《Girl crush Monday (GxG)》Epilogue
♥Casey's POV♥
Hot tears streamed down my face and I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to. 'Why was I crying?' you may ask. Well, Jenny didn't ask me to prom. She asked some chick named Sinthy instead. It's true that we were still dating but I have no idea how she would betray me this way.
I was looking forward to this night for a long time and now it's ruined. How much can Jenny end up hurting me? I knew I'm not the prettiest or bravest girl out there but neither is Sinthy. Not meaning to be rude but, she's ugly. Whatever the reason Jenny chose her over me, she will regret it by the time I'm done with her.
To make things worse, Sinthy doesn't even go to our school! She's James' neighbor and Jenny just decided to ask her to the biggest and most important night ever! And to make it worst, I was coming to visit her and saw the entire scene.
I haven't told her that I knew as yet but, I realized that she has been acting weird around me lately. If she wanted to break up with me, she could have done so months ago. In fact, if she took our relationship as crap, at least tell me that some things needed to improve.
A soft knock on my bedroom door snapped me out of my thoughts. Not long after, my mom entered the room and sat next to me on the bed. Rubbing a hand on my back, she pulls me into a tight embrace, "Oh Casey, don't you cry dear. Okay? Everything's going to be okay. I know that you're excited and all but you need to get ready."
The thought of getting ready without having a date caused me to cry even more. "Oh mom... If you only knew," I cried into her chest, pulling her closer to me. He then rakes her fingers through my brown hair and kisses the top of my head.
"Well, because I don't know, why don't you tell me why you're not getting ready for Jenny to pick you up?"
"Jenny, ha, you're so funny mom. Jenny, Jenny, Jen-ny, did not ask me to prom so, no date for me!" I say in mockery, pulling away from the hug and whipping away as much tears from my face as I could. My mother simply shakes her head and says, "Maybe she didn't need to ask you to prom because I mean, you're her girlfriend and all..."
"Mom you don't understand!" I shouted, being frustrated, standing up at this point.
"Well make me understand Casey! Did you two break up? Why didn't you tell me?"
"We're still together mom," I start, staring at her with a straight face, "She just had the audacity of asking someone else to the dance instead of me."
My mother's mouth quickly forms an 'o' but it was then quickly replaced with a smirk. Raising my left brow at her, I knew she was plotting something in that brain of hers.
"Hmm, it's still your prom night, isn't it?" She questions and I nod at her statement slowly. "Your prom, you're the one who needs to make it worthwhile. Dry those tears, all those years I spent at beauty school is going to pay off tonight!"
"You're right mom, screw Jenny. I'm gonna make her regret the decision she made," I say confidently, turning to watch myself in the mirror. My mother's smiling face was then showed and the snap of her fingers were then heard.
You see this Jenny; there is no way in freaking hell that you're going to ruin this night for me. No way in freaking hell!
"It seems as if you're the last one to arrive then," My mother says, stating the obvious as we pulled up in the driveway at some fancy hotel. "Well they do say better late than never."
Hopping out of the car, I held the bottom of my dress in my hands. Spinning around, the curls bounded off my shoulders. "Thanks for everything mom. You’re truly the best ever," I say, blowing her kiss and then turning towards the entrance of the hotel.
I was wearing a pink high-low sparkle and ruffled prom dress. I wore silver heels with this outfit, big silver diamond hoop earrings with a few bracelets. My mother was the one who chose this dress for me and she did a great job.
The sparkled part of the bottom of the dress arrived at mid-thigh but the part I had in my hands was the back. It was pretty long and dragged all on the ground when I walked. It didn't matter though because I was in quite a rush.
Some guy at the lobby showed me the way to the room where we had our activity. I was a bit nervous now because all eyes would be on me when I entered. I was sure to be the last person to enter this place.
I was standing in front of the French doors for the longest while. My head then snaps to the side when I heard my name. "C-Casey?" The person asks.
"Y-Yeah...?" I answer, slowly looking up at this individual. Breath of relief escaped my lips when I realized that it was Mikayla.
She was dressed in a black and white tux and had a pink tie around her neck. This was perfect. I thought to myself, seeing that her tie was the same shade as my dress.
"I thought I was the only one who came alone. Where's Jenny?" Oh yes, this was getting better and better! She was alone, Jenny should be jealous now. I'm going to enter with Mikayla and go straight into a dance the moment I spotted Jenny and that Sinthy girl.
"Yeah, I-I'm alone tonight. Um... Jenny came with someone else..." I trail off, not being able to look her directly in those murderous green eyes. "But, it's okay though... I'm still here..."
I hoped my attempt at being broken was a success because I wanted her to be the one to ask me. "Damn that fucker! How could she neglect you like that?" Mikayla roars, her fists were now clenched. Internally I smirked, seeing that things were going my way after all.
"It's okay-"
"It's not 'okay' Casey. To make up for your sorry excuse of a girlfriend, can I have the honors?" She asks, extending a hand to me. Smiling genuinely, I accepted her offer and watched as she pushed the doors open.
The moment everyone set eyes on the two of us, they froze. Even the DJ stopped playing the music. Nonetheless, Mikayla and I stepped inside slowly and I let go of my dress. I heard whispers about how pretty we looked together but I ignored them. All I was in search for was Jenny and I found her immediately.
She wore a tux too, obviously but with a purple tie. It matched the dress Sinthy was wearing. Remember I said that Sinthy was ugly? Well, I kind of lied about that. She was extremely pretty and could boot me out any day.
The moment our eyes locked, the DJ decided upon restating the music with a slow tune.
Though many eyes were still on Mikayla and me, many persons went back to their dancing. Mikayla and I danced slowly to a few songs. We switched partners every now and then.
To be honest, I was having the time of my life. I was feeling a little tired so I rested my head on her shoulders and said, "I'm thirst and beat, I'll go get a drink." She nodded and let go of my waist slowly.
Smiling, I strolled towards the punch and refreshment bar, I took a glass and a plate. There were various things to choose from so I chose to go natural. My glass was shortly filled with cranberry juice and my plate with chocolate coated fruits. I couldn't wait to dig in.
Walking up to the seating area, I placed my glass and plate on a table for two. Not long after I sat down, I was accompanied by another presence.
"What do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes and taking a bite of my chocolate strawberry.
"An explanation on why you are here with Mikey." Jenna says, leaning back into her chair and eyeing me up and down. "There's nothing which needs explaining," I respond, already grabbing my stuff and prepared to walk away.
Jenny then grabs hold of my arm, causing the drink to spill all over my dress. A screech escaped my lips. Okay, this was enough!
I don't know what got over me but I splashed the drink on Jenny and sent each one of the remaining fruits at her. She stared at me in shock and was about to speak up but I beat her to it. "You ruined my dress! You tried ruining my night before but now you succeeded. Are you satisfied with yourself yet?!"
"I understand the dress thing and I'm terribly sorry about that. But, what do you mean I spoiled your night? We're all here at the prom having fun, are we not?" She questions me, dusting off her outfit. It didn't help because it was still wet and her white under shirt was stained with chocolate and cranberry juice.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're all here my ass! We are not here together and that's the problem here! You asked out someone else Jenny. You freaking asked out someone else! I waited days, weeks, even months for you to ask me to prom and what do I get? Nothing! You asked out that Sinthy chick, how do you think I feel about that huh?
My own girlfriend was asking someone else to be her date for prom. What am I here for then? Am I here for style, to show that you're capable of having a girlfriend or something? Well I don't appreciate this one fucking bit!" I let out all at once. I didn't notice earlier but I started crying.
The argument Jenny and I were having caught the attention of everyone else on the room.
"Casey let me explain-"
"Shut the fuck up, okay. You didn't explain to me when you had the chance so fuck off!" I exclaim, making my leave.
There was no need for me to push my way through the crowd because they willingly made way for me to pass. Thank God for water proof make up because I really didn't want anyone to see me crying. I wanted my mom to come pick up but I left my phone home because she forgot to buy a bad to go with it.
Literally running to the reception desk, I was panting by the time I got there. "Excuse me; may I please make a short phone call?" I asked the lady at the desk and she nods slowly at me.
Placing the phone to my ear, I waited for my mother to pick up. "Hello-"
"Mom, could you please come and pick me up, right now?" I pleaded.
"But honey, it hasn't even been too long since you arrived. What's the matter?"
"Mom this is urgent, come pick me up p-please!" I begged, my voice cracking at the end. Finally she agrees, noticing that I was crying.
I then made my way to the parking lot because she said she was only five minutes away. It was really sad that Jenny didn't follow after me and I knew why. She didn't love me anymore and just didn't know of a way in saying it.
It hasn't even been a year yet and she's already finished with me. We spent Thanks Giving, Christmas together, New Year’s, Valentines together and yet still our relationship meant nothing to her. I guess that I was too blind by love to see that her interest was fading. I was too oblivious to notice how weird she acted around me.
All those times before we got together, she was the one who pushed me away but, tonight was my turn. I needed the rolls to be switched once and for all.
I realized that my mother lied to me, she wasn't five minutes away. She only said that to not have me threaten to walk home.
Rubbing my hands on my arms, I hugged myself because I felt cold. The wet blob on my dress didn't make my situation any better.
"Hey! Casey, is that you?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask from behind me. Turning to face this individual, the purple dress under the dull light of a lamp post was all I needed to see to change my mood. Now I was pissed to the fuck off.
"Yes, I'm Casey. You're Sinthy, am I right?" I asked her, my face was blank and all I wanted to do was punch her in the damn face.
"Yeah um... Well, I kind of told Jenny that you went to the roof top and um... She went running after you-"
"Why the fuck would you tell her that?" I shout, wondering what this chick had against me so much. All this time I wasted here saying that Jenny didn't care to chase after me was all her fault. She really did want Jenny all to herself.
"I just wanted to have a chat with you… that is all. I know that you and Jenny have dated for some time now but we live next to each other now. She's really nice to me and all. I'm home schooled and when she spoke about prom so much, I told her that maybe she should ask me, so that I'd know how it was. Without thinking she did and I was glad. That day I kissed her and she kissed me back. From then on my liking for her grew and I fell hard. I love Jen-"
Swinging my hand, I placed the hardest punch that I could have mustered on her cheek. He neck twisted to the opposite direction. I was so pissed that I began punching her in the stomach until she fell to the ground. I began kicking her everywhere.
After a few minutes, I was satisfied with my artwork and at that exact moment, my mom pulled up next to me. My knuckles hurt and so did my toes.
Being the caring person that my mother was, she rushed out of the car to see what was going on. "Why would you do this to this poor girl Casey?" my mother asks in shock.
"She's the bitch Jenny asked to prom," I simply reply. And, at the mention of her name, Jenny runs up towards us, taking the scene in account.
"What," pant, "The," pant, "Heck," pant, "Is going on here?" She asks, her hands resting on her knees as she caught her breath slowly.
It was as if I was becoming really violent right now because I slapped Jenny so hard across the face. She rubbed her hand against the spot after wincing a little.
"I guess I deserved that. But, would you please let me explain?" She questions. I decided upon giving her the silent treatment because she really hurt me. The most she could have done was to tell me all this earlier. Then, all this commotion wouldn't have happened.
"Wow, the silent treatment Casey, really..? But oh well, at least you won't disturb..."
"Sinthy and I have nothing together Casey. I only asked her to the prom because I realized that she was never going to have an opportunity like this ever. What I didn't expect was for her to end up kissing me and for me to kiss back. I swear I felt no connection what so ever!
All I wanted to do was to tell you all of this but I just couldn't get the balls to. How could I have said that I kissed another girl behind your back? And to add up on the strain, I'd have to tell you about the prom thing right off that bat. That would have been the end of us on the spot.
I just wanted you to know Casey; no other girl could ever replace you. No other girl could be as great as you and no other girl will ever have my heart!" Jenny says forcefully, kneeling down before me.
I tried my best not to smile, to not show any sign of how much her words meant to me. She pulled out a small box from her pocket and then continued with what she was saying, “I know that this isn't much but, I needed to give you this. It's a promise ring. To promise that we will love each other forever and to one day live together and adopt a few kids together. To promise that you'll be my Mrs. O'Brian..."
Tears of joys flooded my eyes, and before I knew it, I was jumping up and down screaming out the only words I knew at this point in time. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Oh my God, yes!"
Jenny’s face beamed as she placed the beautiful ring on my finger. "Oh my god," I say, staring at the ring on my left hand.
Standing in front of me, Jenny smiled and I grinned, knowing that I was still crying. Gosh, did I cry a lot tonight, or what?
Stepping towards me, she slowly lifts my chin, offered me a smile and then crashed her lips onto mine. I melted on the spot and I could hear my mother sniffing in her tears and being all emotional as Jenny and I kissed slowly under a lamp post, in a hotel's parking lot and with a girl's body unconscious on the ground.
Pulling away from the kiss I asked, "What are we going to do with her?"
"We'll say some girls attacked her and we found her here. So, don't worry about that and get back to kissing your girlfriend," My mother says and I shrug, doing as told. You know what they say, be obedient to your parents.
THE END!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
A/N: I had so much fun writing this book and especially this chapter xD I love you guys! Bye for now! You can message me on Wattpad anytime, I always reply quick!
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