《MUHAMMAD》Chapter 25


I've been in Hawaii for a few days now and It's been great I go to the beach almost everyday with Yosohn and he loves it.

"MaMa".I heard from in the living room but I brush it off maybe it's the tv.

"MAMA MAMA".I hear again and I get up as fast as I can walking to the living room and I see Yosohn crawling until he saw me.

"MaMa".He said crawling to me as I record him.

"Y'all my baby just said his first words". I said picking him up kissing his cheek before ending the video and posting it.

"Let's go live". I say to Yosohn propping my phone up and 600 people began to watch.

"I ain't got time for Y'all fake ass hoes

Talkin' all loud in them fake ass clothes

Fake ass shoes match their fake ass gold

I'm the realest bitch ever to you snake ass hoes". I started to rap when they started asking about Tati.

" Y'all don't bring her up on my live". I said cutting on the tv.

I look and see Tati wants to join my live so I add her.

"Girl where you at". She asked when it finally connected.

"Nowhere what you want".I ask putting Yosohn back on the floor.

"Muhammad been looking for you".She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay bye now". I said blocking her and sitting on the couch.

"Yo daddy ain't shit". I said laughing as he hit my leg.

"Da". He said slapping my leg so I put the camera on him.

"Y'all see his lil bad ass". I said laughing reading the comments when my stomach started to hurt really bad.

"I don't know where she at but she's on live".Tati said sitting on Abduls lap.


Pulling out my phone I search her name and pull up the live.

"Ugghhh". She said on her hands and knees arching her back.

I read the comments and everybody is asking if she's okay and what's going on.

"Yo, you watching porn over there my nigga". Abdul asked pushing Tati off of him and walking over to me looking down at my phone.

"Nah this Ari some shit happening to her but she ain't answering the phone". I said sighing.

"Mmm ouch".She said on the floor laying her head on the couch.

"Yo give me your phone". I said holding my hand out.

Dialing her number I see her look on the couch and grab her second phone before answering it.

"Baby it hurts so bad". She said crying into the phone.

She must be in some real pain to be calling me baby after what went on a few days ago.

"Wassup what you on". I ask watching her rub her stomach on live and then it clicked.

"Yo is you fucking pregnant". I ask sitting up watching her nod.

"Why the fuck you ain't tell me matter a fact fuck all that where are you". I ask grabbing my wallet and keys.

"I'm in Hawaii". She said throwing her head back crying and I see Yosohn coming into the view of the camera.

"Hawaii". Abdul asked doing a Soulja boy voice.

"Is that Abdul bring him with you because I know you're coming". She said rubbing her stomach.

"Ight get off this phone and call the ambulance and get the fuck off live in them lil ass shorts". I said hanging up handing Abdul his phone back.

"So it's up with us or what". Abdul asked holding his arms out.

"Yea I'm buying the tickets now". I said walking out the house to the car.


"I'm coming too". Tati said getting in the back seat and I mug her.

"Ari not gone want to see you". I said looking at her.

"I don't give a fuck I'm coming". She said rolling her eyes.

"Abdul buying yo ticket then". I said starting the car.

"I ain't buying her shit she got money". He said looking at me like I was crazy.

"Whatever". She said and I continued to drive.

Stepping off the plane I faceTime Ari and she answers lying in the hospital bed with Yosohn on her chest.

"What hospital you at". I ask getting in the rental car I paid for.

"Blue ocean hospital". She said squeezing the bed rail.

" Ight I'll be there". I said hanging up and searching the hospital.

Pulling up outside the hospital we get out and I walk to the front desk.

"What it do I'm here for Ariana Fletcher". I said tapping the desk.

"Are you a family member". She asked typing away on the computer.

"Yea her husband". I said and she nodded.

"Room 309". She said handing me the visitor passes.

"Yo when we get up here you keep your ass outside". I said and Tati looked at Abdul thinking he was gone say something.

"You just gone let him do that". She asked stepping off the elevator with us.

"Hell yea". He said walking into the room and she tried to walk in but I pushed her back closing the door.

"Why you sitting like that". I ask walking over to the bed were she was on her hands and knees holding the bed rail rocking back and forth.

"It hurts". She said crying as I lifted her up getting behind her laying her on my chest.

"So when was you gone tell me you was pregnant with my baby". Abdul asked causing me to look at him like he was crazy.

"Oh what she ain't tell you". He asked pointing to Ari who was in pain on my chest.

"What the fuck is you talking about nigga". I ask trying to get up but Ari started whining.

"Damn I thought she would've told you". He said with a shrug and that's when I really was about to wreck his shit.

"Fuck is you still holding me for he talking hot shit right now did you fuck this nigga". I ask looking down at Ari who looked at me laughing and Abdul was laughing too.

"What's funny nah I know it's me beating yo fucking chest in". I said mugging him.

"I was just fucking with you bitch she texted me about it while we was on the plane". He said shaking his head and before I could say anything the door burst open and in walked Tati.

"Why is this bitch here". Ari asked sitting up.

Shit finna get wild...

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