《affection - quackityhq》sorry



okay so ive had wattpad deleted for a couple years now and i just logged on to see all the comments and everything, and first i just want to say SORRY. i was fifteen when i wrote this story and i had a full blown obsession with quackity and it was just a bad story. i definitely was straight at the time and had zero flavor so thats why y/n has the most boring outfits ever and acts like a pick me, all your comments made me laugh my ass off.

i also wanna say i really appreciate you guys still reading this story, commenting, and dming me asking if im ever coming back. im still here but i well outgrew my quackity and fanfic phase, so unfortunately i will never update this godforsaken story ever again. im honestly kind of embarrassed by it because its just so corny and the plot isn't consistent at all, followed by many other reason, but im gonna keep it up because some people still read it.

i just wanted to say i love u all and appreciate all of the feedback, but this story wont be updated or finished at all. im also inactive on my ig fanpage (have been for a couple years) and i dont really involve myself in the reddit crew / quackity community anymore and havent for a while. but once again thank u guys sm for all the views, comments, likes, and all the interaction. i seriously do appreciate everything and u guys are all so nice so i hope u guys can at least enjoy some parts of the story even though it really all does suck. thx again

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