《Bench ☼ LisKook》10 | Time


A few days later, Lisa still has been trying to contact Jungkook but much to her dismay; he still can't be contacted.

A few rings here, a few rings there; no answer.

Lisa sighed as she threw her phone on her bed.

'What the heck, Kook. Just when I finally found the courage to confess my growing feelings towards you; you suddenly vanish.'

Without realizing it, tears slowly began streaming down her face.

'I need to find a way. I don't have much time.'

Lisa thought with determination and quickly took her phone and dialled someone's number.

"Yeah?" The other line answered.

"Hello Bamie? Can you help me?" Lisa sobbed.

"Yeah sure wait — are you crying?" BamBam asked in concern.

Lisa didn't say anything but her sobs answered it for her.

"Hey Lis, why are you crying? Did something happen? What can I do to help?" BamBam bombed Lisa with questions.

"Well, Jungkook and I have not contacted each other in a long time and I'm starting to grow worried. What if I run out of time?" Lisa said.

"Aw, Lis. I wish I can do something but I don't know who that Jungkook guy is I — " BamBam didn't get to finish his sentence when another voice was heard from the other line.

"Jungkook? I know that guy! You know him too, Bam?" The voice said.

"No, I don't know him but my friend Lisa does and she's trying to find a way to contact him." BamBam said.

"Gimme that." The other voice said. "Hello? Hi, I'm Yugyeom and I know how to contact Jungkook!"

"Really? Will you help me?" Lisa said, hope lacing up her voice.

"Yeah I can. But you said he doesn't answer your calls, right?" Yugyeom said.


"Yeah, sadly." Lisa answered,her heart tightening.

"Well, don't you have any contact with his friends? I know some of them." Yugyeom suggested.

"Really? Can you give me their numbers or something?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah sure. I'll ask BamBam to send it to you." Yugyeom said happily.

"Thank you so much, Yugyeom." Lisa said and they both hung up.

A few moments later, Lisa received a text from BamBam containing cellphone numbers which she assumed, was Jungkook's friends.

'I better find a way. Fast.'

hellooo. this book will be ending soon so I can focus more on new stories!! I want to publish stories one at a time and not have to worry about which one to update first :))))

Ps..what do you guys want the ending to be?? Im still debating about how it should be but if i cant make up my mind then i'll just have to put 2 alternate endings 😂

Thank you for reading!!

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