《Girl crush Monday (GxG)》Chapter Fifteen


A/N: OMG the chapter before the last x_x Dang, did I take a long time to update or what? Sorry about that guys, you know I love you! Never me again... I'm completing this book today :'( Sad isn't it... BUT~! Even if the last chapter is Chapter 16, the Epilogue is my gift to you :*

So even if I took like forever to update... Um... I didn't... Um... Edit :$ So... This chapter is UNEDITED.. Just like all the others... BUT Enjoy! Please:




♥Jenny's POV♥

My face was blank and I simply stared at the girl before my eyes. So many questions were circling my mind but I was too stubborn and upset to say them out loud. Casey looked a little petrified of me right now but that's not something bad. I wanted her to be scared of me, I wanted her to leave me alone, and I just wanted her out of my life.

Rolling my eyes and not saying a word, I slam the door in her face. To my surprise the door didn't close. Casey stopped it with her hand just in time. "Oh come one Jenny, don't be so cold. Just let me explain, okay?" She pleads, still trying to open the door a little wider.

"What is there to explain Casey? Exactly, nothing," I say, pushing the door close. I was stronger than her but to be real here, I didn't want to squeeze her hand. There was no way she was suing me for doing such thing. Still struggling, she replies, "About Mikayla."

"Ha-ha, oh you mean your new girlfriend? Fantastic! Oh by the way, congrats... She's such a charmer," I respond sarcastically.

"You don't understand-"

"Oh trust me, I do understand. What's there to not understand? She asked you to be her girlfriend and you said-" I was a little distracted while I spoke. My statement was cut short when Casey pushes the door fully open and then steps into my room.


Her mood changed entirely as she slammed the door shut. To be honest here, I was a little shocked that she had it in her. This chick stood her ground and for the weirdest reason a smirk formed on my lips at that thought.

Someone grew some balls, hmm. Here's a side to Casey that I haven't experienced as yet. Let's see how this goes.

I then fold my hands across my chest and observed her, waiting to hear what she has to say. Her expression showed deep thought and I knew she was planning on saying something.

"You really do say a bunch of bullshit Jenny; I must commend you on that. You assume so many things and you didn't even ask me what happened. I applaud you though; you got off the school's grounds pretty quick-"

"Could you get to the point here?" I questioned annoyed.

"I hate it when you do that!" Casey shouts angrily. "I hate it when you just give me the fucking cold shoulder! You just push me away like, what the fuck Jenny? Why, why do you do that? Oh my God, you're so frustrating!" Her hands were doing exasperated movements as she lets out some of her thoughts.

"Well Casey, I do that because you just soften me up sometimes! I'm trying to stop myself from falling for you even more! Do you know irritating it is to know that the girl you love is with someone else?!"

By this point in time, I was all up in her face and she just stared at me wide eyed. My eyes were open to their full extent too because I didn't mean to say what I did. Oh my God, where did that come from? Oh shit, I need to cover this up with something...Crap!


"You... love ... me...?" Casey was literally on the verge of tears. Where the hell did that come from? I suppose that she was as surprised as I was. Well... cue the cockiness, "Don't act so shocked Casey and kiss me."

For the first time out of all the times we've kissed each other, I was the first to take action. My lips met hers and my heart exploded. Some part of me was craving to have her lips pressed against mine one more time. Immediately she responded and began kissing me back. The kiss was slow and on the surface. Trailing my tongue along her bottom lip, she opens for entrance.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Pulling away from the kiss Casey mouth's a slow 'wow' and I swore I did the same. "About Mikayla..." She tails off and then fumbles with her fingers.

And just like that, my mood was crushed once more. My facial expression changed in an instant. "Oh no, don't, make that face!" She starts, gently placing her palm on my cheek and smiling at me. "I didn't say yes. I told her that my heart only belongs to one person and that's you."

My mouth forms an 'o', now everything was clear. This is the true reason why she came here, to tell me that she rejected Mikey's offer. My head is so freaking hard at times!

Hmm, I'll not let an opportunity like this pass me by again. Time to grow some balls Jenny!

"Um... Casey?"


"Would you take the honors of being my girlfriend?"


My lips were now pursed together; there was nothing else that I could have said but... "What the fuck?"

"I thought I already was your girlfriend," She says, smirking at me and giving me a quick peck on the lips. "You're so mean, you know that? My heart was almost shattered, again," I confessed, pulling her in a tight hug.

"Ha-ha sorry, sorry, I only wanted to see your reaction, my bad," She says, laughing as her head rested upon my chest. Shaking my head at her really good attempted of ruining my mood. "Let's go tell Tyler and James the good news."

We broke away from the hug, grabbing hold of her hand; I dragged her behind me and exited my bedroom. She was giggling the entire way, up till the point we arrived half way down the stairs. I couldn't keep it in any longer. "Oh my goodness Ty and James, guess what? Casey is my girlfriend now!"

"Excuse me?" I stopped in my tracks at the sound of her voice. Casey didn't realize that I was stopping so soon so she bumped into my back. Observing the atmosphere of downstairs, I saw James and Ty standing far away from each other but she was in the middle.

"Mom…?" I question. Just great, another fork in the road!

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