《Explosive Thoughts | Charles Xavier [1] ✔︎》22 | Let It Break You


Evie had lived at the Xavier mansion for a week or two but she was still mesmerized by it. The size was one thing but it was the fact it hadn't changed in over a decade. Sure, it was now more child friendly but that didn't change much. It was still large and obnoxious but felt more homely then her own apartment.

As the group walked into the foyer, the brunette span slowly, taking in her surroundings. There was a thin layer of dust covering the surfaces - it was obvious Hank tried to clean but probably gave up.

Before Evie could gaze for any longer, Charles cried out in pain, dropping to the floor and clutching his back. Everyone rushed over to the professor, trying to see what was wrong.

"What happened?" Logan questioned in worry as he helped Charles onto a table next to him.

"Charles!" Evie called out in concern, rushing over to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. But it didn't seem to help at all.

"Why can't he walk?" Logan asked the doctor next to him.

"He needs his treatment." Hank replied before rushing up the stairs to retrieve it.

This left Evie and Logan alone with the man who has gripping his head in agony. Evie felt useless that she couldn't help and wondered that if she had stayed, could she have prevented this. It was like her voice was caught in her throat because she didn't know how to comfort him.

"Hey, hey, pull yourself together." Logan told the man who was grabbing his hair in pain. Evie sent the future man a confused look. "It's not over yet."

Charles paused and looked at him for a moment. "You don't believe that."

"How do you know?" Logan faltered, his expression dropping into a grim one.

"As these go, this comes back." Charles pointed to his legs then to his head. He shut his eyes and grimaced as he called, "They all come back!"

With clenched fists, Evie finally made her decision. Instantly, she rushed to her lover, kneeing down in front of him. "Charles, hey! Look at me." When the man didn't look at her, she called a little louder. "Look at me!" With great reluctance, Charles glanced down. "Look at my eyes, describe them."

"What?" Charles questioned her in confusion, pain still etched into his face.

"My eyes, describe my eyes." Evie repeated, her eyes staring straight into his.

With tears pricking the corners of his eyes, Charles took a small breath. "They're brown."

"Go deeper." Evie encouraged him, her hands going up to grip his arms.

Charles shook his head gently as he tried to make sense of what was happening. "They're stubborn." He observed.


"That's my personality." Evie stated as her eyes fluttered. She hated seeing Charles in pain but she was trying to get his mind off it. "My eyes, Charles, focus on my eyes."

It was the first time Charles had really focused on her brown eyes, watching them swim with emotion. "They're worried, loving, hopeful." He muttered, almost as if his mind was at peace. That was until he took a sharp breath in and grabbed his head again.

"Yeah that's right, okay? I'm here to help, I am never leaving you again." Evie told him loudly, raising her voice so she could be heard over the voices. "I promise." This made the man look back down at her. "I will be with you every step of the way you just need to let the voices back in."

"I can't do that!" Charles cried out as he rested his head against the pillar behind him.

"Yes you can! You're stronger then both of us!" The agent told the man, urgency in her voice. "Sometimes you have to let it break you before you can be fixed. Let me fix you."

"And how would you know how to fix me?" Charles retaliated quickly, a small tear dropping down his cheek.

"Because I've been in the exact same position and you helped me." Evie voiced, her tone practically pleading. "Let me help you. Please Charles, let me help you." She begged in a weak tone but Charles shook his head.

Logan placed a hand on her shoulder and motioned for her to stand up off the floor. Evie followed his instructions and stood next to him, both of them looking down on the man with sympathy.

"Look, she's still out there. But we need your help, Charles." Logan stated, his voice softer then usual. "Not like this, I need you. We can't find Raven, not without your powers."

There was a small silence before Hank came barreling down the stairs, the syringe with yellow liquid inside was firmly grasped in his hand. The professor reached out for it immediately, wanting it in his hands.

"I added a little extra cause you missed a dose." Hank explained as he waited with the rest of the group. They watched as Charles looked at it for a moment, contemplating what he was about to do.

"Charles." Logan voiced slowly.

This almost seemed to snap him out of his trance. Much to everyone's surprise, Charles placed down the syringe, taking a huge breath of air and hunching over. Instantly, Evie was over and hugging him tightly.

"You're gonna be fine." She whispered into his ear comfortingly which made him bury his head in her shoulder.


They stayed like that for a moment before Charles lifted his head and looked to his friend. "Hank, do me a favour." He spoke up which made the doctor look to him. "Would you help me to my study, please?"

"Alright." He nodded.

With one hand around Evie and the other around Hank, the two of them helped the man into the room next door. They lent the man against the desk as Hank opened a door in the corner. "Are you sure about this?" He questioned the man as they stared at the white wheelchair.

"Absolutely not." Charles replied honestly.

"I'd say that's the best way to live life." Evie added on, sending the man a reassuring smile. It was clear that the voices were still plaguing him but it was more bearable knowing he could fall on someone.

"Holy crap." Evie swore as the lift doors opened, revealing the futuristic bunker that they walked into. Much like the mansion, the brunette was in complete awe at the sight, everything looked clean. "This is the old bunker." She observed in shock, recognising the shape.

"You never been down here before?" He questioned her, raising his brow in amusement.

"Last time I was here was ten years ago and the school hadn't even started yet." Evie responded as she looked to the older man. He nodded in understanding.

"When was the last time you were down here?" This question was directed at the men who were leading the group, the ones who seemed the most tense.

"The last time we went looking for students." Hank replied somberly, thinking back to when the halls were filled.

"A lifetime ago." Charles cut in, his hand twitching which showed his clear discomfort.

A bright light appeared on his face, creating an X shape. It scanned his eyes before shutting off. "Welcome, Professor." The computer greeted before the doors started to slide open.

"Raven's wounded," Hank informed them as they walked down the bridge to the middle. Now they were in a massive ball with metal frames around the outside. "She won't be moving fast."

Reluctantly, Charles lifted the head gear of the panel in the middle. When he blew on it, dust flew off it and disappeared into the air. "These are muscles I haven't stretched in a long time." He stated lowly before placing it on his head.

Evie watched as Hank pressed a few buttons and started up the machine. Suddenly white figures appeared around them and like a switch, they turned red. The brunette was in awe, watching the machine work but she knew that Charles was suffering.

She could tell this from the agony filled groans that left his mouth. The room began to spin, making Evie feel sick. It got faster and faster, Charles' groaning turning to screams of pain. The sound became intense, the voices screaming overlapped Charles'. It seemed as if it was at a breaking point.

The machine began to spark and explode before the whole room turned dark. The red figures disappeared.

"Charles, are you alright?" Evie grabbed the Englishman's shoulder as he pushed himself away from the panel. The man didn't verbally reply, simply turning his head away from her.

"I'll go check the generator." Hank announced as he began to leave, patting his friend's shoulder.

Evie was going to stay but someone clearing their throat made her turn. She saw Logan motion with his head to follow Hank. The brunette sent him a confused expression which caused Logan to roll his eyes. He stuck his thumb out and Evie understood now.

"I'll come too." Evie exclaimed, squeezing Charles' shoulder before following after Hank.

It wasn't hard to follow Hank to the generator, it had it's own room at the other end of the hall. She took this silence to worry about Charles. She didn't know how he was feeling but she could guess, yet there was something familiar about his situation. Maybe it was the fact he refused to let anyone else help him.

It seemed way too familiar. The idea made Evie scoff. Her and Charles were more alike then they originally thought.

As she arrived at the room, she lent casually against the door frame. If Hank needed help, he'd ask her but she didn't want to intrude on his space.

"You know he kept talking about you." Hank voiced up which made Evie look up at him. The man pulled a lever up and waited for some flashing lights before he elaborated. "It was like you were the only thing keeping him sane."

"Yeah well sometimes, I feel like I'm the only sane one around here." Evie joked lightly which made the man crack a smile. He turned back towards her and began to walk back down the corridor. "Is that it?"

"Yeah, I don't really know why you came." Hank admitted as he looked over his shoulder. Evie shrugged her shoulders, following after the doctor.

"When someone from the future tells you to go, you go." Evie explained which made the man nod in understanding.

When they got back into the main room, they saw Logan leaning on Charles' chair with the telepath's hand on his head. Evie furrowed her brows but didn't question it.

"Power's back on." Hank announced as the pair arrived at the scene, both visibly confused.

"Yes. Yes, it is." Charles replied before wheeling back into Cerebro.

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