《Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}》Chapter 18
"Are you going to let go of me or not?" Devilin asks with a chuckle as his mate was still wrapped up around his body.
"I like this" she pouts nuzzling her face in his chest before she bites on his Adams apple.
"Stalker" he warns as he pinches her side and she giggles.
"Oh, I like this, I want to stay like this forever and ever and ever" she confesses as she grins staring at his face.
"Naughty girl" he grins flicking her nose as he hugs her to his chest.
"Let's go to bed," she whispers shyly and he grins before picking her up and walking towards the room.
Devilin lets her down in the front of the door before opening the door for her while she cannot wipe the grin off her face.
"Good night" Devilin whispers kissing on her cheek before going to turn around.
"Wait where are you going? Why is the bed single?" she asks in confusion.
"Uh, is the room not to your liking? You can check other rooms if you want to" he offers rubbing the back of his head.
"No, it's fine but don't you think the bed is too small for what we are about to do?" she asks batting her eyelashes.
"I don't think so, I mean is there something specific you do before bed?" he asks in return.
"Then again its okay I am sure we can be able to pull some positions in there" she shrugs her shoulder before walking his way and unbuttoning his shirt.
"Ah what are you doing?"
"Taking off your clothes, we have to sleep together after all," she giggles
"But I don't sleep here, my..."
"Wait, please don't tell me you have Edward phobia and that you do not sleep at all," she asks in horror.
"I do need sleep but who is Edward?" he asks not knowing why she was asking all of this.
"Edward as in Edward Cullen of Twilight" she informs looking around the room not satisfied with the settings.
"Who is he?" he asks once again and Raine stops before turning his way wide-eyed.
"You do not know who Edward Cullen is?" she asks in disbelief and when he shakes his head, no she gasps.
"He is like the godfather to vampires the one who causes teenage hormones to go crazy, he is the sole reason why girls are crazy for vampires and mates stuff...
What era are you from? Now you will tell me you don't know who Iron man is?" she chuckles at the thought.
"A man who makes iron stuff?" he replies with a question unsure.
"Fuck you, oh my God! Please tell me you are kidding me, Iron man you do not know who he is. He is a genius, a God for nerds like us, do you even know the amount of iron suits he has and he created Jarvis for god sake!
Who would not like Jarvis? A computer program, who knows what you feel, who knows what to tell you at the right time" she shouts, as she cannot believe how much of an idiot her mate is.
"Well I know Batman," he offers.
"Get out of my room" she points at the door.
"Uh okay, well I have been time traveling a lot so it's not my fault if I don't know them"
"Go Google them then" she throws her hands around in the air.
"Okay, well I will leave you to rest if you need anything I am a few doors away" he informs as he frowns and moves to walk away.
"I do need something called space from you" she sighs as she locks her door.
Devilin sighs as he pulls out his phone and Google Iron man and he smiles before downloading the movie.
"Ah no wonder she was unhappy," he murmurs once he is done watching the movie.
He closes his eyes and tries to focus around his surroundings before opening his eyes once again when he finds his mate was awake.
Making his way to her room he knocks twice and the door opens wide.
"I know who Iron man is" he smiles before stumbling as his mate pulls him inside of the room and kisses him.
"Oh, okay" he chuckles as she keeps kissing him and pulling him to her bed.
"I did not know Iron man was so important that you..." his other words are muffled as she kisses him again.
"Wait, wait, what are you doing?" Devilin asks shocked as her hands hold on to his privates.
"I forgot my joystick back in HP so I was thinking to borrow yours" she giggles as she goes to put her hands back but finds herself alone in bed as Devilin with his speed walks away from her.
"I think it's too late and we should sleep," he announces rearranging his clothes.
"We are about to sleep, together" she grins as she tries to crawl towards him.
"Did I give you that notion? Shit sorry, I do not want to sleep with you in that sense well not at least for a few months...
I mean you wrote in your diary that you wanted me to court you and stuff before you know"
"No I don't know and I was eighteen when I wrote it anyway"
"You are still eighteen"
"Oh ho, do not insult me, saying I am eighteen, I am soon to be nineteen for your information and I have matured enough from the last time I wrote that silly stuff...
Now I am a grown woman and my tastes have changed," she informs him making him frown.
"Well what do you want then?"
"How about we start with turning your software into hardware?" she flutters her lashes his way.
"Well if you need to unzip your files I can do it for you," she states as she slowly makes her way to him.
"Computer techs have skilled fingers after all" she grins as she goes to touch him but he steps back.
"I am not ready," he announces stopping her attempts.
"Excuse me?"
"I am not ready to have sexual intercourse with you," he states clearly and she gawks at the man in front of her.
"Who even says it like that?" she asks before groaning and face palming.
"Let's take it slowly, we just met and let's get to know each other first"
"God you are such a girl, if you did not come knocking on my door for sex then what the hell are you here for?" she asks in irritation.
"I came to tell you I now know who iron man is"
"I wish he was real so I could go hack one of his suits and blast you with it," she groans before throwing him out of her room.
"Stalker come on please do not be mad at me" Devilin begs as he knocks on the door lightly.
"Devilin, you don't even know who Iron man is, how can I mate with a man who does not know who Iron man is?" she calls from the other side of the door.
"But I do know about him and I really like Jarvis, he is just like my shadow" he tries and her eyes perks at that before she opens the door at once for him.
"You have shadow, oh yes, does he helps you with things like Jarvis does to Tony Stark"
"Uh...he helped me find you, so" he replies rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh yes, can you call him now?" she pleads as she holds his hands and jumps from foot to foot.
"Sure" Devilin grins happily thanking his stars that his mate was talking with him.
Shadow appears at once and stands next to his master waiting for his order.
"You called for me master," Shadow asks at once.
"Yes I did, meet my mate Adriana she wanted to meet you" he introduces them and Raine rains questions at him.
"Where did he come from?"
"He lives in a world made for them and survives with our blood," Devilin explains with a smile seeing how excited his mate was.
"Does that mean I am his master as well because I have some of your blood in me" she grins clasping her hands together and jumping like an excited puppy.
"Yes" Devilin states making both him and shadow wince as she shrieks loudly.
"Okay Shadow bow down to me, please" she begs making both of them frown before shadow slowly looks at his master and with Devilin's nod he bows down to her.
"Oh my God, he can do that. Okay if I gave you my blood can you kick my mate's ass for me?" she asks and both of them stare at each other before facing Raine.
"Your blood?" Shadow gulps in thirst.
"Shadow, no, back down" Devilin commands at once as he goes to nod his head.
"Why not?" Raine asks him.
"You do not have the power to control him," Devilin growls as he can see the thirst rising in the shadow.
"Well not fair you could control my mandrakes at once, why can I not control your shadow?" she asks in disbelief.
"It's not about being fair and unfair Stalker; you do not have the power that is needed to control their being"
"Well if I gave them my blood I know they will do as I asked right shadow?" she asks smugly and shadow stares at Devilin before looking at Raine.
"You are not offering anything to him," Devilin warns and she takes that as a challenge before she pulls her shirtsleeve up but Devilin holds her hands to stop her.
"Stalker no, you will not like the consequences" he warns as he pulls her to him as shadow in his hunger goes to surround her whole body.
"Oh my God, pervert get off me" she pats at the smokes that surround her body.
"Shadow now" Devilin's booming voice startles both of them before the shadow disappears.
"You are no fun I was just teasing" Raine frowns as she pulls herself away from him.
"Never joke about your blood Stalker, you do not know the power it holds and playing with shadow is no joke, too much of your blood will give them strength to kill you and too little will kill them" Devilin snaps as he pushes his fingers through his hair in frustration.
"For some one who does not know who Iron man is, you sure know a lot about my powers," she mocks as she pokes her tongue out to him.
"Iron man is not as important as you are to me" he cheekily grins which falls from her reply.
"Was that supposed to be romantic? Epic fail, my condolences goes to your efforts" she pats on his arm before she turns around and slams the door in his face letting him know she was not happy.
"Are you still not speaking with me?" Devilin asks next morning as he offers her some coffee
"After a long night of sexual frustration, nope"
"I just don't want to pressure you on..."
"Pressure me? Dude I am literally asking you to fuck the shit out of me, what more do you want me to do announce it on national television?" she asks him in disbelief.
"Don't Stalker me, after everything I went through this is like the last straw, I cannot even get laid with my own mate?
Do you know the first thing that came in my mind when you kissed me was that you will throw me on the ground and tear my clothes off before claiming me and mating me then and there but no...
Like all the other times, nothing like that happened, like all the other times you fail to do the thing I wished for, so no Devilin I am not in mood to speak with you" she replies as she steps out of the kitchen while Devilin stares intently at the table.
Raine slowly pokes her head out to watch her mate trying to see what his reaction is she closes her mouth trying to control the giggle that tries to escape her as she watches her poor mate who took her outburst for real.
She smiles giddily as she secretly spies on her mate who had a cute little frown on his forehead deep in thought at what she said.
She did not want to sleep with him not at least now, not with everything going on but she was just doing this to check what a man her man was and he was a gentleman.
She bites on her lower lip as she watches him, it really was cute to see him flushed and shocked at what she said, he literally believed in everything she said.
There were times from the moment they met that she wanted to aww at his behavior and the way he treated her but she controlled it.
Spending all her life around men in HP who were rough with her treating her like a boy like them it was quiet good to be treated like a girl by her own mate who was too respectful of her feelings as well as honored her.
"Devilin," she calls having had enough of seeing him so lost.
"Uh, if you..." she walks up to him and puts her finger on his lip shutting him quiet.
"I was just joking, we don't have to hurry on that part of our relation just as you even I am not ready...
As you said these marks on our body proves we are mates and the blood running inside of me, keeping me alive is enough for me to know we belong together...
I was just having fun testing you; you aced all of my tests...
Now, can we do the things I wrote on my list" she grins wiggling her brows making him smile shyly her way.
"Oh you are so cute," she groans pinching his cheeks.
"A little bit to the left, oh...oh okay wait right there perfect" Raine moans in delight as she lies on the couch happily while Devilin massages her feet.
"Am I doing it right?"
"Right? You are perfect," she groans in delight as she was in heaven.
"Your legs are strong, you walk a lot around HP?" Devilin asks as he checks his mate's foot.
"Yes, they make me walk out of my den almost every few minutes just to irritate me"
"And then there is like not any vehicles that drop or pick me up from and to HP, those bastards make me walk everywhere"
"What about getting a taxi or lift?"
"I need to have money for that, as I said those bastards they do not even pay me"
"Then how did you pay for the things you got me?" he asks in confusion.
"I thought you knew every thing about me, every single thing," she asks pulling her legs away from his lap and sitting in it instead.
"I do know everything but not every little single detail"
"Ah well, as I said those bastards they do not pay anything for my shit except what I eat and wear...
I am a charity case" she sighs.
"You mean my father?" Devilin asks with a cringe.
"As I said those bastards it also means Rom, Enzo and all those other bastards whatever"
"You have a dirty mouth"
"Thanks to your father"
"Ah well..."
"You don't like when I talk dirty?" she grins wrapping her arms around his shoulder.
"Oh my God, are you blushing?"
"I can talk dirty; worse dirty than just cuss words, want to hear Del"
"Unwashed socks, stain filled blankets, you want me to continue?" she laughs holding on to his shoulder for support as Devilin was shaking so much with laughter at her.
"Please no, stop, I cannot take it" Devilin bursts out laughing as he holds on to his mate for support.
"God you are crazy and you drive me in to one" he chuckles as he finally gets hold of his laughter.
"Oh well you are not the only one in that case" she shyly admits and all the laughter leaves their body.
"What do you want to do next?" he asks as he softly caresses her cheek.
"The thing that hurts when we do it" she grins.
"Ouch, stop, stop...time...time, give me a break, it hurts wait please" Raine begs as she holds her mate back and takes few deeps breathes.
"But you are the one who wanted to do the thing that hurts" Devilin states with a frown.
"Yes but I did not know it would hurt so badly" she glares his way before preparing herself once again.
"Okay start but just be careful that I am a girl in the relation," she pouts closing her eyes and waiting for his hit on her forehead but the next thing he does makes her gasps.
Devilin smiles before he softly kisses his mate's forehead, which has turned red from all the hits she took from the flick of his fingers.
"Better?" he asks as she slowly opens her eyes.
"Just remember you are the boy in this relation" she grins as she presses the red spot on his forehead.
"I am the man, baby" he grins pressing his lips on hers before they start the game once again.
"Yay" Raine grins as Devilin picks his forefinger on cow fly.
She grins rubbing her hands before she moves her forefinger around as if exercising the muscle of it before she gets closer to Devilin's face and blows on his forehead preparing her target and then she flicks on it hard.
"Fuck" Devilin groans as he rubs his injured forehead as it really sting.
"Oh I see the man," Raine laughs in victory as Devilin rubs his forehead in pain.
"Wait for my turn" he grumbles.
"Hey we decided I am the girl in this relation," she protests before she kneels and kisses on his forehead at once making him smile.
"Cheater" he grins pinching her nose lightly and she grins cheekily.
"Whatever, stop abusing my nose" she swats his nose before they start the game once again.
"Okay ready steady go" Raine exclaims before they starts to pose.
"Okay, darn this is not happening, look at this the side of my ear is not clear" she groans as they stare at the image they have just snapped.
"We already took dozens of snaps, why are we doing this again?" Devilin sighs tiredly.
"I need to change my FB status from single to in a relation with you and for that I need proof...
The picture must be perfect and natural so no one will know we took thousands of pictures before selecting and updating the one, need to make every single girl jealous" she murmurs as she goes through his cell before asking him to get ready.
"This will do" Raine grins at the perfect image she took of them before she posts it on her page.
"What is the meaning of this anyway?"
"The man who has no social life will never be able to understand the importance of changing your status from being single to being in a relation...
Devilin, how can you not even have one single account on any site?" she asks with a sigh turning to watch her mate who was sitting on the couch closing his eyes so she slowly pulls the camera out before taking a snap.
"I never saw the importance in it," he answers still with his eyes closed.
"You have no social life at all, but no worries I have plenty for both of us, so what should I caption this picture of us, give me some cheesy line so the girls would burn crisp with jealousy"
"I found the piece that finishes my puzzle?" he states and she drops the phone before turning to him.
"That is so cheesy that if you have asked I would have approved to be your queen and mate you with your knight moves" she grins wiggling her brows.
Devilin just chuckles before it turns into a groan as Raine jumps to sit on his lap.
"Do you know you are so goofy at times?" she states palming his cheeks and turning it left to right.
"Ya now I know," he mumbles still with his eyes closed.
"If ever you have to choose between someone you love and me who would it be?" she asks softly.
"Why would I have to choose when they are the same person?" he answers making her grin.
"No, not like that what if...umm...like your mother or anyone special to you came between us who would it be?"
"Why would I have to choose between you and my mother?" he asks as he opens his eyes slowly.
"Where is this coming from?" he asks in a bit of a serious tone.
"Nothing just" she smiles as she tries to get off him but he wraps his arms around her and stops her.
"Where is this coming from?" he asks once again this time with a warning tone and she stares at the buttons of his shirt.
"Adriana, you are my mate and you are my priority, nothing and no one will take your place, not my parents, not siblings not even our kids someday...
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