《Bench ☼ LisKook》13 | Goodbye


Walking down the stairs, she carried her luggage together with all her memories in that place.

"Are you ready?" Her father asked together with her mother.

She smiled sadly and nodded.

With one last look to their now old home, they went out the door.

Lisa sat at the back of the car while gazing at the busy streets. She sighed when she thought back about him.

Jeon Jungkook.

The boy who is making her puzzled.

The boy who is making her confused.

The boy who is her heart tighten.

The boy whom he likes.

That boy is Jeon Jungkook.

But what can she do? He wouldn't talk to her. She wanted to confess her feelings to him before she goes so that when she goes, she won't leave anything unfinished . But sadly – she failed.

Her phone suddenly rang, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Lisa! How dare you leave me!" BamBam boomed once the line connected.

Lisa chuckled, "Idiot. I'm not leaving you, you're going back next month too so we'll see each other soon."

"I'll miss my friends here. Especially Yugyeom." BamBam expressed sadly.

"I'll miss my friends, too." Lisa sighed.

"We don't have any choice, though. I mean, our families only came here for business so it's obvious we wouldn't be here permanently." BamBam said and Lisa agreed.

"Yeah. I should've thought about that before.." So I didn't have to be so attached to someone.

"Well, have a safe flight! Call me when you arrive and I'll see you next month!" BamBam said and hung up.

Lisa sighed yet again. Through the phone call, she didn't knew that they had already arrived at the airport.

She and her parents picked up their luggage and went inside the gigantic place.

"Attention. Flight 123 will be boarding in 5 minutes. Thank you." The announcer said.

Their flight was Flight 456 so they still have a little time to 'explore" the airport.

Lisa looked back at the busy people hurrying. She hoped that for the last time,she would get to see his face again. But there were only little possibilties.

He doesn't even know she's leaving.

also, idk how airports work coz i havent been to one yet (so sad ik)

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