just always assume. Maybe your dad is worst than I know, maybe I have no idea how he is." I shook my head. "I'll leave you alone with your pain."
I walked out of the room before he could say anything else. The tears threatening to fall from my eyes finally did and they wouldn't stop.
I sat on one if the chairs outside the rooms and cried. I was stupid to think this would work in the first place. Especially with what I know now about our families.
I sat in the chair until I heard beeping and then a few yells from down the hall.
My eyes went straight to Jay's room. Right above his room, was a flashing light. I jumped to my feet and ran over to his room. He was lying on the floor, wrapped in the sheet, eyes closed. I could feel my breath stop in my throat. I couldn't breathe. All I could feel was the warm water rolling down my cheeks.
I stood frozen, out of the way in the room as the nurses picked his up and put him on the bed. A shot of adrenalin later, he was wake, eyes looking wildly around the room.
"Wha- what happened?" He said trying to push himself off the bed.
"Sir, sir." The doctor started. "You need to lay down."
"What happened?" He asked as he stopped struggling.
"You fell off the bed." The doctor said. "And apparently hit your head."
"Oops." He mumbled.
"Okay you need to stay in the bed and try not to get up again." He nodded and left. The nurses left shortly after.
I stared at him; he was staring at the ceiling. I didn't know what to say.
After another moment of silence, he spoke. "Ellie, are you still here?"
"Yea." I nodded.
"Been here the whole time?" He asked, still not looking at me.
"Yea." I replied again.
"Come here." He commanded.
I walked over to the bed and looked down at him. He finally looked at me.
"Thank God." He said and moved his hand to hold mine. I grabbed it and I could feel tears forming my eyes in my eyes again.
"Don't scare me like that again." I said and hiccupped though the tears.
"Don't worry I don't plan on going anywhere." He whispered, his eyes glistening with tears. "And I don't plan on letting you go."
I laughed as he moved his hand up to my face. "Stop crying over me. I'm not that special." He said as he tried to whip my tears.
"Shut up." I replied as sat on the bed beside him.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked holding my hand again.
"Yea?" I tuned to him.
"I think you're really pretty." He whispered.
Then I realized something.
I cracked a smile. "How much morphine did they give you?"
He pointed to his iv. "A lot." He gave me a goofy grin.
I laughed. "I can tell."
"But really though. You are so pretty and you have really pretty eyes."
"Thank you. So do you." I stared into his eyes as they searched my face for something else to talk about.
Instead, he reached up and tapped my nose. "Boop."
I giggled and pulled his hand from my face.
I held his hand as he stared at me. "I love you."
"What?" I asked, looking up, taken back by what he said.
"I love you and your stupid hair after you wake up and your stupid pretty eyes and your stupid smile." He said, burring side of his face into his pillow.
"I love you too." I whispered.
"Good because if you didn't this would be awkward." He made a face at me.
I laughed and stood up. "I have to go."
"Nooo." Jay held on to my hand. "Don't leave yet."
"I have to or else I'll fall off my bike some more." I gave him a small smile.
"Okay." He let go of my hand. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Same time." I nodded and walked towards the door.
Before I left, I heard him mumbling to himself.
"I'm in love." He sighed. "With the prettiest girl."
He was really put of it.
As I walked out of the room, I bumped into a group of girls from school.
I looked at them and they looked at me. Then I remembered I was here, bed head from my nap hours ago, wrinkly jeans and t-shirt. They stood there, short shorts, little see though t-shirts and perfect hair. Honestly, to me, they all looked the same.
I looked at them then before walked off said "if you want your moment with Jay Stevenson, take it now while he's hopped up on drugs, they way you like them."
I ran down the hall before they could react. But my curious mind got the best of me and I saw all of the thoughts on Jay's news feed that night.
The next day, English was awfully quiet without him. I couldn't focus on anything the rest of the day. I was just counting down the hours until I could see his goofy face again. I was desperate to know if he meant anything he said yesterday.
Finally, last bell rang and I dashed for my locker and ran out to each the earlier bus. I had to take two busses, and doing that is not fun when you’re in a rush and miss the second one.
I bounced on my toes at the bus stop when a girl, a few years older than me walked over.
"Um, do you know which bus passes by here?" She asked quietly.
"23, 56, 45, which I'm waiting for." I smiled at her.
"Oh thanks!" She smiled. "Where are you heading?"
"Hospital." I nodded.
"Oh dear!" She said softly. She had delicate features, like a porcelain doll. Little hands, nose, eyes. Her golden brown hair fell in soft curls that perfectly framed her face. The jeans and t-shirt she was wearing did no justice. But she also radiated this... Peace. Like listening to her talk, you could be calm and tell her anything in the world.
"No no." I put my hand on my chest. "Not me! My boyfriend is there. He got hurt in a motorcycle accident yesterday."
"Oh." She frowned, her blue eyes piercing though my soul. "What's his name?"
"Jay." I smiled and watched as the 45 rolled to a stop in front of us. "This is me, it was nice meeting you."
"You too." She giggled and waved as I got on the bus. What a particular girl.
I finally got to the hospital up to Jay's room. As I walked in, I realized that a bunch of girls and guys stood around him. Some I saw yesterday, some I had seen the mall.
When Ricky looked up and spotted me, he nudged his friend.
He looked up as well, whispered something and walked to the other side of the room.
I took his place around Jay, earning some dirty looks from the other girls. Jay and I had been dating for two months, when will they stop doing that? It was just kind of annoying.
"Hey." I said softly.
Jay turned his head towards me. "Hey!" He's tired eyes brightened and a little colour filled his cheeks.
"How are you?"
"Better." He nodded. "They said I could try walking today."
"Really?" I smiled,
"Yea." He gave me a goofy grin. "If I pass the physical tonight, I get out tomorrow."
"That's wonderful!" I agreed. "But do you think your shoulder is up for it?"
"Yes, look at this." He lifted his left arm, as opposed to the right which was the only one he could lift yesterday.
"I'm proud." I kissed his left hand.
"Whore." I heard one girl mumble.
"Holy crap, we have been dating for like 2 months now. Get over yourself." I held his hand in one hand and gestured with the other.
"What's your problem?" Another boy commented. "No one said anything offensive."
"Yea, they did." I made a face. "Calling me a whore out of spite is offensive."
"So, you girls call each other it all the time." He shrugged.
"I have never." I shook my head. "I never let anyone. So why the hell should I let you?"
"Guys." Jay said quietly.
"Why the hell are you getting defensive?" The same guy shot back.
"Guys." Jay said a little louder.
We all stopped and looked at him.
"Please stop fighting." He said running his fingers though his hair. "It's making my head hurt."
"Ooo, sorry Jay." The first girl said.
I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you later Jay." I needed to talk to him, but I'm not going to put up with this bullshit.
I tried to let go of my hand but he gripped it stronger than I expected, especially with his shoulder. "No!"
I stopped and turned to him. He looked at everyone else. "I want to talk to her. Everyone else leave please."
They looked at each other then at me, then at Jay.
The mumbled good byes and shuffle out.
I looked at him. "You didn't have to do that."
"No." He swallowed hard. "I wanted to."
"Are you okay?" I gripped his hand.
"I'm good." He looked at me. "They tested me this morning. I'm really good."
"Of course, you are getting better." I smiled.
"Yea." He looked at me. "Did you mean what you said yesterday?"
"Which part?" I grinned.
"Your face and ..." He looked at the ceiling. "I love you part?"
I giggled. "Yea. Yea I did."
"Good. Because so did I." He kissed my hand.
"Okay Jay, we are ready- oh!" A familiar voice said behind me. It was the girl from the bus stop.
"You-?" I asked, at a loss for words.
"Oh sorry, Hi, I'm Cassie, currently Jay's physiotherapist. But not for long more right?" She smiled at him. He smiled back and I pointed at her.
"You're the girl from the bus stop..." I started.
"Sorry, I've never met you before." Cassie shrugged. "Okay, come on Jay let’s see if you pass that test. You may tag along as well if you like, ms....?"
"My name is Ellie. You can call me Ellie." I shook my head. Maybe I was going crazy.
We got Jay on to crutches and helped him wobble out of the room.
I sat on the side and started to watch him carefully start moving medicine balls around, walk on the treadmill for a little bit, then she did a medical exam on him.
I giggled at he had to take off his gown, leaving only his shorts on.
"What?" He asked, glaring at me.
"Nothing." I looked away. "Just first your pants, now your shirt. Just can't keep your clothes on around me can you?"
I watched him blush. I had never seen him blush before. "Shut up." He mumbled into his lap. Cassie just giggled.
"Okay Jay. All done. You can head back down to your room and we'll be there soon with the results." Cassie smiled and handed him his gown. "You can put it on, or keep it off. Whatever ms. Ellie would like."
This time it was my turn to blush. Jay laughed and grabbed the gown and put it on.
As I went over to help him, he leaned toward me and whispered. "I'll let you take it off later."
I hit his shoulder slightly then realized what I had done. "Oh my god I’m so sorry-"
He stopped me and leaned over again. "Honestly, it doesn't even hurt that much anymore..."
I smiled at him. "Good."
We headed back to his room and I helped him back into bed.
"You good?" I asked.
"Yea." He looked at me. "Do you have to leave now?"
"I'm sorry. I gotta be home because school." I shrugged.
He gave me a look. "Really?"
I nodded. "Yea." I kissed his forehead. He moved his hand and touched my face and touched the bruise.
"We are a mess. Maybe I should stop with the whole nice guy thing. Look how well it's working out" he laughed.
"Nah. It's worth it." I smiled and pulled away.
I got home that night and my dad was sitting on the porch, drinking pop. I thing I hated about this all, was the fact my dad never even drank.
"Ellie." He said.
"Yea?" I replied.
"Where have you been?"
"Blood test."
He put his tongue in his cheek. "Okay."
"Where is mom?" I asked.
"I don't know."
"Where are the girls?"
"I don't know."
I nodded and walked into the house.
When my dad got crazy, she usually took my sisters and left, sometimes for days. I looked around the house. There were broken glass, wood and a pot lying in the kitchen.
I silently began to clean up everything.
Right as I finished, my dad walked in.
"Where the hell is my phone charger?" He demanded.
"I don't know." I whispered.
"Really? Because I got stranded on the side of the road because the car broke down and my phone died." He said raising his voice.
"I don't know." I said again.
"You always touch everything I have!" He hit the pan of glass out of my hands. It broke in my hands, leaving a deep gash in my palm and the glass fell, slamming my toes.
"I didn't." My voice quivered.
I couldn't say anything else. Everything became burry with tears. All I could here was the drop of blood on the ground.
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[BHTT/Edit/Hoàn] Sở vị ái tình Đạo diễn cùng Ca sĩ
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