《Bench ☼ LisKook》4 | Possibilities


"Hyung, I'm so embarrassed!" Jungkook groaned and ruffled his hair.

The elders looked at him, trying to hold back their laugh.

Jungkook looked up and saw their expressions, "Don't laugh!"

Because of that, the elders burst out in laughter.

"It's just so funny! You were playing with your games, tripped, dropped your coffee, and the worst part – the coffee spilled on a random pretty girl's book!" Jimin, one of his hyungs, laughed louder.

"She is pretty, right?" Namjoon, also one of his hyungs, asked him.

Because of the question, Jungkook looked down, "Yeah.." And before he could stop it, his cheeks blushed a light shade of pink.

She was indeed pretty though.

"Then you're really screwed." Yoongi said and chuckled.

"You're not helping, hyung!" Jungkook said.

The boys then burst out lauging, yet again.

"Ah! I know! Just buy her a new book!" Hoseok suddenly suggested and mentally patted his self on the shoulder.

"That's what I was planning to do actually, but.." Jungkook said and bit his lower lip.

"But what?" Jin, the eldest out of all of them, asked.

"I don't know the book's name."

The boys facepalmed.

"It's your fault you didn't ask her the name of the book!" Jimin scolded the younger one.

They were currently at a book store, trying to find a substitute for the book Jungkook damaged, but they were clearly having a hard time choosing one since all of the boys weren't really into books except for Namjoon, but when asked what book should they get for the girl, he simply said "I don't know what types of books girls read, what I'm reading now is about philosophy."

"I did! But she didn't tell me." Jungkook defended.


Jimin looked at Jungkook, his eyes were wide.

"She didn't tell you?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded innocently, oblivious of what was in his hyung's mind at the moment.

"Well I have two possible reasons why she didn't tell you the book's name," Jimin said to Jungkook.

"What?" The younger one asked, confused.

"It's either the book she's reading is in a different language or it's 50 Sh–" Jimin was cut off with Jungkook's hand.

"Shhh! You're so loud! And inappropriate!" Jungkook scolded his hyung.

Jimin removed Jungkook's hand and glared at him.

"I was just saying the possibilities!" Jimin hissed, annoyed by what the former did.

"Yeah, but I think she's not the type to read those types of books, but yeah, maybe it is in a different language since she didn't look like she's from Korea." Jungkook shrugged.

"Whatever. Let's just go, were having no luck here." Jimin said and went towards the exit, Jungkook following him behind.

idk what i wrote ^^

Ps; idk when i'll update again (hopefully asap) im having writer's block. Sorry if i failed y'all. :)

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