《Love and affection ❤️》12.💍



Babe move you stink...No you can't get a kiss. I whined as I was fighting with my boyfriend to move it was game night and he just finished playing and he stinks he smells like sweat and he tryna get a kiss.

Baby one kiss come please. He begged. I quickly ran behind Zo and he followed me.

Melo no go get in the shower. I whined.

What the fuck. Zo said confused over the time of me and Melo dating me and his brother got close me and got closer He calls me Bestfriend so I also call him Bestfriend.

Arii baby please just one kiss. Melo said.

No...Zo tell your brother to go shower. I said.

Melo leave her alone and go get in the shower bro come on. Zo said Melo sucked his teeth and walked away.

Thank you Bestfriend. I said he nod and we walked over to mr.LaVar.

Hey miss lady I didn't know you was here. He said and we hugged.

Yeah I was just sitting with my friends. I said. Like 20 mins later my boyfriend came

out the locker room.

Now you can get a kiss bubba. I said. He leaned in for a kiss and I pecked his lips and my lip gloss got all over his lips.

Omg bubba. I giggled.

What you doing. He asked.

My lip gloss is all over your lips. I giggled he wiped it off and kissed my forehead.

Come let's you deserve some food cuz you gave me good luck before the game. He said. We fucked before we left his house for his game. I telling you after you lose your virginity your gonna wanna have sex all the time.

Bubba I gotta go home before I get in trouble. It's already 10pm. I said. He sucked his teeth.


Baby it's the summer time. He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I know baby but my auntie wants us in the house by 10:30. I said.

Then I'm coming to your house come on. He said. I nod called Zyrah over her and Quan came. We all got in the car. I got my own car now.

Hell no LaMelo get ya ass in back. Zyrah said.

No you get in the back. He said back. I rolled my eyes.

Both y'all get in the back. I said.

Fuck no I'm not getting in back. They both said.

Then rock paper scissors for the front. I said and they did Melo lost he was mad. When we got to the house auntie Sonny wasn't home. We all sat in the living room.

Babe Imma go change my clothes. I said and kissed his cheek. He groaned grabbing on my wrist. I kissed him he licked my bottom lip.

Baby stop let me go change. I mumbled. He groaned gripping my ass. I sighed knowing he not gonna let me going.

LaFrance let me goo now. I said. He smirked rubbing on my ass.

That's finna be my son name. He said. I rolled my eyes and then I felt something hit me.

Your not a virgin. Zyrah said. I smiled and looked at her.

Yeah I'm not a virgin. I said and sat on his lap.

When did this happen. She asked.

Prom night I was all up in them walls. Melo said. I hit him in the dick. He groaned and grabbed my Virginia and I didn't even know you could.

Owe dumbass. I said.

Nah cuz you grabbed my dick. He said.

Arii you gotta tell my mom so she can put you on birth control. She said.


No she'll kill me. I said Melo started kissing on my neck.

No she won't I told her I wasn't a Virgin and she just put me on birth control. I sighed.

Fine I'll tell her. I said. Soon we went to our rooms and right now I'm laying down on my laptop and melo over here touching me like crazy.

Baby what's good with you. I said. He sucked his teeth and rested his hand on my thigh close to my area.

I'm trying fuck what's good with you. He said.

No I'm tryna watch tv. I said. He groaned laying on my chest and his hand still rested near my area.

Baby don't you think we had sex enough for now. I said.

Yeah but I need you baby. He said. I kissed his cheek rubbing his back.

Can we just wait till I'm on birth control please.I asked. He nod and kissed me then we went to sleep.

I woke up and my phone was ringing so I answered it with the it looking at the contact.

Hello...who this. I asked.


Oh Mr.LaVar I'm sorry I thought this was my phone but Melo sleeping I thought he told you he stayed at me house...I'm truly sorry. I said.

Oh gurl that not your fault but thank you for telling me and make sure you tell that boy to be at practice by 1. He said.

Yes sir and again I'm sorry. I said.

Gurl hang up. He said. I laughed and ended the call then tried to wake up my boyfriend.

Baby wake up. I said playing with his lips. He moved but was still sleep. I then rubbed on his chest.

Babyyyy wake up. I wishper is his ear he groaned hating it and turned and wrapped himself around my waist. I then started messing with his noise.

Dip wake up now. I said. Then he woke up.

What bae. He groaned he morning voice is sexi and now I'm just staring at him.

Your dad call and said to be at practice by 1. I said. He groaned and stretched out.

Ight you still come to the drew leagues game. He asked I nod. He got out the bed so did I and we brushed our teeth. He leaned down for a kiss and I quickly spit the toothpaste out and gave him his kiss.

Ight I'm see later be safe. He and gave me one more kiss then left. I also left to find a outfit for tonight.

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