《The Shy Demon(Valak x Reader)》Chapter 9: Not So Heartless After All


Sighing, my hands clasped around the potion tightly as I stood over Valak. 'Should I really do this?' I looked down at his sleeping form, which looked unaware and peaceful. I looked down at the blue potion that gleamed brightly. Looking at his face, memories flooded my thoughts. The thought of him taking my virginity, my dignity, and my purity. I felt my face heat up in anger as I furrowed my brows. I know I enjoyed it all, but a part of me still hated it. 'It's payback time, motherfucker,' I thought as my hands clenched. I popped open the potion, which caused a mysterious, blue mist to release into the air. 'It almost smells like... sage and rosemary.' Even though I was reluctant, I poured the liquid in his slightly separated lips. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and choked a bit on the liquid before swallowing it. His furious gaze met with mine and he angrily charged towards me. "Stay the fuck away from me, asshole," I said, backing up into the hallway. In a shift of emotions, his expression changed to pure hatred to soft. 'Huh? What the fuck?' "I'm sorry darling. I didn't mean to make you angry. How could I ever forgive you?" A laugh escaped my lips as I scoffed. "Is this another one of your games? I will not be fooled again, Valak," I asserted. A force gravitated me towards him and he snaked his arm around my waist in a loving manner. "Oh, don't act that way with me. You know I'm just kidding," he smiled genuinely. I scowled, pushing him away with all the force that I had. "You're sick, disgusting, revolting." "But, I love you," he said in a rather sad tone. 'Love? LOVE? HE DOESN'T KNOW SUCH A THING, HE'S A DEMON.' I shot one final glare and exited the room.

Valak's POV

'Why am I feeling these emotions? This insolent human could never be capable of making a demonic love potion,' I thought as my heart ached for her. I watched her as she left. 'She's perfect... no... she is not... no... she is..." My emotions continued to conflict with each other as I held my head in confusion. '...Murdak, he must've given her a love potion. I knew that pathetic worm still had a grudge against me.' I shot up angrily and flung the door open, revealing Nyx and Damian. "Hello father, we have finished training. When will I be able to officially take my sister's hand in marriage?" I glanced over to Nyx to see her disgusted expression. 'She must really hate him, maybe I'll postpone the marriage or cancel it... wait, why am I thinking this? They must get married.' "The marriage is postponed until further notice," I state as I walk out the room. "B-but father-" "Do you DARE question my decision, Damian? My answer is final." Damian's expression changed to puzzled as Nyx smiled a bit. 'Why am I suddenly... CARING?! I need to find an antidote now,' I thought while treading outside. My heart longed for the woman I had impregnated, but my mind strongly refused. I froze in place as my heart conflicted with my mind. 'I have to go back in and comfort her,' I thought while going back inside.


Reader's POV

I sipped on red wine while reading my bible. 'I'm shocked that this book doesn't burn in Hell,' I thought while flipping the page. I flipped the page too fast and came across a rosary inscribed with words. 'Huh? What is this?' I curiously analyze the rosary as it gleamed in the light. 'Is this grandmother Lorraine's rosary? It is beautiful,' I thought, smiling warmly to myself. As I put it on, I felt a mysterious, yet warm sensation come over me. It was almost like... I was reborn? I breathed in deeply and stood up, putting my bible away. I heard loud footsteps stop at my door and the doorknob started turning. The door flung open and revealed Valak, who wore an unreadable expression as his eyes darted towards my rosary. "You... why are you wearing that... FILTH?!" "What seems to be the issue? It's my grandmother's rosary and I will wear it with pride," I stood my ground and furrowed my brows. His expression changed to anger, but quickly softened. "I see... I came in here to apologize for my actions." My eyes widened in shock hearing those words seep out of his mouth. "W-what is this nonsense?" "It is... not nonsense, my dear," he said while sitting next to me, "it is the pure truth." I scowled and turned around as he got closer. "I'll never forgive you for anything that you have done." I felt his arms wrap around my torso and I immediately shot up. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME," I yelled while pushing him away. Somehow, his veil managed to slip off from the force of my shove. His long, black longs were exposed as his eyes widened. "I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by staring at his long locks drape on his shoulders and down his back. I was confused at first, but then I thought, 'What else could he be hiding? Is that truly his face or is that makeup?' "You... you have hair?" He nodded silently and stood up, ready to leave the room.


"Where are you going? Wai-" He left before I could muster out anymore words. "I have to see what he truly looks like," I whispered as I followed him. He turned down the hall into a pitch-black room. 'Hmm...' I reached in my pocket and pulled out a mini flashlight. I clicked it on and entered the room, scanning the area. "Valak... where did you go?" "You have already seen my true form. What else more do you wish to see? Don't you think you're being a bit... selfish?" I paused for a bit and thought about his question. "You're right... maybe I shouldn't pursue my curiosities," I mumbled and turned around to exit the room. Before I could even step out of the room, a hand yanked me back into the darkness. Yellow orbs illuminated in the darkness and a set of sharp, white teeth grinned. A small light shined on his face, revealing a handsome man with intricate features. His eyebrows were finely shaped, as well as his high cheekbones. His lips seemed soft, making me want to embrace them with my own. He almost resembled Jared Leto. 'How did he know he is one of my favorite celebrities?' "Valak... is that-" "I'm a demon. I can become whatever you want me to be," he chuckled. "Why... are you doing this to me? What is your goal?" "I know I made you suffer in the past," he said as his hands travelled down my torso, "So I would like to make it up by making you feel real good." "Please, you don't have to- UAWAH!" I gasped as his hand grazed over my womanhood, which elicited a sensual response. I felt like a dog in heat as he continued to tease me, rubbing his finger on my sensitive love button through my clothes. "V-valak-" "Shhhh... don't speak," he said as I felt my clothes being stripped from my body. I felt goosebumps as my skin was exposed to the cold darkness. Suddenly, I was laid onto the floor and a heavy weight pressed onto me. "Valak-" I was cut off by a sudden foreign object entering my wet pussy. It didn't feel anything like a penis or finger. "What the hell did he put inside of me?" "By reading your thoughts, I knew you would like to spice things up. I'll make that 50 shades of grey fantasy a reality," he said, tracing his finger around my soft breast. 'I know I shouldn't be doing this. I'm not even refusing it,' I thought while enjoying the mysterious pleasure. "Oh God, forgive me for my sins," I whispered to myself as I prepared my body for the evil pleasure that I was about to indulge in. "Do not ask any questions. Do not say anything. You have no rights. The only thing i want to hear you say is yes. Understand that this is not a negotiation, it's an order."

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