《Smile》Seventy eight
Jasmine laughed as Eric smiled down at her. He was mesmerized by her beauty and, he was happy to have a chance with her.
Jasmine shook her head. "You're an idiot."
"Thank you."
It was now about an hour into the party and Jasmine had to admit, she was having a great time with Eric.
The lights dimmed and slow music began to play. Eric took this as his chance and held his hand out.
"Can I have this dance with you three?"
Jasmine chuckled and took his hand. "Yes you can."
They both walked to the open floor. Eric wrapped his arms around her waist and Jasmine wrapped hers around his neck.
They began to sway to the beat as Jasmine rested her head on his chest. She clenched her eyes shut as she got lost in her thoughts.
Come on Jasmine, you have to feel something for him. She clenched her jaw as he pulled her closer despite her stomach. He rested his chin on the top of her head as she sighed softly...she felt nothing.
What I'm doing isn't fair, she thought, I can't keep doing this to him...
She looked up at Eric as he frowned and looked down at her.
...but she wanted to avoid hurting him for as long as she could.
Jasmine shook her head. "Um, what's wrong?"
Eric sighed as they stopped swaying. "Listen Jasmine, we've been talking for about three months now and I know it hasn't been that long but I-"
Jasmine's heart dropped as he looked at her with adornment. "I-I hope you're not proposing."
He quickly shook his head. "No no, I haven't even told you I love you yet."
Thank God.
She let out a sigh of relief. "Right."
He nodded and gulped. "T-That's why I wanna tell you now."
He sighed and dropped his hands. "Jasmine your awesome, beautiful, funny, your just overall perfect. I'm tired of being friends that occasionally make out I...I need you to know that I love-"
"Eric don't-"
"I love you."
There it was...Jasmine fucked up and she couldn't help but feel like shit. She led him on, something she swore never to do to anyone after it happened to her yet, here she was.
She felt like crying, maybe from the hormones, or maybe because she knows what it feels like to be used.
Eric grabbed Jasmine's hand shaking her out of her thoughts. Jasmine's heart started to race as butterflies spread through her stomach but...not because he was touching her.
Jasmine's eyes connected with Y/n's and she smiled softly before throwing Jasmine a wink.
She shook her head and pulled her hand away from Eric. "I'm sorry I can't."
Eric frowned as he felt his heart crack. "What?"
Jasmine sighed looking down. "I'm so sorry for using you. I shouldn't have, I know that but, I did and now there's no turning back."
"Wait Jasmine," he chuckled nervously. "Y-You don't feel the same?"
She shook her head and looked up meeting his eyes. "You're a genuinely amazing guy. You make me smile and laugh but...but-"
"I'm not her?"
She sighed and nodded slowly as she took her hand from his. "I'm sorry this has to happen now and here out of all places but, nobody makes me feel what she does. I was stupid to think it was okay to use you to forget her and I'm sorry but, I don't love you Eric and I have to stop this now," she sniffed. "You're a great guy and you don't deserve to be used or led on."
He sighed and took a step back. "Why do you still want her when she's with Vanessa?"
"I don't know Eric, for some damn reason I can't move on. I thought pushing her away would make everything better but no."
"Well, why push her away if you want her?"
"I'm scared to get hurt again."
He nodded slowly. "I wouldn't hurt you, Jasmine-"
"Yes but I don't have feelings for you."
He looked down. "So your just gonna suffer while Y/n is happy with someone else?"
Jasmine bit her lip and glanced at Y/n just as she pecked Vanessa's forehead. "I guess so."
He nodded slowly. "Well, I respect your decision," he looked back at her. "Like I said, your perfect Jasmine and I think you deserve the world. Obviously I can't give that to you but, I hope you find someone that can."
Thing is, she already has.
"I had an amazing three months with you and," he shrugged backing away. "You know where to find me if you want to try again."
Jasmine felt like shit. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry for following your heart," he shook his head. "Just, be more cautious about your actions though," he chuckled. "This shit kind of hurts."
Oh, she knows.
He cleared his throat. "Well I'll um, see you around Jasmine."
He smiled softly before bowing his head and walking past her. Jasmine turned and watched him walk away. Even though she hated hurting him, it felt like a ton of bricks were lifted off of her shoulders.
She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Man I wish I could drink."
"No you don't." Jasmine quickly turned around as a tipsy Y/n smiled at her. "Where did Eric go?"
Jasmine shook her head. "He left early." She raised a brow as Y/n swayed slightly. "How much have you had to drink?"
Y/n shrugged. "Ummm, like two," she looked down and counted on her fingers. "P-Plus seven."
Jasmine chuckled and shook her head. "Drinking for both of us?"
Y/n snapped her fingers and nodded. "Right yeahhhh."
Y/n eyes widened as At Your Best started to play. "Oh shit J-Jazzy this is the song we had our f-first kiss to."
Even though she was tipsy, Y/n still remembered everything about that special moment.
She chuckled and grabbed Jasmine's hand. "We have to dance."
Jasmine playfully rolled her eyes as Y/n pulled Jasmine's body flush into her's.
"But at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life," Y/n sang softly. "Y-You remember that? I sang this to you because I-I thought it was romantic." Y/n rested her head in the crook of Jasmine's neck.
Meanwhile, Jasmine was having a mental fight with herself.
I should pull away, shouldn't I? She's drunk and Vanessa isn't around I need to-
Jasmine inhaled sharply as Y/n pecked her neck and began to sing more lyrics into her ear.
"When you feel what you feel
oh, how hard for me to understand. So many things have taken place before this love affair began," Y/n leaned up and met Jasmine's eyes. "Hmmm, this is actually the part where we kissed."
It is, Jasmine thought, not only is this the song we had our first kiss to but, this is the last song I heard before I'm pretty sure I fell in love with Y/n.
Jasmine glanced down at her lips and let out a shaky breath. Y/n began to lean in, her nose brushing against Jasmines.
Jasmine closed her eyes as she felt Y/n's breath on her lips.
Funny, just like our first kiss we are in front of a bunch of people. Quincy was there in the crowd oblivious to what was happening and in turn not stopping Y/n from doing something she'd regret later...just like now, she's about to do something she'll regret later now.
The only difference is that Jasmine was aware this time.
She groaned quietly before quickly shaking her head and backing away.
"You'll regret doing that Y/n, your drunk, and you have a girlfriend."
"I don't have a girlfriend," Y/n pouted as she dropped her arms. "Not now at least."
"Y/n you have a girlfriend."
She scoffed and shrugged. "Righttt I have Vanessa and you have Eric."
"Why'd you say it like that, what's wrong?"
Y/n sighed. "I-I mean here you are rejecting m-me because of our suposet... suppose... supported? Supposed relationships! Yes that's it ha."
Jasmine chuckled as Y/n struggled with her words.
"You push me away because o-of that yet," she shook her head. "Eric isn't here with you a-and Vanessa has been texting fucking Alfred a-all day."
"I-I thought if I drank I would feel better but now I'm over...thinking," she slurred. "Then I came to you knowing you'd make me feel better but golly was I wrong."
"Hey-" Jasmine sighed and placed her hand on Y/n's chest before looking over her shoulder.
She's spotted Vanessa looking in their direction with a frown on her face. Jasmine sighed and backed away clearing her throat. "Stop drinking so much dumbass and go actually talk to Vanessa. You know, tell her what's wrong."
She shook her head and looked down. "But I want you Jazzy."
Jasmine's heart fell. She didn't know what Y/n meant by "I want you" but she could take a guess.
"But I want her too? I guess?"
Jasmine nodded. "Just go to her Dino."
Y/n slowly turned around to look for Vanessa and Jasmine took that as her chance.
Jasmine sighed once more and walked away.
Y/n shook her head as she found Vanessa talking to Summer. She slowly turned back around. "But I-"
She looked around not spotting Jasmine and frowned.
"Never mind." She turned and headed towards Vanessa.
It was a little while later, Vanessa and Y/n had a little talk, Summer was hanging with Quincy but Jasmine, she was sat in a chair as she thought about everything. Ignoring everyone that tried to talk to her because she was lost in her thoughts.
How stupid could I be? I got hurt a few times and now I'm scared to be with her. So my solution was to use someone and then dump them, but after I dumped them I almost kiss the love of my life while her girlfriend is watching.
She groaned.
I'm so fucked up.
Jasmine looked around the room. Everyone talked and danced while Jasmine moped.
It was a party for crying out loud. I need to put all this shit in the back and worry about it later. She thought as she nodded and stood up. She looked for someone she knew and frowned once she found them.
Jasmine watched as Y/n and Vanessa kissed slowly and passionately, like they've been in love for years.
I guess they talked things out.
Jasmine clenched her eyes shut and turned away from them walking out of the dance hall as a tear fell and her heart ached. She found a secluded hallway and leaned against the wall.
This was all too much for a pregnant Jasmine to handle right now.
She was hurt but also angry. She knew she put herself in this position, she had many chances to be happy with Y/n and that's what pissed her off. She didn't feel like she had the right to be upset and crying when the girl she pushed away was moving on.
Jasmine slowly slid down the wall and finally, after so long, let it all out. The tears fell rapidly as her heart cracked with each sob she let out.
Am I really sobbing right now? She thought. Man, I need to hurry and have these babies.
"Jaz?" Jasmine snapped her head up and met Quincy's eyes.
He was watching her sit alone and was going to make his way towards her before she took off.
"Hey what's wrong?" He quickly kneeled down in front of Jasmine and cupped her cheeks. "The babies okay?"
She nodded quickly as the tears continued. "Quincy I had so many years to be with her and I-I fucked up," Jasmine's voice cracked as he wiped her tears. "I'm so fucking in love with her and I can't have her because I was too damn scared."
He sighed and sat next to Jasmine. "You know I shouldn't be this stressed over someone else's relationship."
Jasmine shook her head and looked down as Quincy sighed. "Why don't you just tell Y/n that?"
"Because it wouldn't be fair to her or Vanessa," she sniffed. "And I'm pretty sure this is just my hormones talking."
He hummed. "Well you know, they say hormones for a pregnant lady is like drunk thoughts," he shrugged. "The hormones are just pushing out all of your built-up emotions and thoughts."
Jasmine chuckled and looked up at him. "Where the hell did you hear that?"
He shrugged and smiled down at her. "Nowhere I was just trying to be deep."
She laughed and rested her head on his shoulder. "What do I do Quincy?"
"About what?"
"About everything," she shook her head. "I can't tell her I want her now because it wouldn't be fair. My dumbass took too long to realize that I'm willing to risk a heartbreak for her. Now if I tell Y/n this I'll sound like a bitch and I don't want that. Plus I love Vanessa and I would hate to see her hurt."
Quincy hummed. "You fucked up Jasmine," he sighed and grabbed her hand. "And I need to apologize for that."
"Why would you apologize."
"Because I played a huge part in your fear of being with Y/n and I'm sorry. I know I already apologized but I think I need to keep doing it because it was a fucked up thing to do."
Jasmine nodded. "Yeah but, I don't deserve that apology since I did the same thing."
He frowned. "What?"
"Eric," she bit her lip trying to stop more tears. "I just broke his fucking heart because he told me he loved me and I basically told him, sorry buddy I was using you but now that I know you love me I have to cut you loose."
Quincy chuckled. "You didn't say that."
"No but, I might as well have."
He nodded. "Well, this is actually the first step in fixing things."
He nodded. "It's what I had to do in order to come to terms with my true sexuality so now it's what you have to do."
Jasmine shook her head. "I'm pretty sure I'm bi-"
"Shut up I don't mean your actual sexuality, I mean this is the first time you've listened to your heart. You've obviously just been going along with your brain but not anymore. It's time to do what you want to do and not what you think is best."
"So you think I should talk to Y/n."
He nodded. "Yes but, I don't mean swoop in and stick your tongue down her throat when she's with Vanessa, even though they aren't dating," he shook his head. "Just talk to her, maybe even talk to Vanessa too, all together. Even though you couldn't decide what you wanted, you don't deserve to suffer and keep everything in."
Jasmine nodded agreeing with Quincy. Yes, she was scared to confuse Y/n even more and cause problems between her and Vanessa but, she needed to get everything off her chest now that she was sure.
"And look, I love Vanessa she's awesome but, I've always been secretly rooting for you and Y/n. There's just something about your love for each other and the history you two have that makes me believe you guys would be happy together," he shrugged. "I ship but don't let Jimmie know because he ships Y/n with Vanessa."
Jasmine chuckled. "Well thanks for rooting for me."
The eventful night was coming to an end. Everyone was leaving the party exhausted.
Y/n, Vanessa, and Summer all walked towards one car. Y/n was now full-on drunk and Summer has never seen anything funnier.
"Oh fuck- she's such a lightweight." Summer chuckled as she pulled the door open and Vanessa shook her head putting Y/n into the car.
"It's not funny Summer."
Y/n hummed as Quincy and Jasmine walked up to the car.
"H-Hey Summer." Y/n whispered causing Summer to chuckle and lean down.
"Yes Y/n?"
Y/n smiled and closed her eyes. "That scar looks beautiful on you."
Summer decided to take Y/n's word to heart and wear her strapless dress, without makeup covering the scar on her chest. Y/n noticed it as soon as she saw Summer, she just never had the chance to compliment her.
Summer smiled softly and kissed Y/n's cheek. "Thanks love."
She leaned back and closed the door as her heart warmed.
Man I love that girl.
Quincy opened the door for Jasmine who climbed into the back. "Hey V?"
Vanessa raised a brow looking at Jasmine. She saw the moment Jasmine had with Y/n, she wasn't exactly upset but, she was feeling a little skeptical.
"We need to talk soon okay? All three of us."
Vanessa nodded completely agreeing with her. "Definitely."
She backed away from the car as Jasmine pulled the door shut.
"Drive safe ladies." Quincy smiled climbing into the car and pulling away.
Vanessa threw her arm over Summer's shoulder and sighed as the Valet pulled. They thanked the man and climbed into their car.
"Man I couldn't wait to get out of these heels." Summer groaned as she pulled them off.
Vanessa chuckled slightly as they drove to the house which wasn't far away.
"You okay?" Summer asked.
Vanessa shrugged. "I guess."
"Right, tell me what's going on."
Vanessa huffed. "It's obviously Y/n, I mean she almost kissed Jasmine."
Summer nodded. "Right, so your upset?"
Vanessa shook her head. "No just, nervous I guess? What if Jasmine is always the one Y/n wants?"
"Hmmm," Summer bit her lip. "Jasmine said you guys needed to talk, I think this is the perfect time to put everything on the table. This'll be the first time all of you talk together so make sure you say everything."
Vanessa nodded. "Right, I'll say everything."
"You scared?"
"I don't know, Jasmine saying she wants Y/n and Y/n dropping you for her."
"Damn, well now I am."
Summer chuckled and placed her hand on Vanessa's thigh. "I doubt Y/n would do that, don't worry."
Vanessa groaned as they pulled up to the house. "Sure."
Vanessa turned off the car and they both climbed out.
"Who knew we lived this close to Rihanna?"
They walked up to the door and Summer frowned noticing a car in the driveway.
"Your brothers here?"
Vanessa glanced at the car. "Hm, he didn't tell me he was coming."
Vanessa pushed the key into the lock and pushed the door open walking in. "Dion!? You here?!"
"Um yeah, in the kitchen!"
The two girls headed towards the kitchen.
Vanessa's heart fell as Summer's blood began to boil. Vanessa's eyes began to sting as she stared wide-eyed at the man she never thought she'd see again.
The man she never wanted to see again, no matter how much she denied it, he was the man she hated.
"Dion, what the hell?" Summer frowned.
Vanessa inhaled sharply and shook her head.
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