《affection - quackityhq》one


i woke up to the sound of my alarm, groaning a bit as i woke from my sleep and tried to turn off the annoying sound from my phone speaker.

i then picked up my phone and looked at all my text messages i received from over the night, realizing its 2am, and i have a couple hours until my flight to anaheim.

ani : hey, can't wait to see u at vidcon today

sydney : vidcon today!!

mom : have fun today and be safe! love you.

i replied to my messages, more than excited for vidcon. i put my phone down and jumped in the shower, thinking of how my day would go. today will be my first day at vidcon, and i finally get to meet my internet best friend ani. i wish i could bring my friend sydney with me, but she didn't have the expenses covered and unfortunately couldn't make it, so ill be on my own. but she's been super supportive about me going by myself.

once i got out of the shower, i dried myself off and put on a highwasited pair of mom jeans and a plain white shirt tucked in it. i dried my hair and looked into the mirror, making sure i looked okay without any kind of makeup on before i actually put some on. i did a small makeup routine and finished up, grading all my things as i made my way to the airport.

-timeskip to on the plane-

i had the window seat all and the row all to myself, and my flight was surprisingly peaceful and quiet. i got on my phone and texted ani,

me : hey, i should be there in about 30 minutes? were landing.

ani : okay!! I'm with the reddit crew rn so just uber over to the hotel and get settled in and i can meet u at ur room??

me : yeah sounds good.

me: i still can't believe ur friends with all of them, especially alex ksksssk

ani : you'll meet them, y/n!!! just be patient, and remember


me : be cool i know i know

ani : see!! ur gonna be just fine :) <3

me : ill be there soon, ani !!!

-skip to when she arrives at the hotel-

i finally got to my hotel room after what felt like hours, going up the elevator to my room at about 7 am now. i got settled in my room, and looked in the mirror once again to make sure i looked okay. i ran my fingers through my hair and touched up my mascara and concealer, and sprayed some body spray on myself.

i then texted ani,

me : hey, I'm in my room!! what floor r u on

ani : im on the fifth, wbu?

me : fifth also omg

me : where r we gonna meet up??

ani : me and the gang, besides brandon, kwite, and diesel, are going to get breakfast right now if u wanna join??

ani : so thats like me, alex, askel, and henry

me : omg thats kinda fucking scary bc i don't know them but uh yeah ill go

me : do they even know about me? or who i am?

ani : yeah duh I've told them about u

me : even alex??

ani : just meet us in the hall and stop overreacting, ur gonna be okay sksksk

me : ok fine

i took a deep breath and made sure i looked okay once again, grabbing my phone and checking the time. it was 7:15 am, and i was pretty hungry but also sleep deprived. it was whatever, though. ani knew that i thought alex was pretty cute and also my favorite out of the reddit crew, so hopefully she only said good things to them.

i took a deep breath and went out in the hall and to the elevator, immediately seeing the four standing in front of it as they waited for me.

"ani?" i asked as she turned around, smiling widely at me. we walked up to each other and gave each other a hug, "i missed you!" i told her with a smile. " i missed you way more." she replied as i pulled away and looked at the others, getting a little nervous as i saw alex. i gave them all a sweet smile, my stomach doing a little flip as i saw alex exchange a soft smile back.


"guys, this is y/n, and y/n this is aksel, henry, and alex." ani said, introducing me to the boys standing in front of me who i kind of already knew. "hi everyone, its nice to meet you all." i said in response and let my smile soften. "we were just talking about you actually." ani said, and i looked at her with a bit of a worried face as i laughed. "i hope you didn't tell them about the fucking pancake story." i told her, giggling quietly as we all heard the elevator ring for us to get in. "of course i didn't. inside jokes are for inside people, duh!" she said with a laugh as we all got in the elevator.

-alexs pov-

as ani told us about her friend, y/n, i imagined what she looked like, and how she sounded. from what ani told us, she made her sound pretty great and even went as far as to suggest her to join the reddit crew. "hm, i don't know ani, is she really as great as you made this dream girl sound?" i asked her skeptically with a small laugh, aksel and henry nodding with a smile. once i finally saw her, i felt as if my whole body locked up for a second. she looked really cute but simple, which was something i immediately admired. i gave her a soft smile in return to the bright one she gave us, and nodding at what ani said. i heard them laughing, "whats the pancake story, huh?" i said, engaging in their conversation as we stepped into the elevator.

"now that, alex, is for us to know." y/n said with a grin on her face, i could help but smile back at her. i looked down at my phone as we made our way down, trying to think of things to say or how to act natural around her without making myself look like a fucking idiot, which i just happened to do all the time. "where are we even going?" y/n asked, her voice was soft and quiet when she spoke, which made me smile a bit. "um, i think just this place down the street. its a short walk, we'll survive." i told her, watching as she smiled at me, "of course ill survive." she told me, giggling softly.

i couldn't get her giggle and her smile out of my head for some reason, and i thought about it the whole walk to the cafe where we had been getting breakfast. "alex??" aksel said, trying to get me to snap out of the little phase i was in. "oh, yeah? sorry i was just thinking about something." i said with a small laugh, adjusting my beanie as i heard him speak again. "you totally just ignored our dear friend y/n's question, you incel." he said as i heard ani and y/n's laugh, as i soon joined in their laughter. "okay listen, i wasn't paying attention, I'm so so so so sorry, y/n. i promise ill pay better attention, okay?" i turned to face her and said, smiling as i opened the door for her and the rest of the group. "wow, never knew alex was quite the ladies man, huh?" ani said as i rolled my eyes playfully. "i was opening the door for aksel, obviously." i replied and walked in, taking a seat at the table they chose.

i sat across from y/n, trying not to stare at her much without getting her attention. whenever she spoke, she had my full attention. i was all ears to anything she had to say. i liked to meet new people, but she was different, and hopefully it could be the start of a new and beautiful friendship, and even a new member of the reddit crew.


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