𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁?
[𝘆𝗲𝘀] 𝗇𝗈
𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜......
When I wake up, sometimes I keep expecting to wake up in my own bed in my own home. I keep expecting to look out my window and see the neighborhood, see my friends coming over to my house. I keep expecting to wake up and everything is normal again, that everything else is just a bad dream.
But it's not a dream.
When I wake up, everything is real. This is our normal. Our home is this school. And I can't pinch myself to get out of this situation. I'm stuck here. We're stuck here.
I can't press a 'new game' option on a main menu like in some game I'd play for a recording. I can't restart or respawn any members of a party. Everyone, everything, we're all real. Their deaths are real. Our problems are real. It's real—
"Earth to Funneh! Funneh?"
A voice catches my attention, interrupting my thoughts as I blink once or twice. I glance around the cafeteria, realizing I've been stabbing my fork into the poor pieces of egg and potato that have been unfortunate enough to become victim to my accidental violence.
"Funneh? Hey, Funneh?" Lunar calls out, tapping with her index finger on my shoulder, "helloooooo?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry," I apologize, sitting up straight in my chair and glancing over my shoulder, "I zoned out. What's up?"
"Valerie tried getting your attention but you just acted like a statue," Lunar laughs, pointing over her shoulder with her thumb, "anyway, she said something about a video game or whatever."
"Valerie? The only people I remember mentioning a video game were Alec and Senpai," I say.
"Yeah. Valerie, Kyran, Alec, Senpai, and Draco all were gonna play a video game. I don't know how, but they said they had some way to. Also said they wanted to invite you," Lunar explains.
"Oh, okay," I hums out, "where are they?"
"Fun story: I don't know," Lunar nervously laughs out, "I'd check one of the free classrooms, though. Or their dorms."
"And you? What about you? Don't you wanna join us?" I question.
"I would, but I promised Aly I'd sketch her something. I think someone's presence would help her, you know? Alec said she's been pretty freaked out since the first trial," Lunar elaborates.
"—And the last trial," I insist, genuinely trying to hope that if I say it enough, I'll believe it myself.
Lunar's expression shifts between a few emotions, and she opens her mouth to seemingly say something, but instead settles into a rueful smile. "Yeah. The one and only trial."
"If you don't mind me asking, what're you gonna sketch for Aly?" I ask, standing up and grabbing my plate.
"The other day I had been talking to her and Kyran about anime. I ended up talking to her alone about this one anime where it revolves around dancing. Long story short, she and I thought of some interesting concepts of outfits made for dancing," Lunar explains, seemingly almost excited for something related to art.
"Oh, that's cool," I encourage, "I'm glad she can find some comfort in things. I think we all can."
"Yeah, maybe. But even if we can find comfort, some way to cope with everything, we shouldn't settle for this," she adds, "we shouldn't stop trying to find a way to escape this place."
"Of course. But we should still keep everybody... well, calm. If people can feel somewhat okay, then that helps us think right and figure out how to get out of here," I agree.
"Yeah. By the way, have you actually seen Aly recently?" Lunar inquires to me.
"Uh, nope. Can't say I have. Or at least, not since role call. But that was two hours ago," I say.
"Dang it. Wait, have you really just been picking at your food for two hours?" she says with a laugh chuckle.
"Ahaha... I was just thinking, that's all," I brush aside the topic, nervously smiling.
"I do that, too. But I guess I'll go look for her. If you see her, let me know," Lunar requests, "anyway, see you later."
"Yeah. Bye," I say as she walks away.
A small pang of fear hits my heart, some sort of overwhelming feeling that leaves my stomach unsettled. And somehow, without being able to properly explain it, feels like my bloodstream's gone cold for a moment. My heart feels like it sinks for a split second.
I push away the small concern that something could have happened to Aly, rationalizing that as long as Alec is around to protect her, she'll be fine. After all, they're siblings. Not all siblings get along, but they look out for one another other. They're fine as long as they have each other.
Ignoring the thoughts, I eat the last few bites of food on my plate before quickly washing the plate in the kitchen, then storing it away in the cupboards.
Leaving the cafeteria, I start to look for the others.
Check the classrooms, huh?
I wander through the first floor, walking up and down the corridors leading to random classrooms, then enter the hallway of our dorms.
Only knocking on the doors belonging to the group of people who've invited me, I receive no answer at any of them. Defeated, I go on to search the other areas.
I spot a few occasional people talking or minding their own selves, but find that I should spend time with the group instead of one individual person today. I'd always have other days to see everyone else, anyway.
I make my way up to the second floor, finding myself in the hallway leading to the library. I shrug and decide to check inside it.
As I reach the large doors to the library, I'm taken aback when they swing open towards me. I stumble backwards, trying not to let the doors slam into my body, and watch as Draco leaves the library.
He's in there again?
"Woah! Jeez, Draco! You almost hit me!" I exclaim, slightly startled.
"Okay, one: the door would have hit you, not me. And two: what are you doing here?" he questions, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms, leaning against the still opened door.
"I could ask you the same thing," I defend, "what were you doing in there?"
"Talking with people. You know, like friends normally do when they hang out with other friends," he says in an almost joking tone, "is there something wrong with that?"
"No. It's just, you're in there a lot lately. And I'm still really curious about that book. Pleaseeeeee?" I beg, bouncing on my feet as I try to convince him to tell me.
"Nope. I'm not saying anything," he laughs out in triumph, "anyway, are you gonna come with us to play that video game?"
"Yeah, I am," I inform.
He nods, then stands up straight. He starts walking away down the hallway, leaving me there at the doorway to the library. "Well, if you're gonna go, I'll meet you there. Or just catch up with me. If you wanted to go to the library first, I mean," he says from a distance.
Before I can walk to try and catch up with him, the heavy doors to the library swing open. Startled once again, I jump slightly at the sudden actions.
From behind the door walks out Aly, who seems slightly surprised to see me standing here. "Oh, hi, Funneh. Have you seen Lunar anywhere?"
"I just saw her in the cafeteria like twenty minutes ago," I admit, "she was actually looking for you."
"Oh, okay. Thanks," she says with a smile.
I nod as she actually goes back into the library, for reasons that I'm not apparently aware of. There's only one way to get into the library, and I'm standing right in its doorway.
Wasn't she just leaving the library?
Then, why go back in? And after seeing me?
Is that who Draco was talking to?
The small unsettling feeling re-emerges in my gut, but I push it aside yet again. I shake my head and ignore the strange actions, preferring to believe I'm just being paranoid.
I quicken my pace, however, and jog back down the corridor, taking a turn around the corner. I spot Draco further down the hallway, call out and wave to him, then hurry over to beside him.
"Where are the others?" I inquire to him.
"Down this hallway. Third to last classroom," he explains as we walk.
"Oh, okay," I slowly say, "...hey, uh, Draco?"
"Hm?" he hums, raising his eyebrows in reaction to correlate his response.
"Was it Aly you were talking to?" I ask.
"Yeah. Why?" he questions.
"Oh, no reason. Lunar was just looking for her, that's all," I explain, shaking my head.
"Ah, yeah. Aly mentioned that she was supposed to meet up with Lunar," he agrees.
"Was she the only one you were talking to?" I ask.
"Nah. Rainbow was in there with us, too. But, she left just a little bit before you got there. Like, a literal minute or so before," he explains.
I nod.
Did Rainbow actually ever leave? If she did, why wouldn't Aly leave? It was just the three of them, after all. She wouldn't have another reason to be in there.
"Funneh? Funneh? Helloooo?" Draco calls out my name, waving his hand in front of my face, "Funneh?"
"What? Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just... thinking, that's all," I apologize, "anyway, what?"
"I was gonna say they're in here," Draco explains, opening the door to one of the classrooms.
"Oh," I only manage to murmur.
The two of us enter the classroom, where I immediately see everyone. Valerie is sitting in a desk and simply chatting with Senpai, the two of them really seeming to get along well. As for Alec and Kyran, they seem to be, well, arguing. Or rather, arguing, but in some sort of joking way. Regardless, I doubt anyone is actually at conflict.
"There they are!" Valerie exclaims, instantly smiling as she sees us.
"Man, where were you guys?" Kyran immediately asks, standing up from his chair, "the school isn't that big."
"Not so far, it isn't," Draco sighs, "if Monokuma keeps opening up new floors for us like he did with this second floor, we'll have more place to explore."
"Except we won't be here to see that happen. We're gonna get out of here," I insist.
Senpai nods with a smile, agreeing with me. Valerie also eagerly nods. But as for Kyran and Alec, they avoid looking in our direction as they sigh.
"Anyway," Kyran coughs, clearly changing the subject, "so, who's ready for—"
"Guys? Guys!"
"What the—" Senpai's reaction is interrupted.
"Man, and I thought I was deaf," I hear Lunar's voice come from behind Draco and I.
"Holy crackers— you scared me!" I exclaim, stepping back from the doorway.
"Haha, sorry. I guess you could say we deaf-initely gave you a startle," Rainbow laughs out.
Lunar sighs.
"Ignore her. Acknowledging it only makes it stronger," Lunar says, half jokingly, "but really, did you guys not hear?"
"Hear what?" all six of us question in unison.
"The announcement! It went off a few minutes ago!" Lunar exclaims, clearly surprised by our genuine confusion.
"The... nighttime announcement? It's only nine-thirty-something in the morning—" Alec's words are cut off.
"No, no, no! The Monokuma announcement! He called us to the gymnasium," Rainbow explains, "he said he had a 'surprise' for us."
"That does not sound good coming from Monokuma," Kyran mumbles.
"That doesn't matter. If we don't go now, he's gonna 'punish' us," Rainbow insists, her voice slightly growing quieter at one certain word.
I shudder momentarily, goosebumps rising along the skin of my arms. I can only hear the sentence from the trial at the mention of the word.
"It's... punishment time!"
Screw you, too, Monokuma.
"...We shouldn't keep him waiting then," Senpai eventually admits, "I... I don't wanna die."
No one says anything, but we all silently know what he means. Quietly, we're all agreeing.
"Come on," Valerie says, interrupting the silence, "we shouldn't keep him waiting. That'd... be rude!"
I smile sadly.
Valerie really cares for everyone.
"Let's go," I command, everyone slowly —and reluctantly— leaving the classroom.
We enter the hallway and start to make our way to the stairwell, no one really saying anything. As we near the stairway, Alec speaks up.
"Hey, uh, Lunar? Rainbow? What'd you mean when you asked us if we heard it or not?" Alec questions.
"There's no reading in between the lines. I just asked if you guys had really not heard the announcement," Lunar sighs.
"Now that you mention it, that is weird, isn't it?" Draco inquires, "I mean, if you guys heard it, why didn't we? There's monitors and speakers in every room of this school. We should have heard it just like you guys."
"We were in the cafeteria when it went off. Evelyn told us to go find you guys after you didn't appear," Rainbow explains.
"In the cafeteria? Wait, Lunar, weren't you supposed to be with Aly?" Alec asks.
"Yeah, I was. But I never found her," Lunar denies, "I asked around, but no one said they saw her."
"Is she alright?" Alec immediately inquires.
"Oh, she's fine. She ended up coming to the gymnasium after the announcement. But I couldn't find her before," Lunar explains.
"She was in the library," Draco points out, "Rainbow and I were talking to her beforehand."
"Mhmm," Rainbow hums out, "I left first, but I would have thought the others did after me."
"I did. Aly was right behind me. Funneh, you didn't see her?" Draco questions.
"I did, but she went right back into the library. What were you guys even talking about?" I inquire.
"I was actually in there before anyone else to check another book for something. But then I ran into Aly and Rainbow. They were talking first," Draco admits.
"We were all just talking about normal things. Aly did mention meeting up with you, though, Lunar," Rainbow says.
"She never found me, though," Lunar sighs, "Funneh, you said you ran into her after they left, right? Did you not tell her where you saw me last?"
"No, I did. She didn't go look for you?" I ask.
"No," Lunar denies.
"Guys, there's no need to interrogate each other like we're in some sort of..." Senpai's voice trails off for a moment, "whatever. You know what I mean. But we just have to trust each other. Right, Funneh? We have to trust each other to get out of here?"
"Yeah," I agree, "we all trust each other, don't we? I mean, we're friends."
"Yeah. Just drop the conversation."
"I'm sorry, WHAT?"
"You heard me! It's another motive since you guys just seem to be soooo boring and don't wanna kill each other!" Monokuma laughs out.
"There's no way we're gonna listen to your dumb motive!" Aly yells.
"Yeah! What makes you think we'll just turn on each other?" Lunar questions.
"Once you see the motive, you'll know! After all, trust only goes so far," Monokuma laughs out before tossing up a handful of folded papers into the air.
"What, like, are those?" Brittney asks.
"Each of you has one paper especially made for your eyes only should you choose to keep your privacy. Why don't you check 'em out?" Monokuma eerily persuades.
The folded papers separate as they fly into the air, each of them individually fluttering down to each person. A folded square of paper eventually hovers down to right above me, allowing me to catch it.
Don't open it, don't open it, don't open it!
I open it.
Quickly, I scan the paper, which is completely blank except for a few words directly in the center of it. My eyes widen as I read the words, realizing what they say.
Everyone else does the same, having grabbed their own papers that fell to them and reading them in their heads. By this point, I think I can conclude just what these papers contain when I hear people scream and gasp.
"Y-you've got to be kidding me!" Rainbow exclaims, covering one hand over her mouth as the other clutches her wrinkled paper.
"No way!" Kyran screams, pulling his paper and holding it close to his chest to what I assume is prevent anyone from reading it.
"These are...!" Aly stammers out, even backing away from her own brother as she starts to crumple the piece of paper into a ball.
"Yup, yup, yup! Those are your secrets on those papers! But not any secrets, no, no, no! Those are your worst secrets! Your deepest, darkest ones! After all, you're a bunch of teenagers! You young people do a lot of stupid stuff and lie about it to make yourselves feel better," Monokuma nonchalantly says.
"How did you even find out any of this?" Felicia questions, almost frantic.
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