《Her Name Is Havoc》Caroline's wedding day


It was a letter addressed to me from Justin. Someone dropped it and took off without a word. I opened it.

Dear Caroline,

I am not Justin. I am the person you know, but Justin was never my name. I don't know why I never told you my real name or why I never told you who I really am. I just couldn't. When I first saw you, I thought to myself that you look like someone's bride. Maybe mine, why not? You were beautiful. I liked you. But I wasn't ready. I am never going to be. Commitment and ties were never my ways. I was born to be free. Solo. But I still couldn't stop looking at you. Thinking about you. So I became someone else. Someone who digs commitment and permanent love. Justin liked you so much and wanted to marry you. He really did. And he never planned to abandon you today, I swear. But things don't always go as planned. There was no longer a Justin this morning. I looked hard within me, but he just wasn't there. There was just me again, the man who never lasted in a relationship for more than two weeks. And I am sure you're not looking for this. Justin was gone. So please consider him dead. I am so sorry for whatever consequences that may follow Justin's disappearance. Please forgive me.

Yours sincerely,


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