《Smile》Twenty four


"Shut up." Quincy said pushing me.

"Sorry." I laughed.

"Anyways," he cleared his throat. "I have something to tell you."

"What is is?" I asked grabbing his hands.

"I'm gay." He said.

I jumped up. "I fucking knew it."

He quickly stood. "I know, that's why I have to kill you."


He lunged at me and grabbed my throat. "Nobody can know that I'm gay or the Illuminati will come for me."

My eye widened. "What the hell, you can't kill me because your gay." I choked out.

"I'm sorry Y/n the Illuminati is scary," he kissed my forehead. "I always loved you." He squeezed tighter. "By the way, Dog told me that he hates his name."

"Bullshit, he loves his name." Just as my vision started to blur I bolted up right gasping for air. I looked to the right feeling a weight on my shoulder seeing Vanessa's foot.

"What the hell Y/n." She groaned.

"Oh my- that was the funniest shit I've ever seen." I looked to my left to see a laughing Summer.

"I'm so confused, Quincy was just choking me to death." I said.

"You couldn't breath because Vanessa's foot was covering your mouth and nose." She toppled over clutching her stomach still laughing.

"And you didn't try to help?" I scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I started to laugh as soon as you yelled out, you can't kill me because your gay." She stood back up wiping away literal tears.

"It's not that funny." I shook my head.

"Um, should I be offended because my foot caused a nightmare?" Vanessa asked.

I nodded grabbing her foot. "Yes, this thing tried to kill me."

She snatched her foot away. "Well I'm sorry, my feet got cold and you sleep with your mouth open."

I frowned. "The hell does that even mean?"

"When you exhale hot ass air comes out of your mouth and it warmed my feet, I didn't even know it was your face." She shrugged.

"Lies, you just have a foot kink." I stood up.

"Man, I should've recorded that." Summer said walking back into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

I walked to the foot of the bed where Vanessa laid. "Apologize."

She scoffed and pulled the cover over her head. "Shut up."

I snatched the cover off of her head. "Nessa apologize."

"Y/n I will punch you in the balls." She glared up at me.

I instinctively took a step back. "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, literally."

"Ugh I'm sorry, I just have a bad headache." She mumbled closing her eyes.

I frowned. "Are you sick?"

She shook her head. "Nope I'm in fucking Japan."

What does Japan have to do with a headache?

"W-Was that sarcasm or..." I trailed off.

She smiled. "No, just think about it."

Hmm, what about Japan gives me headaches. Anime? Yes, but I doubt that's it. Food? Possibly, but that seems unlikely.

She chuckled. "Your thinking really hard, I'm on my period."

"How does Japan- oh my God your so clever, the fucking flag." I gasped.

She laughed looking up at me. "Awww baby your so cute, you look like a kid who's hearing about Santa for the first time."

"Yo, I'm shook," I shook my head. "Do you need some meds?"

She nodded. "Please."

"I'll be right back." I turned and walked out of the room and towards the bathroom. I rubbed my neck thinking back to my dream.


Maybe I should stop calling Quincy gay.

Opening the medicine cabinet I looked around for some pills and shook my head when I couldn't find any. Walking back out the bathroom I went to Quincy and Jasmines room and knocked.

"Come in." I heard from behind the door.

I slowly opened the door, my heart speeding up.

Oh calm down heart, I'm far from scared of Quincy.

"Um, hey guys." I said slipping into the room.

"What'd you do?" Jasmine asked squinting at me.

I shook my head glancing at Quincy who stood looking down at his phone. "Nothing just wondering if you have any pain pills."

She nodded. "Yeah, baby can you grab those pills from my bag." She pointed towards her bag. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head watching Quincy walk towards her bag and grab the pills. He walked over and handed them to me. I gulped taking them. "Thanks."

He nodded and smiled. "Today is our last day in Honolulu Y/n we have to get lit." He patted my shoulder and I flinched under his touch.

"Yeah, definitely." I smiled hesitantly.

He frowned. "You look like your about to shit your pants."

"Nope, I will not be doing that because I'm not scared." I shrugged crossing my arms.

He slowly nodded and pulled the door open. "Weirdo." He mumbled walking out.

"What was that?" Jasmine asked.

I looked at her. "Um, nothing important, hey do you think Quincy could overpower me?"

She shrugged. "Probably."

"Thanks." I nodded walking out of the room.

Whatever I'd fuck Quincy up.


"Mmmm." Vanessa moaned as I massaged her stomach.

"Shut up Vanessa." Quincy said.

"Fuck you, don't get mad at me because it's storming." She rolled her eyes.

I closed my eyes as Summer rubbed my neck. "Maybe we could all just take a nap."

"Shut up Y/n." Quincy said.

"Yes sir." I smiled.

"We could play some high schooler games." Zayn said.

"Like what, spin the bottle? Literally everyone in this room is in a relationship." Summer said.

I smirked looking up at her. "Right, everybody is in a relationship."

I gripped her waist with my free hand as she smiled and softly smacked my neck.

"I was just making a suggestion no need to bully me." He pouted leaning into Gigi's arms.

"How about we have a Pixar movie marathon." Jasmine suggested.

"Why not Disney?" I asked.

"Because Disney is gay." She mumbled.

"I think it's a good idea." Vanessa said moving my hand to a lower part of her stomach.

"Good, I'll go get Travis and Y/mn while somebody else finds a movie." She stood and walked out of the living room.

I turned back to Summer resting my chin on her shoulder. "You smell like chocolate covered strawberries."

She smiled and leaned back to make eye contact. "Thanks you creep."

"I'm romantic not creepy." I smiled glancing down at her lips.

"Mhm, you've been real cuddly lately." She said moving her hand up to caress my cheek.

I raised a brow. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I kind of like it." She leaned closer to my face.

"That's all that matters." I whispered.

She bit her lip moving her hand down to my jaw. "You know I could really go for some ice cream."

My eyes widened. "Wow, you were just trying to seduce me into getting you ice cream."


"Did it work?" She asked.

"Hell yeah, I'm getting you that ice cream," I looked down at Vanessa who's head laid in my lap as Summer chuckled. "You want something to eat Nessa?"

She nodded. "Cake."

"I'm sorry, Kendall and Cara aren't here." I laughed.

She opened her eyes looking up at me unamused.

I quickly looked at Summer. "Get it, because their ship name is Cake."

She nodded smiling softly. "Go get the food bébé."

I pouted standing up. "Don't worry Y/n I thought it was funny." Gigi said.

I smiled at her feeling better about myself. "Thanks G."

Walking into the kitchen I grabbed the cake, ice cream, bowls, and spoons. I glanced behind me when I heard footsteps to see my mom walking down the stairs.

"Last day of freedom." She said walking up to me.

"Yeah, but don't worry, when I blow up because of my music we're going to do stuff like this every month." I said.

She smiled and rubbed my back. "I can't wait."

I smiled. "Your going to have the best life as a senior citizen, one day me, you, Travis, my kids, and my wife are all going to come back to Honolulu and

reminisce on all the fun we had here."

"Oh I'll have grandkids, what happened to never wanting kids?" She asked.

"Well if my kids are as cute and cuddly as Dog then I wouldn't mind, but as soon as they turn about 6 I won't want them anymore." I chuckled.

She smacked my back and laughed walking into the living. "I'll be sure to tell them about this when we come back to reminisce."

I smiled, I can't wait.


"So the theory is that Peter Pan is actually taking all of the kids to Heaven, aka Neverland, which is why they never grow old." Quincy said.

"That old theory, I though you were gonna tell us a good one." Vanessa said.

"Right, try again." I mumbled.

"Y'all so ungrateful." Jasmine said.

"Nobody asked for your input." I glared at her.

"Get smacked Y/n." She pointed at me.

"My momma won't let you touch me." I smirked.

"Nope, you can do whatever you want to her I'm watching a movie." My mom said munching on her popcorn.

I scoffed crossing my arms. "I'm not scared of her."

"You sure?" Summer asked.

"Well her face is pretty scary, it's enough to give anybody nightmares." I said.

"Oooo." Travis yelled.

"You better be happy I'm a child of God or else I'd be saying some very vulgar things." She rolled her eyes.

"Thank God for that," I smirked. "Bum dum tiss."

"Get out." Gigi said.

"You guys suck." I mumbled crossing my arms.

Summer chuckled. "Come with me." She whispered in my ear standing up.

I like where this is going. I stood following her out of the living room and up the stairs into our bedroom.

"What's up?" I asked laying next to her on the bed.

She shrugged. "Nothing, I just wanted you to myself."

"Mmm, for what?" I propped myself up on my elbows.

"Not for what you think," she smiled pushing me back down. "I just wanted alone time with you on our last day in Honolulu."

"Well, I have a better place than this room." I sat up.

"Let's go then." She stood.

"But the place were going doesn't have a bed." I stood walking towards her.

"Good then I won't be tempted." She bit her lip.

"Well now I want to stay here." I said.

She shook her head. "Nope, take me wherever your gonna take me."

"Oh shit take you?" I reached out grabbing her waist.

"Y/n!" She yelled giggling.

"Fineee come on," I grabbed her hand walking out of the room and down the hall.

"You see I love exploring new places just incase a zombie apocalypse breaks out and I need to find a place to hide." I looked back at her.

She laughed. "Yeah that doesn't surprise me."

I smiled. "I found this attic." I reached up grabbing a cord that let down a ladder. "My lady." I gestured towards the ladder.

"Why thank you." She smiled and started to climb up into the attic.

This view is better than the one up there. Shaking my head I followed her up the ladder.

"Wow, amazing view of the darkness." She said.

I scoffed. "You really expect that little from me?" Taking her hand in mine I lead her through the darkness and pulled open a door that led to a room with a glass ceiling. "Watch your head." I ducked down crawling into the small space.

"Damn." She whispered crawling in behind me. "I would't have minded if our date was in here."

"Aww, so you didn't like our date?" I pouted.

"Shut up I loved it." She pushed me lightly then looked up at the window as the water softly fell onto it.

"Here lay down with me." I laid back with Summer following and resting her head on my chest.

"Well the point of laying down was for you to see the sky not the wall." I said.

"Shut up and hold me." She reached back and laid my arm over her waist.

Feeling her body relax I smiled to myself and ran my fingers up her waist. "So, how am I doing so far?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure what your talking about." She slid her hand under my shirt and I felt my heart rate spike.

"Come on Summer, how good am I doing at controlling my heart rate?" I closed my eyes trying to slow it down.

"Hmmm," she pressed her head harder against my chest. "Your doing horrible, sounds like you just ran a marathon."

I scoffed. "Liar."

She laughed. "It's only been, what a day since we had the talk?" She shrugged. "Ask me how your doing in about a week."

"Well am I moving in the right direction?" I asked sliding my finger higher up her side.

"Definitely." She whispered.

Opening my eyes I looked down to see her holding a huge smile on her face. "Someone looks happy."

She sighed looking up at me. "Yeah, it's almost like you make me happy."

I gasped. "Really?"

"Yeah, but I'm probably wrong." She shook her head.

I smiled keeping eye contact. "Let's hope not."

I ran my eyes over her face taking in her beauty. Dammit Y/n, she should already be your girlfriend. I stopped my wandering eyes on her lips and bit mine.

"Um," she gulped. "I think we should get out of here before we suffocate."

"Don't ruin the moment." I whispered cupping her cheek.

She closed her eyes. "Don't kiss me."

"Why?" I asked leaning down.

"Because then I'd be giving in too easily and I can't do that." She opened her eyes seeing just how close we were and bit her lip. "Just wait a little bit okay?"

I nodded leaning back and pecking her forehead.

I can wait.



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