《Love and affection ❤️》23.💍



I woke up and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. It's like 5 in morning I been throwing up for the past 6 weeks and I keep saying I have the stomach virus....but Melo thinks other wise.

Baby can you just call the doctors. Melo asked.

Melo I'm fine it's just a stomach virus. I said.

Baby you been throwing up for 6 weeks that's not no stomach virus. He said. I sat on the edge of the tub. I grabbed my teeth brush and brushed my teeth.

No it's rea-if you don't call them I'm calling...Ariel baby you know I hate when your sick and I cannot do anything but watch you and hold you. He said cutting me off.

Okay fine...I call later I'm really tried. I told him as we walked back to our room. I laid down he had the audacity to laid behind me and not on his side of the bed.

LaMelo what are you doing you got all that space in your side move. I said.

Baby I want you to feel better. He said kissing my temple.

You can make me feel better by going on your side of the bed. He huffed and didn't moved but he spooned me. I sighed and pulled him closer.

Hey This Ariel Rivers and Im calling to make a appointment today please. I said on the phone.

Yes and who your doctor. The lady asked.

Umm...Dr. Islands. I said.

Yes he free 2:00 or 3:30. She said.

3:30 please. I said.

Okay see you at 3:30. She said.

Yes please have a nice day. I said.

You to ma. She said I ended the call and checked the time I sighed and got in the shower and dress.


Baby are you coming with me to this appointment at 3:30 or not. I asked Melo.

Duh babe I wanna know what's wrong with my princess. He said. I playfully rolled my eyes and checked the time reading 2:10.

Will go get ready now. I said. He nod and turned the game off and got dress. By the time he was ready it was already 3:00 and the doctors office is 15mins away. We got in my Range Rover. We soon got to the office and I was in a back room waiting on the doctor. Melo was playing with the doctors shit.

LaMelo put that shit down. I said. He groaned and pouted looking me.

LaMelo for real put that back. I said he was playing with the things on the wall that the doctor use to check your eyes ears and mouth.

Baby let check your throat and make sure I didn't hurt ya throat. He said tryna open my mouth I smacked his hand making hiss.

Fuck baby. He groaned.

Then stop touching shit sit down now. I said pointing at the chair. He came in between my legs and took my hand and placed it on his crouch.

Why is my hand on your crouch. I asked.

Baby I want you to ride me. He said.

Bye LaMelo sit ya ass down I'm not gonna tell you again. I said slightly pushing him. The doctor soon came in.

Hey Ariel how you been. Dr.Islands asked shaking my hand.

Not so good I personally think I got the stomach flu and My boyfriend think something else. I said.

Oh will why don't you tell what's been going on. He asked.

Will I've been throwing up a lot lately and getting headaches lots of them and they be big. I explained.


Will let me tell you something...that's definitely not the stomach flu so Melo right there is something else wrong with you. He said.

Let me ask you something Melo....when the last time she was cramping and craving for chocolate. He asked.

I wanna say like probably like month ago cuz she don't started that shit until the middle of the month. He said.

But isn't the middle of the month now. He asked.

Umm...yeah. Melo said.

Okay...so if y'all don't mind when the last time y'all had any sexual activity. He asked.

I don't remember. I said. Dr.Islands grab a cup.

Her me just go pee in cup at least half way in the cup. He said handing me a cup.

I'll be back. He walking out the room.

LaMelo I'm scared what if I'm pregnant. I said ready to cry.

Baby it's okay if your pregnant then we're gonna have the baby and be parents. He said.

What about your career and mines. I said.

I can take a break from basketball baby. He said. I shook my head and started crying.

Baby I don't want you to do that basketball is your dream I don't want you to stop something cuz of me. I said he stood up and rushed over to me and wiped my tears.

Hey hey baby girl stop crying and you know I'll stop anything for you so stop saying you don't want me to...and yeah basketball my dream but being with you till the day I die and have grandkids and kids with you..That's my real dream. He said.

No it's not LaMelo your whole life you wanted to be in the NBA and your finally almost there. I said.

Baby yes it is and plus I just gotta finish this one more year then I can go to drafts. He said.

Stop crying mamas it's okay if your pregnant...your pregnant there really isn't that much to do. He said. I nod and looked at him in the eyes he was a little scared but happy.

I love you baby girl. He said kissing me.

I love you more LaMelo. I said against his lips. I went to pee in the cup then came back and Dr.Islands was in the room.

Thank you ma'am...the results will be back in the next 2 weeks. He said.

Thank Sir. I said.

Your welcome after you change y'all can leave. He said and walked out.

Don't stress about it baby girls...it's okay. Melo said. I nod and got dress we went back home and I instantly went back to the bed. I was completely out of it so Melo drove home he offered to get me food and usually say yes but I said no this time.

Baby please don't do this to yourself. He said laying down next to me pulling me closer. I turned in his arms and cuddle into his chest. He kissed my forehead softly. I fell asleep in his arms and he fell asleep also.

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