《Darling》The March Attic 1862
Meg, Beth, Jo and Amy are all dressed as men, with hats and spectacles and pipes - Meg reading from the homemade newspaper in her lovely sonorous voices " A NEW PLAY, written by Miss Jo March, will appear at the Barnville Theatre, in the course of the next few weeks, which will surpass anything ever seen before on the American stage." Jo stands up " Starring the greatest actress from here to the Mississippi River, Miss Meg March." Meg reads out the weekly report " Weekly Report Meg- good. Jo- Bad. Beth - very good. Amy- Middling." Beth smiles "Excellent." Amy smiles too "Well done, sirs" Jo stands before them all " Mr. President and gentlemen, I wish to propose the admission of two new members. Both who highly deserves the honour, would be deeply grateful, and would add immensely to the spirit of the club. I propose Mr. Theodore Laurence and his sister Charlotte Laurence!" Meg looks at her shocked " No!" Amy looked at her "Absolutely not!" Jo breaks formality " Come now, let's have them." Amy looked at her "I don't mind having Lottie , but he's a real boy! " Meg looked at Jo shocked "We don't want any boys. This is a club for ladies." Beth looks at her sisters " I think we should do it, even if we are afraid. I say yes. It's Laurie and Lottie !" Jo smiles at her " Now then, everybody vote, and remember that it's our Laurie and Lottie and say "AYE!" Reluctantly Meg and Amy agree. Jo smiles And, as there is no time like the present!" Jo throws open the doors of the closet, and Laurie and Lottie are there, already dressed for the occasion of the meeting. Amy smiles at Lottie dressed in men's clothes that are way to big for her. And then turns to Jo " You traitor" Meg was shocked " You rogue!" Laurie smiled "Ladies, please- this is my stratagem, I deserve the blame:Jo only gave into it after lots of teasing." Laurie bows deeply as Lottie laughs at him " Hear hear!" Laurie stands back up straight " We merely wish to say, that as a slight token of our gratitude and as a means of promoting friendly relations between adjoining nations, I propose this set of keys for a little post office I've made in the forest by the pond." Lottie smiles at Amy as Amy looks at her " Allow me to present five copies of the key, and with many thanks for your favour, take out seat as part of the club." Lottie hands each of the a key, a purple one for Beth, a dark blue one for Amy, a pink one for Meg, a red one for Jo, a green on for Laurie and a yellow one for Lottie .
It was evening time know as Jo was in her and Meg's room, places a pretty cover page on top of the novel she has written. She lovingly writes "for Father," and hears Meg calling her "Jo! Jo, where are you? I can't find my other glove!" Jo shouts back to her " TAKE MINE!" Jo puts her novel carefully in a drawer that is filled with her finished writing, and closes it. Meg shouts out to Jo " Jo we're going to be late!" Amy was curious as to where they were going " Where are you going?" Jo comes down stairs " you're not invited." Amy looks at Jo " you are going somewhere with Laurie , I know it!" Jo looks at her youngest sister "Yes, we are, now stop bothering." Meg appears " Do you have the tickets?" Jo looks at her " yes! Hurry up!" Amy looks at Meg " you're going to the theatre with Laurie. Meg, please, can I come?" Meg looks at her apologetically " I'm sorry, dear, but you weren't invited. And Lottie is not going maybe she could come over here?" Jo looks at Amy " You can't go Amy, so don't be a baby and whine about it." Amy looked at her " I've been shut up in and I never get to go anywhere. Beth has her piano but I'm so lonely!" Beth looks over at her " I can teach you chords." I don't want chords, I want to go to the theatre!" Jo looked at her " No. I think you'd hate to poke yourself in where you're not wanted. We already have to deal with dull Mr. Brooke. Besides Teddy said Charlie would come over so stop complaining." Meg looked at them " i like him, he's kind." Amy turned to Meg " I'll pay for myself, and I am sure Lottie would like to go!" Jo looked at her sternly " you will not come." Meg looked apologetically at Amy " I'm sorry, my sweet, but Jo is right. Next time." Jo leaves "Come, Meg, stop petting her!" Amy picked up something throwing it at Jo " you'll be sorry for this Jo March! You will! You'll regret this!"
That night Jo and Meg watched the play, which is a campy vaudeville kind of thing. They are completely engaged in the proceedings. The men are watching them: Laurie looks at Jo while Mr. Brooke looks at Meg. Meanwhile Lottie sits with Beth playing the piano as Amy sneaks into Jo and Meg's room, searching every drawer and hiding place for the novel that she knows is there. She finally finds it in the bureau. She pulls out the novel that Jo has just lovingly placed there. She makes her way down stairs and into the kitchen as Leigh calls her " Amy what are you doing come play the piano." Even in her rage Amy smiles at Lottie 's voice as she feels the shivers run down her spine " I will be back in a second." Amy places page after page into a he fire, watching it burn, and feeling nothing but terrific about it.
Meg and Jo waltz in. Beth is playing with her dolls and Amy is sitting with Lottie's head in her lap as she reads to her. Jo sprints upstairs " Meg you're a million times better than she was- although she was a terrific fainter!" Meg musing to herself " I wonder how she managed to turn white as she did?" Jo scoffs " Ugh, that Mr.Brooke, could be any more... obsequious?" Meg shouts back at her " I thought he was very well-mannered." " Hold on, let me just get this idea down." Meg turns to the three other girls " Beth what's your favourite eye colour?" Beth doesn't take her eyes off of her doll " Purple." Meg looks at Lottie " what about you Lottie what is your favourite eye colour?" Lottie looked up at Amy and back to Meg " Brown" Meg sighed happily " Mr Brooke has blue eyes and an old soul which is much more important than money." Lottie laughs at this her whole life she was always told money was important you have to marry a man with money, she thought it was romantic that Meg didn't care for Mr. Brooke's social status and how much money he had to his name. Jo re-appears, walking slowly. "Has anyone taken my novel?" Meg and Beth looked up at her "No" No why?" Amy starts reading to Lottie even more intently than before. " Amy........... you've got it." Amy looked up from the book as Lottie takes her head off of her lap and stands up gathering her things feeling awkward she has never experienced anything like this her and Laurie never argued like this. " No I haven't." Amy looks at Lottie hoping she would stay but knowing deep down she wouldn't as she saw the uncomfortableness in her eyes. Jo grabbed Amy's shoulders " That's a lie!" Meg looks up at Lottie and Lottie mouths her a goodnight before excusing herself from the March household. Amy looks away from where Lottie was to Jo " it isn't! I haven't got it I don't know where it is and I don't care." Jo was furious " tell me or I'll make you!" Meg walks towards Jo trying to hold her back " Jo don't." Jo doesn't listen as Meg shouts for Marmee " I burnt it up! I burnt up your book! I told you I'd make you pay and I did!" Jo grabs her " you wicked girl! You wicked, wicked girl! I can never write it again! I'll never forgive you as long as I live!" They are fighting, full out fighting during these last lines, as their sisters and Marmee attempt to stop it.
Jo is weeping, Beth cradling her head, Meg holds her hand. Marmee enters with Amy, who looks penitent. Marmee nod at her, as if to say "go ahead".: " I'm sorry, Jo." Jo doesn't look at her " it's just that the only thing you care about is your writing so it's. It as if I could hurt you by ruining one of your dresses. And I really did want to hurt you." " I'm most sorry for it now. I'm so sorry." Marmee makes makes her way towards the bed " don't let the sun go down on your anger. Forgive her. Help each other, and you begin again tomorrow." Jo looks up " she doesn't deserve my forgiveness. I will hear her! I will hate her forever!"
A vey tense breakfast:Jo's eye are red and puffy and a remorseful Amy trues to sit beside her and make peace, Burbank changes seats away from her. Amy looks pleading at Meg.
Laurie burst open the back door as Lottie walks in behind him , unaware of all the trouble, as Lottie didn't tell him what she had seen she thought it best to keep to herself " good morning ladies! It's brisk and brilliant and I think the last day for the river- get your ice skates!" Jo springs up,thrilled to have something to do " one second go down and I'll be right there!" Amy looked at Jo " I want to come too last time you promised I could go!" No, not acknowledging her, grabs her skates and races out past Lottie who stands awkwardly in the door. Amy starts wailing " is she going to be like this forever?!" Lottie walked towards her giving her a hug Beth sighs " it was a hard loss for her." Amy holds on to Lottie " is there nothing I can do?" Meg grabs Amy's hand " go after her. Don't say anything till Jo has got good natured with Laurie, then take a quite minute and just kiss her, or do some kind of thing, and I'm sure she'll be friends again." Lottie smiles at Amy " ready to go then." Heartened Amy grabs her skates.
Amy and Lottie out of the house as Amy calls " wait for us! Please!" Jo pretends not to hear her, skating near the edge while Laurie tests the ice. Amy and Lottie are just getting to the riverbank, waving and calling "Hello! Wait for us please!" Laurie looks back at Jo " stay near the edge it's not safe in the middle" Jo nods her head " ready to go?" Meanwhile Amy tentatively steps on to the ice holding Lottie's hand, she begins gliding, arm out holding on to Lottie who is obliviously the better skater. Farther along the river Laurie and Jo are trying tricks and spins when Jo plows into Laurie they both start laughing when suddenly the sound of ice breaking and two high pitched screams appear in the air. "LAURIE HELP!" It's Laurie and Jo freeze and looks at each other, at the same time they scramble to their feet " it's Amy and Lottie!" They find the two girls surfacing and screaming and going back under as they try hold on to each other Jo is paralysed with terror " no....no......" Laurie springs into action " Jo get a branch." Jo grabs a branch and skates back to Laurie lying on her stomach as to not to disturb the ice Laurie hands one end out to Amy " grab on." They pull Amy out and then go back for Lottie.Tears stream down Jo's face as she hugs Amy as Laurie pulls Lottie into his chest trying to keep her warm as she starts to cry" My sister, my sister, dear god thank you for my sweet sister." Jo cry's out.
Amy and Lottie are asleep, covered in blankets They both refused to leave each others side after being pulled out of the lake scared that if they lost sight of each other it might be the last time they would see each other so for the rest of the day they sat together making sure they where both ok. Jo is slumped down in the floor beside Amy's bed, not even feeling herself worthy of a chair. Marmee adjusts the girls blankets as Lottie had her head in Amy's chest making sure she could hear her heart beating all night. Marmee looks at Jo, sitting beside her on the floor. "They're asleep." Tears slide down Jo's face " if she had died it would've been my fault." Marmee smiles at Jo " she will be fine, the doctor said he didn't even think they'd catch cold." Jo sighed " What is wrong with me? I've made so many resolutions and written sad notes and cried over my sins but it doesn't seem to help. When I get in a passion I get so savage, I could hurt anyone and enjoy it." Marmee just looked at her " you remind me of myself." Jo looked at her " but you're never angry." Marmee looked at her honestly " I'm angry nearly every day of my life." Jo looked at her surprised "you are?" " I'm not patient by nature, but with nearly forty years of effort I have learned to not let it get the better of me." Jo looked at her nodding her head " I'll do the same, then." Marmee touched her daughters face. " I hope you'll do a great deal better than me. There are some natures too noble to curb, too lofty to bend." The two women sit beside each other as Amy and Lottie sleep. Jo puts her head on Marmee's shoulder.
Omg they got nominated for Oscars and Florence Pugh has been nominated for best supporting actress she deserves it as well as Saoirse Ronan.
Word count 2363
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