《Sweet Affection [Affection Series 4] {Completed}》Chapter 04
Connor taps his fingers on his knees as he waits for his mate and son. He checks his watch before he looks at the stairs once again for them to hurry up.
He takes a breath of relief when they finally walks out and with a smile reserved for only his family Connor holds out his hand for his mate to take it.
Crystal smiles back as she holds her mate's hand and giggles as he pulls her closer to him landing a soft kiss on the corner of her lips.
"Dad" Chris grits out through his teeth as he looks away from the display of affection between his parents
Not that he minds it but he can easily read the projections they both are sending to each other, which was making his very uncomfortable.
"Sorry" Connor apologizes forgetting his son was in the room for the moment
"I am so happy that you finally said yes to join us. I assure you, you will love being in there and meeting everyone" Crystal beams as she looks her son's way
"Let me be the judge of it" Chris answers shuffling on his feet nervously
"If you don't feel comfortable all you have to do is say so and we will leave the party" Connor assures his son, as he can clearly see his son's nervousness.
"Let's be done with it already," he states walking out of the room
Connor sighs before taking his mate's hand in his and walking behind their son so they can drive off to the party.
Chris fidgets trying to close off his senses so he does not feel or hear anyone in the party but not being used to having so many people around him makes it hard for him.
He sighs in relief when he feels his father's warmth surrounding him blocking off the people's thoughts and chatters around him.
"Relax; try not to think only about it. It will be easier if you pretend it's not there" Connor advices his son who nods grimly.
"Connie" Dante exclaims as he walks towards them with a big smile
"Dante" he nods stiffly towards him
"What a surprise, I cannot believe you are here. It's good to see you" Dante smiles as he hugs Crystal and shakes Connor's hands
"Oh little Connor is here as well, and you aren't so little anymore. So, good to see that finally the prince graces us with his appearance" he grins going to touch the boy but Connor stands between them and silently warning him off
"Relax; jeez if I didn't know better I would think you were protecting your virgin daughter instead of a virile son" Dante comments as he smiles at the boy
"Just stay away from him," Connor verbally warns making Dante sighs dramatically
"Next time, come alone" he whispers to Crystal seeing Connor's behavior before he leaves them
"What is wrong with you?" Crystal asks stunned at her mate's behavior
"I don't trust him," he grumbles stepping away from his son
"He is our friend Connor, so relax he won't harm Chris" she defends Dante making Connor glare her way
"He is a leader of the council as well and I have learned to never trust them," he points out to her making Crystal give in, as she knows there is no use in talking with him when he is in such a mood.
"Do I look sexy enough?" Jane asks as she steps out of the car along with Ariel and Jasmine
"You look fabulous" Jasmine comments as she smoothes her dress getting out of the car
"No not fabulous, but sexy" Jane counters as she re-applies her lipstick
"Yes, yes you look like a vixen enough to lure anyone" Advin comments with a sigh, as that is all he has been hearing all the way to the party
"Shut up, Advin, don't ruin my mood else you will be standing here clutching your manhood while your mate smoothes your pride instead of her dress" she warns him before leaving them to follow her
"Why is she with us again?" Advin grumbles as he leads both his mate and sister towards the door behind which the party was going on.
"Ignore her" Ariel giggles before she takes a deep breath and walks inside
"Where is he?" Jane asks sniffing around frantically
"What are you doing?" Ariel asks Jane as she has been behaving weirdly from the moment they entered the room
"I can feel him near" Jane informs as she keeps sniffing the air
"Who are we talking about?" Ariel asks as she puts her drink on the table and fully focuses on her friend
"My mate, Ariel, come on nothing will happen if I sit still if he cannot come looking for me then I will go looking for him...
Who knows he may have gotten stuck somewhere and needs me to help him on his way in search of me?" she announces before dragging Ariel along with her.
"You are so funny" Ariel smiles as she lets Jane drag her all around the room.
"Jane, Ariel" Dante shouts calling their name halting on their expedition
"Fuck off dad, go annoy someone else I have no time for you" Jane pushes past him making Crystal choke on her drink hearing it.
"That's my daughter" Dante grins proudly
"No doubt on that" Connor agrees on it
"Isn't that Jane and Ariel?" Adrian asks as he joins the group filled with Connor, Crystal and Dante
"Yes, they are" Crystal smiles as she hugs both Scar and Adrian
"May I ask why is your daughter dragging my daughter?" he asks with a raised brow towards Dante
"No you can't" Dante answers back
"Why is your daughter sniffing everyone?" Rom asks as he too along with his mate joins them
"I don't know" Dante answers
"Hey, why is Dante's daughter sniffing in the air?" Enzo asks as well as he too joins them
"The fuck if I know" Dante snaps in answers back making them chuckle
"Dante, why is our daughter sniffing around?" Jean asks walking towards his side
"JANE" Dante bellows startling everyone
"FUCK OFF DAD" she explodes as well from the other side of the room
"That's your daughter" all the men chuckles seeing the expression on his face which was priceless
"Jane, please stop" Ariel begs as all she has been doing was dragging Ariel along without any clue
"I need to find my mate before he runs off Ariel, you know what I will go look for him while you go back and don't leave yours or mine dad's side" Jane requests as she walks out of the room while Ariel shakes her head seeing her behavior
Just as she goes to walk towards the room, someone garbs her from behind and pulls out to the balcony.
"Hello Fiery" Eric's voice stops Ariel from screaming
"You scared me" Ariel accuses him as she hits on his arm
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself" he winks before tucking her hand in his arm
"Where are we going?" she asks him as he pulls her along with him
"Trust me" he smiles before he jumps off the balcony with her and this time she does scream
"Open your eyes Fiery, we have safely landed" Eric informs her with a chuckle
"Are you crazy?" she shouts pushing him away from her as she checks the height from the balcony to the garden they landed in
"We are werewolves Fiery, I don't think anyone would die jumping from that much of a height," he points out to her while Ariel just walks away from her as her heart is still thumping loudly
Eric stops her as he holds her wrist and checks her nerves before he pulls her closer to him.
"Breath Fiery, in and out just focus on my voice" he whispers smoothly to her to stop her erratic heartbeat and bring it back to normal
"That's much better, sorry to scare you like that again" he apologizes sincerely and she nods in answer
"Just don't do anything reckless like that without warning next time," she tells him making him grin
"So positive we will have a next time huh?" he teases letting her go
"Why won't you see me again?" she asks him a bit worried about the prospect
"Only if you want" he winks her way before they settle down finding a bench in the garden
"So, where have you been for all this time?" she asks him instead changing the topic
"So eager to know about my whereabouts I see but sorry babe I cannot let that information slip" he states playfully to her
"Then what can you let slip?" she asks with a frown
"Like the fact that I came here just because you asked me to" he sincerely replies making her blush
"And the fact of how much I love seeing you blush with my own eyes" he adds slowly touching her cheek
"You know how to charm a girl, I see" she comments pushing his hand away from her cheek
"If it's working on you then why not?" he grins cheekily making her laugh
"I need to go inside before everyone worries," she states sighing sadly, as she goes to get up but he stops her holding her hand
"Stay, just a little more" he voices and she slowly sits down
"It's been more than few hours since the party has started and everything looks normal? So, where's Erika?" Rom asks patting Enzo's back
"She isn't here," he informs him sadly
"Why did she finally leave you?" Dante comments
"Yes, she did" Enzo confesses making Dante dramatically drop his glass of wine
"Ah man, I knew you didn't have it in you to satisfy a woman" Dante shakes his head sadly
"I think Dante has had enough" Jean interferes as she drags her mate away from the group sensing everyone is uncomfortable
"Is there anything that doesn't turn out to be sexual to this man?" Adrian asks exasperated
"I think we all know the answer on that, anyway how are you holding up man" Rom asks as he tries to show his support to Enzo
"Don't know, she just up and left and I don't even know where she is. She did not go to her parent's or her brother's house...
Our bond is closed off which tells me she had it all planned, if it wasn't for the noise she was making while packing her stuff, I wouldn't even know she was leaving at the early hour of the morning" Enzo explains to his friends not knowing what he can do to bring her back home
"Your relation was doomed from the start anyway" Dante voices once again joining them
"What do you mean?" Enzo narrows his eyes at him
"Come on, we all know only your mate was the one trying hard to make this work between you two...
You hardly took any step no wonder she was done. However, this is your chance to prove that you do love her and make her see that you care and now it is your time to take those steps, meet her half way...
Be romantic, sweep her off her feet" he advices enthusiastically making Enzo think about it
"You know what, you are right. I will see you guys later I need to check on a few things" with that said Enzo rushes out of the building making Dante grin proudly.
"Wow, who would have thought you would be such a sentimental type" Rom whistles while the other stare at him in awe.
"I hate to see when people don't get laid," he states shrugging his shoulders coolly
"Anyway, I heard your son finally maned-up and kidnapped his mate" Dante changes the topic rubbing his hands together in mischief making Rom scoffs his way.
"Shut up" Rom chides, before all of them get interrupt by a commotion.
"What the..." they all shout as two bodies' fly in breaking through a window.
"Chris" Connor shouts throwing the glass off his hand and rushing to his son's side
Chris holds Devilin's throat to stop him from attacking but curses as Devilin kicks him in the chest making him loose his hold.
"What the hell is meaning of this?" Adrian shouts trying to stop those two but he flies in the air as an unknown charge of energy bursts out of nowhere surrounding Chris and Devilin
"You okay?" Rom asks helping Ad to get up from the floor
"Yes, but what the hell is going on in here?" he asks in amazement as both the boys throw blow after blow towards each other.
"No idea, but we need to stop those two. They are creating unwanted audience as well giving themselves off" Rom answers before he tries to break them as well
"Dante, you need to stop them" Jean cries as they all gets affected the waves of energy those two boys were creating
"Sorry Honey" Dante replies standing stiff as he doesn't let his eyes off Chris
Connor tries to break through the energy his son created so he can get in touch if anyone of them can he should be able to, but even when he uses all of his power, he fails.
Devilin snarls as he punches Chris on his jaw and smiles in delight as he hears a resounding crack.
Chris holds Devilin's hand and with his full force turns it at the back making Devilin curse before he jumps at the back of Devilin and holds his head with both of his hands pulling his hard.
Everyone gasps, realizing what Chris was up to but before he could succeed, someone else joins in easily pulling Chris away from Devilin.
Eric holds Chris away from Devilin while Devilin coughs harshly clutching his neck; he glares at both of the men in front of him before he focuses solely on Chris.
"Devilin, stop" Jane's scared voice makes everyone except the boys look her way
"No, no, Devilin don't, he is my mate," Jane shouts as she sees her brother's eyes turning red knowing he was going for the lethal attack
Devilin turns at once towards his sister in annoyance as he realizes the man he was fighting with was his sister's mate.
"Chris" Jane shouts again as she rushes to her mate's side in horror seeing him bleeding through his nose
"Easy there" Eric advices as he helps Chris to lie on the floor before he looses consciousness
"Is he going to be fine?" Jane asks as she slowly touches her mate scared he will get hurt more.
"Yes, he just used a lot of energy to keep others out of the fight. He will be good to go once he takes a nap" Eric smiles in assurance before he eyes Connor
Connor walks up to where his son was laying and goes to pick him up so he can get them all home. He stops when Jane holds his arm.
"Can I come with you?" she asks pleadingly and he nods in answer as he walks out of the room quietly
"How did you get inside?" Rom asks to Eric curiously, as even they could not get in no matter what
"Are you sure you want me to talk about this in here?" Eric asks as he looks around the room to find everyone staring at them
"The party's over people," Dante shouts clapping his hands together and everyone scatters around hurrying to get out of the building.
"This is bad" Adrian narrows his eyes looking around, as he knows that what happened tonight will be the talk of their world for quiet sometimes.
"No it's not. As soon as the window was broken Connor created an illusion and everyone except us saw complete different accident then what we did," Dante informs making a few of them to breathe in relief
"And what might that be?" Adrian asks raising a brow curiously
"I will let Red explain it on our way to Crystal's house, Red?" Dante calls out with a grin as he takes Jean's hands in his and moves out
"You are joining us too, my boy" Dante calls to Devilin who nods grimly as he holds his broken arm
"Let me" Eric offers as he walks towards him to help
"You helped enough," Devilin snarls as he denies his help
"Dev, please it looks bad, let him check. He is a doctor" Ariel's voice stops him as she goes to stand in front of him
"I will be fine," he grumbles trying to move past them but Ariel stops him again
"For me, please" she pleads making him sigh and give in
"Fine" he agrees letting Eric mend his broken arm
Devilin hisses as Eric tugs his arm and shift his bones back to its place.
"There you go all fine" Eric smiles as he pats his good arm lightly but Devilin walks out of the room without a word
"Thank you" Ariel smiles before she follows Devilin out to his car.
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