《Smile Again》02. Smile for Me
~December 2020~
It' will be a short story.
PS: my son loves PJ Masks. I watched it a lot. There's this gang of wolfie there concist of three wolves. That's where the word 'wolfie' from Beam to Forth comes. LOL.
"I heard from Kit, that you are going to court Forth." Phana says while looking at Beam in the eyes the second Beam sits in his seat before their class after lunch break started.
Kit sits behind Phana while looking at Beam in worry. Beam could start a war between Forth and Phana!!
Beam smiled at Phana. He waves his index finger in front of Phana's face. "Nope. Nope going to."
Kit sighs in relief.
Phana blinks. "Really?"
Beam nods firmly. "I am courting Forth."
Kit is frozen.
Phana blinks again. "He let you?" He asks. He remembers it's hard to court a Moon of Engineering—the person is too dense, he thought Phana return his bestfriend's feeling. "You tell him cleary, right? Moon of Engineering is very dense according to my experience."
Kis gasps. Phana said what? Did he just support....
Beam nods. "Yeah. I asked him to be my boyfriend directly but he said he's not interested so I told him that I'm going to court him."
Phana shows a thumb up. "Yeah. That's better."
"He's so confident that I can't win his heart. That he doesn't even have the heart to win." Beam says in annoyance.
Phana scoffs. "Show him who the Craz Doc is, Beammie."
"I will." Beam winks at Phana.
Kit just blinks. When he told Phana, he thought Phana would... would....
"They will have sport week started next week." Phana told Beam. "Ming told me about it. He won't be there because he help me with charity in behalf of the University as the Campus Moons. You can cheer him between our Lab schedule. I can even cover for you."
"You're the best, Pha." Beam hugs Phana's shoulder.
Kit blinks. Okay. Maybe it's not as bad as he thought it would. "Su su na, Beam!" He supports Beam too.
"Thank you, Kitty." Beam smiled happily.
"Hi, wolfie." Beam greets Forth the next day during lunch break in Wednesday.
"Don't call me 'wolfie'." Forth frowns. It sounded cute and he doesn't want to be addressed as cute.
Beam sits beside Forth, across Park and Lam.
He winks at Forth. "What? You prefer me calling you 'baby'?"
"Day two." Park mumbles while grinning. "Start."
Forth looks at Beam unamused. "Try 'Forth'. That's my name."
Beam laughs. He browse the food stalls and sighs. "Your foodcourt need an update." He turns to Forth. "Do you want to have a lunch date with me tomorrow at Med foodcourt?"
"No." Forth is fast to answer.
Beam chuckled. "How about ice cream in the afternoon?"
"No. I have lab work and a sport match after. I play football." Forth still refused.
"Hm.... Not even ice cream? People love ice cream." Beam says.
"Girls mostly like ice cream. Boys...? Not so much." Forth says. "I...? ... don't like ice cream. It's too sweet."
"You should try rum raisin flavored ice cream in the right place." Beam insists.
"I don't like ice cream." Forth insists harder.
Beam brings rum raisin ice cream in the afternoon anyway. He winks at Forth while sitting at the bench beside the football field.
"I. Don't. Like. Ice. Cream." Forth hisses. He has sweat in his face, neck, shoulder, back... his whole body.
Beam eye-fucking Forth from head to toe. "You're too hot, wolfie.... Cool it down with some ice cream." He says and takes a spoonful of ice cream from the cup in his hand and shove it into between Forth's lips when he nearly storm Beam with another anger when Beam again, called him 'wolfie'.
Forth blinks. He enjoys the ice cream. "Hm. It's not that bad."
Beam smirks teasingly. "Yeah?"
"Hm." Forth nods. His eyes are on the cup of ice cream. "Can I have it?"
Beam gives it to Forth. "It's yours."
Park peeks from behind Forth's shoulder.
Lam glances at the cup of ice cream too.
"I didn't forget you." Beam opens a paper bag and hands a cup of ice cream each for Park and Lam.
Park smiled widely.
"Thanks, Beam." Lam says.
Beam nods. He takes the spoon from Forth.
"Share with me." Beam says softly. He stands in front of Forth closely.
"If you bought for Park and Lam too, why didn't you buy for yourself?" Forth protests. He likes the ice cream.
Beam chuckled. "Now you like it too much you don't want to share?"
Forth grins. He left Beam with the cup of ice cream in his hand, sitting a little away from him.
Beam laughs. He looks at his watch. "~ah. Got to go, guys. I have lab work to do." He says to Park and Lam.
"That's nice of him to make time." Lam comments. He can see Beam actually work hard on his courting. He thought Beam would do... something, but not this hard.
"Yeah. That's why 'hit and run' is better. No hard work. Why buy the 'cow' when we can enjoy 'free milk'?" Park comments while enjoying ice cream.
Lam blinks. He looks at Park for long enough before he sighs.
Beam already sits with two portions of beef oxtail soup when Forth, Park and Lam arrived in their table the next day on Thursday lunch break.
Beam slides a bowl for Forth who sit beside him.
"Only two?" Park asks.
"I am courting Forth, not you." Beam answers calmly.
Park pouts.
Lam laughs. "What do you want? I am going to get padthai. Do you want it too?" He offers Park.
Park nods. "I'll get the drink then. What do you want?"
"Ice americano. I am very sleepy." Lam says.
Both Park and Lam left to get their lunch.
Forth turns to Beam. "But I want tomyum." He says. "Next time got it if you bought me lunch."
"Aish, wolfie. The queue is jammed." Beam says. "I couldn't get through. I can't stay here long too because I have quiz at 1 o'clock. Besides, you should know there's food besides tomyum."
Forth tastes the broth. "Hm. It's good."
"Of course it's good. I always know what's good." Beam says while smiling confidently.
"Yeah?" Forth looks at Beam, challenges him. "Like what?"
"Me." Beam winks at Forth.
"Ouch. You're worst than the cheesiest Engineering student ever." Park comments while sits and arranges the drinks he brought.
Lam chuckled. He sits down and put the food too.
"I can be even worse." Beam says.
"Yeah? Like how?" Park asks.
Beam turns to Forth. "Hey, wolfie...."
Forth turns to Beam while frowning. "I told you to stop calling me 'wolfie'."
Beam grins. "Sure, babe."
Forth looks at Beam un-amused.
"'Wolfie' sounded better now, huh?" Beam smirks. And then he leans closer. "Anyway... can I have your heart?"
Forth sighs. "I told you already, I don't have it."
Park and Lam watch the drama in front of them while enjoying their lunch.
"But you have your gear with you." Beam continues. "What did they say...? Hm... 'your heart is in your gear'...." He taps lightly on Forth's left wrist where he wears his Engineering gear bracelet.
Park claps his hands. "Yup. That's worse." He approves while grinning.
Lam laughs.
Forth pulls his hand away. "Unrelated to what they say about this gear bracelet, I like it because it's cool. I won't give it to you either."
Beam laughs. He drinks his water from the water bottle and then gets up. "See you tomorrow. I have to catch on my quiz." He ran even before any of the Engineering gang replys his goodbye.
"I can't believe you didn't moved at all from his courting." Park says. "He worked hard compared to his effortless attempt to get girls. He just sit and BAM! Girls are all over him."
Forth shrugs. "He's a cool friend to hang out with. That's all. Sooner or later he'll realize how absurd his logic is. Just because I am the next best thing after all those Campus Moons and Moons of Engineering... pfft. I'm not a good boyfriend. I didn't plan to be one."
"Yeah. I can feel you, bro." Park says.
Park and Forth make a brofist.
Lam blinks. He looks at his friends and then looks at the foodcourt entrance, Beam was running. He hopes Beam can get to his quiz on time.
"Do you want to watch a movie with me tomorrow?" Beam asks Forth when he drops by for lunch at Friday.
"I can't. I will go for a road trip to the mountain with the boys." Forth refused.
"Cool! I never be on a road trip before. Can I join you?" Beam asks.
Forth nods.
Park and Lam shake their heads.
Forth frowns. He glares at Park and Lam.
"It's the boys' night out, boss. You set the rule: members only." Park says.
Forth pouts but he turns to Beam and tell him. "Sorry. The boys only."
"Ah, okay then." Beam sighs. He really wants to join, but after spending some time with the boys, he understand their silly rule about the brotherhood.
Bros before hoes.
Damn, he's a hoe.
"Money." Suddenly Forth asks Lam.
"What?" Lam raises his eyebrows.
"It's been a week already. I didn't fall for Beam. You lose the bet." Forth says.
Lam growls but Forth was right. "Text me your account number, I'll transfer it to you."
Forth text it instantly. He glances at Beam. "Thanks for the money."
Beam shows a middle finger to Forth. "Fuck you, wolfie."
"Stop calling me that." Forth hisses.
"Okay, baby." Beam says while winking teasingly.
Park laughs.
Lam pouts. He is mad because he just lost 1.000 dollars.
Forth choked on Beam's neck by round his arm on it.
Beam chuckled. He even takes a selfie of Forth and him and then sends it to Forth.
"Aaahhh...." Forth glares at Beam.
Beam grins.
Saturday morning. The road trip day.
Forth sighs. He leans on his bike while looking at his phone. He plays a game but game over written over and over again. He's not in the mood.
The boys gathered on the Dungeon—their basecamp at the lower ground of their Faculty.
Lam looks at Forth. "Bad mood?"
"Not really," Forth answers shortly.
Park blinks.
Lam sighs. "Do you want Beam to come too?"
This time, Forth turns to Lam. "He is one of the bros, not the hoes. He still fit with the bros before hoes rule."
Lam looks at Forth un-amused. Beam is courting him. Beam fits with the hoes, not part of the bros. "Give me back my 1.000 dollars. You fell for him already."
"I did not!" Forth retorts.
"Fine. Give me back my 1.000 dollar for me to talk to the bros." Lam revised. He wants his money back.
"I will give it back if you can convince them that Beam can join us." Forth says.
"Deal." Lam says. He left Forth with Park and walks closer to the bros. "Come here, I don't want Forth to hear it." He gathers them.
They gathers to listen to Lam.
Park is curious so he joins them too, left Forth alone.
"Forth is in a bad mood." Lam says. "He is in the bad mood because Beam can't join. Just so you know, Beam is in the middle of courting Forth."
Some of the boys raise their eyebrows. They didn't know that. They thought Beam was just Forth's outer friend or something. Besides, wasn't him the Casanova who only like girls?
"Forth doesn't know yet, but he likes Beam—enough to have a bad mood that Beam can't join." Lam continues. "I don't want a road trip with a bad mood Forth. I won't join this road trip if Beam can't join and good luck dealing with Forth without me."
Park blinks. "I will skip this road trip too if Lam didn't join. You always throw him at me when Lam was not around and it was never pretty. No-uh. I don't want to deal with a bad mood Forth."
The boys gasps.
"Sooner or later, Forth will be with Beam. You want to be remembered as the people who didn't welcome his King-husband? Be my guest." Lam adds. "I will offer to spend the weekend with his Beam instead joining you. So...?"
"Okay. I will tell him that I will be with Be~...."
"Let's pick Beam up." The boys says.
Lam smirks. "Good talk. Thank you." he says and then he walks to Forth while texting an account number to Forth. "Transfer my money. We will pick Beam up after."
Forth brightens up. "Really?"
Lam nods.
Forth pays Lam and then hops in his bike.
He drives fast to Beam's place after notifies him that he can join the road trip.
Not long after, Beam happily walks downstairs to meet Forth but then he takes three steps back and hides behind his dorm gate. "What the f~...."
It was not just Forth but the whole gang is there!!!
"Hi." Forth smiled. "We were already gathered when we decided that you can come too. So... we will start from here." He hands a leather jacket. "I know you would wear a thin jacket. Here. Put this on."
Beam walks out, he wears the jacket. It fits him perfectly. "Hey. Cool jacket. By the end of the trip, this jacket would be mine, right?"
"Nope." Forth shakes his head while getting on his bike and hands Beam a helmet.
"Why not? I like it."
"You can't always get whatever you like." Forth says.
Beam sighs. He gets on the back of Forth's bike and holds on his waist.
They have a long ride in the afternoon towards the sunset... no... towards the mountain. They will spend the night on the villa there.
Beam laughs together with the boys.
He can grill the meat properly.
He can mix drinks perfectly.
He's the boys' favorite now. They will gladly take Beam to another boys night out.
"Was the meat ready?" Forth asks Beam while standing beside him.
"Hm." Beam nods. "Try it." He feeds Forth.
Forth eats from Beam's hand. He nods. "It's yummy."
The boys thank Lam for the insight he gave. Lam was right. He always right about everything.
They should treat the soon to be Forth's King-husband better.
Happy...? (grin)
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