《Darling》March House 1865


Meg and Mr.Brooke are married with Mr March officiating. During the simple and emotional ceremony, Amy and Jo catch each other's eye- they simultaneously realise that they are the only two left standing. Lottie stands in between Laurie and Amy resting her head on Laurie's shoulder while holding Amy's hand. She smiled to her self she always wanted to get married but even at such a young age she realised if she truly loved Amy March she would have to give up that hope she thought about this and yet the smile never lost her face she could either marry someone she didn't love or spend it with Amy that's what she dreamed about more often then getting married being with Amy.

Later, during the picnic reception.

Marmee and Hannah deliver cakes and pastries and food galore. Laurie dances with Beth whirling her around, and making her laugh. Jo watches adoringly: the two halves of her heart. Meg both bride and host makes sure everyone is cared for as Laurie and Jo try alcohol and decide it's terrible as Lottie and Amy try all the cakes laughing at each other. Everyone is dancing spinning around in utter bliss.

Meg , Marmee and father walk Aunt March out " well I hope you're happy. Now that you've ruined your life just like your mother did marrying your father. The March family just burst out laughing at Aunt Marches rudeness. Amy makes her way over to Aunt March leaving Lottie alone for the first time all day. " thank goodness here is the only sane member of the family. I really can't take anymore of this." Amy leads her away and Marmee let's them go. Amy gets Aunt March in to the carriage and then let's put a cry of Joy. She runs to Marmee who is now standing with Jo. " Marmee ! Marmee! Aunt March is going to Europe and." Just as Amy goes to continue talking Jo cuts in all giddy and excited " wants me to go with her! How wonderful! Now I know why I spent all those boring hours reading to her." Jo throws her arms around Amy as Amy shakes her head " No, she..... She wanted me to come. As her companion." Jo looks at Amy stunned " Europe with you?" Amy nods excitedly " she wants me to work on my art, and my French, of course." Jo looks at Amy disappointment eminent on her face " oh.... I, that's wonderful Amy." Marmee takes Jo's hand in hers, knowing this hurt her. Amy giggles in excitement and runs off to tell Lottie

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