《Unplanned//Luke Hemmings》2.1


I opened my eyes and automatically shut them. It was way too bright in here. I went to get up but then was pulled back onto the bed. I looked down to my waist and Luke's arms were wrapped around me. The memories from last night came back to me. I mentally slapped my self in the face. What the fuck happened to being tired Jaymee. God

"Jaymee, don't go" Luke's raspy voice spoke

I laid back down in his arms, feeling safe and protected. Is it that bad that I had sex with Luke. We have been getting along and he has helped a lot with Jayden.

I reached for my phone and saw I had a text from Elly.

*Elly: Hey bitch we're shooting today*

*Me: Who*

*Elly: It's a surprise *

*Me: um Fine*

*Elly: just get your ass here on time*

"Luke I have to go to work" I said trying to get out of Luke's death grip

"No don't leave me" he whines. I laugh then finally get out of his grip.

"I'm going to take a shower" I say walking into the bathroom

I strip form my clothes and turn the shower on its hottest setting. I get in after a couple minutes of it warming up.

I let out heavy sigh as the water cascaded down my body.

I got the shampoo and put it in my hand, then in my hair. I thought I heard the door of the bathroom open.

"Luke" I say hoping for a reply, but nothing

I was washing the shampoo out of my hair when the shower curtain got yanked open.

"What the fucking hell" I screamed. Luke laughed so hard I think the whole building herd

He got into the shower and just stared at me

"Um...get out" I said wanting him to just leave me alone


"No I want to shower with you" he says innocently.

"No" I say





"I'm not leaving" he says ending our annoying conversation.

I turned around and put my face under the water. Luke wrapped his arms around my waist so my back was pressed against his chest.

I turn around and wrap my arms around his torso. Luke's arms were wrapped around me, his head resting on my chest. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and put some in my hand, then rubbed it in Luke's hair. While Luke's arms were still wrapped around me, head on my chest.

I started to massage the shampoo on his head. I scraped my nails on his scalp softy while washing the shampoo out. A moan left his mouth and I laughed.

"Could you not" I say still laughing.

"Sorry I can't help it God" he says tightening his grip on me.

"Are you ready to get out" I ask him while looking at my fingertips that resemble my grandmas

"Yup" he responds popping the p. I turned around and shut the water off. I got out of the shower Luke following. I grabbed three towels from the closet. I gave one to Luke and wrapped the other one around my body. I flipped my hair in front of my face then wrapped the third towel in my hair.

I walked over to the full length mirror on the back of the door. I looked at myself for awhile. I saw Luke walk up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder.

"Your perfect babe" he says while putting a single kiss on my neck.

"Luke, I am very far from perfect" I say truthfully. I could right a book about all the things I hate about myself.


"Your perfect to me babe" he tells me kissing my cheek and turning me around so he could hold he in his arms.

I step away from him to get get dressed. I looked in my closet for my black ripped skinny jeans. I also pick out a white tank top and a black and blue flannel. I put my clothes on and went to my dresser for makeup but of course it wasn't there because Luke is a little twat.

I put on a black tattoo bracelet. I also threw on some black and white converse.

I got my phone but not my bag because it's at the studio. When I got to the front door Luke and Jayden were standing there.

"What do you people want" I say annoyed, I'm already late

"We are going with you" they both say at the same time running out the door before I could say anything.

I sigh loudly while walking out the door and locking it.

I get down to the car. Luke is in the drivers seat and Jayden is already in his car seat. I sit in the passenger seat.

Luke turned on the radio and we started to drive.


We got to the studio and Elly was waiting outside. We all got out of the car and just stood in front of Elly.

"Um are you going inside the studio or what" I ask wondering well in the hell I got up early in the morning for this shit.

"We are not shooting today we are going to the beach" she says looking at Luke and smiling

"What the fuck" I ask feeling overly confused

"Me and Luke set this thing up bitch don't look so confused now let's all get in the car" she says making her way to the car all of us following

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