《° worth it ? | jihoon》Chapter 3 UnHate


Choi Y/N ! Congratulations to both of you I'll give you 2 weeks to practice sooo be quick


Omg I still can't believe I won . I've never ever had win anything in the past though except for winning girls heart and make they fall in love instantly . And the truth is , I didn't really fucked all of them up , they just used me to be a better person ya know , a good loooking and attractive man. Honestly, I didn't love any of those girls especially Nuryn . Is she dumb that I didn't know about her in the past ? I really hope I can find the perfect true love for me who has been chasing me for my love for years . I accept all of the confession just because I don't want anybody get hurt just like me ever again .


Today is the day I'm going to confess to Ashley . Jihoon were at the park waiting for Ashley to come . Jihoon waited for several hours and Ashley still hasn't come .

And from that day on, I didn't want to make anyone feel bad towards themselves. And that's why i accept them all and because a popular playboy .


I didn't believe it. I can't believe I won the queen again. But the most exiting part is MY PARTNER IS PARK JIHOON. OMO I'm so excited to invite him practice with me . Only if he accepts it though.

After that announcement, I pack my bags and get out of the dance class and go to my locker.

I was putting my books in the locker suddenly, Jihoon came to me .

Hey Y/N.... would you like to practice tomorrow?

Yeah sure

And... can I get your phone number ?

I nod. I gave him my number . I try to act normal but inside I'm fucking exploding. Jihoon asks for my number ?!?!??! And he is inviting me ?!?!??


Thank You Y/N

Your most welcome

But suddenly Nuryn comes in between us and trapped Jihoon In both her arms and lean in. Nuryn kiss Jihoon .

I felt hardbroken, sad, jealous and more . But suddenly Jihoon speaks up

What are you doing ?!?! You don't even get my permission!

Hey ! You are my boyfriend I can do whatever I want ! And why are screaming to me ! Is it because of this slut ?!?! *points at me*

Whats wrong with her?!?! She's not a slut ! You are ! That's it I hate you ! You cheated on me ! Lets break up!

Jihoon pulls your wrist and brought you outside the school

What was that ?! And why you bring me here ?!?

It's just I need to tell you something....

What is it ?

I love you


OMO ! Why did I say that to her ?!?! I know it's hard not to tell her she is sooo attractive I can't help it ! I really like her !


What ?

I say I love you


You don't love me too ?

No , not like that , it's just ..... fine ! I love you too I guess

Sooo would you like to be my girlfriend?

Yeah sure

Jihoon kiss you passionately this time you didn't push him you respond to him very well

Lets go home

Okay , But isn't your house in other way ?

Actually, I live with Guanlin secretly

Ouh okay lets go

Jihoon holds your hand and brought you to your home

After arriving there, Jihoon gave you a peck on the lips

I love you

I love you too

Then Jihoon leaves .

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