《The Shy Demon(Valak x Reader)》Chapter 2:The Arrival


The taxi ride to the Abbey was silent but relaxing,unlike the atrocious train ride I had to endure. 'At least it's over and I can actually focus on my case' I thought while releasing a sigh of relief and sipping on my coffee. I popped open my brief case and read over the case file one more time. Hmm the locals are afraid to bring up the Abbey and most pretend that it doesn't exist in general. 'It gets more interesting by the minute but, this shouldn't be anything i can't handle since my great grandmother is Lorraine Warren'. i thought with a cocky grin.As i glance at my watch i see there's at least another 2 hours left in the taxi till i reach my destination. " Might as well take a quick nap' i think to myself while getting snugged in the seat and slowly drifting off.

~Dream realm~

I open my eyes to see new setting its foggy but yet i'm in some kind of room? I try to make my way through the fog to find a way out of the room but i bump into something. A table of some sort? i carefully feel around the table and graze what feels like a book. i slowly pick it up and observe it, its a strange looking book it has some type of eye on the cover. when opening the book and flipping to the first page i get a paper cut. "Ouch" i flinch and drop the book . As i look down at the book it glows a eerie green and shakes. 'What does this mean?' I thought to myself before falling unconscious.

~Back to reality~

I jump slightly from the bizarre dream and look around clutching the rosary around my neck. I glance out the window and noticed that we aren't moving anymore let alone on the road in general. It appears He comes to a complete stop directly in front of a very woodsy area. "This is as far as I go mam,you have to reach the Abbey on foot " He said in a serious tone. "Really on foot? Through those woods" I looked To him shocked but he returned back to his driving position and unlocked the door indicating that it was time for me to get out. Without uttering a word I grab my stuff and pay him for the ride and slip out.

~30 minutes later ~


I finally arrive at the Abbey drenched in sweat looking like a mess. I began to fumble to try to make my self look somewhat decent but I start to get the feeling someone's watching me. I look around but my eyes fall upon a window. I see what looks like a nun but something is off about her she slowly backs up from the view of the window n slips into the darkness. 'Okay that was totally strange'. I cautiously go up the stairs and knock on the door.Instead of someone opening the door it just creeps open on its own with a eerie creek. 'Well I guess that's the only welcome I'm going to get'. I pick up my luggage and proceed to enter. I tremble slightly from the feeling of utter evil it has engulfed this whole building with sin and wretched feelings. I suck in my fear and replace it with courage and start the search for a room with at least a bed.

~10 mins later of aimlessly walking ~

I began to hear whispers and foot steps that sounds close. 'This place is supposedly abandoned except for the few nuns who stayed' I turn around in hopes of seeing some type of companion but instead i just see darkness. As noticed the once lit candles are now put out. I squint carefully into the darkness trying to make out any type of figure. But all i can hear is just animalistic sounds and growls. I slowly take my phone out and switch on its flashlight. ' Hmm alright let's see who's hiding in the dark ' I think to my self with a smug expression but in reality I'm scared shitless. As the beam of light Pierce's through the darkness I see nothing, just the same hallway i entered from. I relax slightly and slowly start to turn around only to feel a hand tap my shoulder. I let out a gasp and fall to the floor n look up at a nun. She's a young girl probably mid 20's fair skin nothing special but I noticed she looks terrified. She helps me to my feet and whispers "It's not safe to be out here right now I can appoint u to your sleeping domain" She says in almost a whisper and turns and starts to walk down the barely lit hall.

I follow behind her and look around at the long dark halls. 'I wonder how they remember their way around such a big place '.I clench my bags a little closer to my body as my breath becomes visible 'Sheesh it's freezing in here '. " Is it always this cold in here?" I ask to the young nun who comes to a stop in front of a door. "Its only cold when it's around" she says in a fearful tone and pushes open a door leading to a decently lit room. "What do you mean by "It?" " i ask curiously as i proceed into the room and place my belongings in a suitable place. she stands in front of me and says a quick prayer before casting her gaze into mine" Please don't leave you room until tomorrow morning...for your safety "she pauses before quickly turning on her heels to leave. "Safety from what? what exactly is happening here?" i ask but to no avail she didn't answer my question. i release a sigh of frustration " I didn't even catch her name.


I began to think that i'm actually under qualified for a job like this, i mean what have i honestly gotten myself into.I shake my head trying to shake off the negative thoughts and slide into the bathroom to wash my face. i notice a shadow crouched behind the tub i stare in confusion as it stands tall and slowly walks over to the mirror and faces me. I back up in horror as a ghostly white hand extends through the mirror. I should know what to do in this situation but my mind just goes blank. Something about this force is evil but yet so alluring its almost like a feeling of tranquility waiting for me to accept it behind the mirror, leading me to a whole new world of hidden desires and adventure. Without fully thinking i extend my own hand and clasp the cold pale one. It's grip continued to increase and the pain starts to hit snapping me back into reality 'it hurts' i thought while trying to pull away. I turn my head away and try to stretch for the shower railing to use as a weapon. With a few more stretches i finally have it within my grasp. turning quickly ready to strike the hand that has mine captured i face a tall figure. In shock i drop the shower railing, it slowly rolls far away from me out of my reach. The creature standing before me watches the movement of it before its eye fall back upon me. I tremble from its intense gaze and open up my mouth to speak but only a whisper slips out "What do you want" i say barely audible.The figure doesn't say a word but instead releases my hand and points to something behind me. "What?" I saw in confusion and turn around only to see i'm no longer in the bathroom but instead a dark hallway leading to a door with Latin scribbles on it.

I proceed to the door to read it more carefully "Finit hic deus" It reads which translates to "God ends here". I turn around to look behind me but to my surprise the creature is gone ,Against my better judgement i open the door and flick on my phone flashlight. As i slowly slip through the door it slams shut behind me leaving me engulfed in pure darkness leaving my phone light the only thing emitting through the darkness. As i continued to go deeper into the pitch black abyss i fumble around and feel a railing. I carefully take cautious steps down the crumbled stairs until i reach the bottom.

"Hello? is anyone here" I call out and continue forth into the new area. As i scan around the room i see an interesting looking book on the floor. I begin to approach it with caution and pick it up for a better look. 'What kind of book is this?' I think to myself as i flip across the pages.I soon come to a halt as i see a familiar name "Valak"I let out in a whisper of surprise and shock. As soon as the name slips from my lips the cold feeling i felt before returns, and where i am standing forms into a pentagram. I come to the sudden realization that this is the book i seen earlier in my dream i had in the taxi. i rub my head from the sharp pounding pain that emerges from nowhere. I see the familiar figure i saw before in the bathroom, It lead me here but why? I try to escape the pentagram but a great force keeps me stuck in that area. 'Is this how i die?' i thought to myself why staring into the creatures eyes.

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