《Her Name Is Havoc》Caroline's wedding day


"You look gorgeous, Silver."

Jeff approached me as I was watering the wild roses that aunt Joelle sent from Spain. She couldn't attend the wedding, but she never fails to make an indication that she cares. Not like she was acting. She did care. Even if not to the extent of paying for a plane's ticket to New York and then back to Spain. But she remembered, and she, I hope so, paid for the roses. It's not just aunt Joelle who cares for Caroline. Everyone does. I mean it's Caroline. The dream kid of every family. The girl who raised her ill-mannered sister even though they had too little of an age gap. Caroline who gave her sister everything. Her unthankful sister. Caroline who was always the good nephew, friend, student, and even sister. Everyone loved Caroline, and don't get me wrong; I love her. I adore her. She's the best sister one could ever wish for. She gave me everything I wanted and even more. She was my parents, sibling, and friend. Nobody loves her like I do. But it's just the fact that these people are capable of love that stings me. If they can love her so easily, why do they hate me that much? There's no hiding the fact that everyone in this damned family hates me. It has always been this way. No matter how hard Caroline and Jeff try to convince me with the contrary, I know that I am hated. No one likes mean Silver. I don't know when or why it started. I don't know if it has always been like this or it has been this way since my parents' death. I don't even remember if my parents hated me too. Actually, I don't remember my parents. Sometimes I wish I remember them, but then I agree that maybe remembering them would've set me in more pain. I wonder if oblivion is really a bless. All I remember is that I grew up in a family that antagonizes me and that I am not that different. Who started I don't know. Caroline was everything they weren't to me, though. She made me feel loved. She warmed my heart. With her, I had no worries or sadness. She was my safe house. I would do anything to keep it that way. And the fact that someone was taking her from me is just killing me. I have no intentions to lose the one thing I cherish the most. Jeff is okay. I like Jeff. He understands me, and he doesn't ask much. Away from his terrible mother, he is the nicest guy I've ever met. And if we weren't cousins, I would believe he likes me. Maybe I would too. Who knows?


"Thank you."

"Wow. Nice talk. We should do that frequently," he teased. It came to my notice that he does that when he's nervous, excited, or both.

"I don't think so. Actually, I am not planning to come to Ohio again. So yeah, come look for me," I teased.

"You're not serious, are you? C'mon you can't do that. We're a fam... I mean friends. Aren't we?"

"No. we are simply cousins. We had to keep up with each other before. But now we're grown-ups, and we don't have to do anything anymore."

His cheer faded gradually.

"I was just kidding you freak. My sister still lives here. And, apparently, you need someone to check over you from time to time, in case you chocked on your own saliva or drowned after falling asleep in your own bathtub. It's already pathetic that you're single and living only two blocks away from your parents. I can't imagine a worse end than being left alone to rot and disgust the neighbors."

With that he smiled.

"You never change, oh my god," and for a couple of seconds, he paused, "By the way, about Caroline,"

"What about her?"

"I mean she is getting married. She just met the guy like five month ago. I never met the guy, neither did you. And she is MARRYING him today. I don't know if that's the right decision here. Don't you mind the rushing?"

"It's her life. Her choices. We're only supposed to support her not decide for her. Just let her be."

"I don't know, Sil. I don't want her to regret."

"She's a grown woman, Jeff. She made it clear she didn't mind the rushing"

"Fine," he sighed, "but where is he? I am dying to meet the guy, but he's not here yet."

"Really? That's weird. Are you sure?"

"Yeah. His room is empty, and no one saw him all day."

"Well, let's go find him."

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