《MUHAMMAD》Chapter 18


It's been three weeks since the whole ordeal with Muhammad and I bought Yosohn a crib so that he can have a comfortable place to sleep instead of sleeping with me.

"You ready to go to granny house so mommy can go to school".I ask bathing him in his bath that I brought when I was living with my dad.

"Say yes mommy I haven't seen granny in weeks".I said wrapping the towel around him and picking him up when my four opened.

"Sissy is that you".I call out draining the water and putting his tub back in the closet.

"Yes, girl it's me I brought you some food, and hurry up we gone be late".She said as I dressed Yoshon.

"Girl we ready just stop by granny house so we can drop him off".I said buckling him up into his car seat.

"Okay let's go".She said grabbing his car seat while I grabbed my backpack, phone, and keys walking out behind them.

"Did you grab his diaper bag".I ask locking the door.

"Yea I got it".She said looking back at me as she walked down the stairs. Nodding I follow behind her getting in the car as she buckled him in.

Getting in she starts the car backing out and driving off.

Getting out of the car I unbuckle Yoshon who was asleep and walk to the door knocking.

"Who is it".I heard her voice ask on the other side of the door.

"Me granny".I said looking down at my phone to see the time.

"Imma beat yo ass Ms.Ari give me my baby and gone off to school love you tell my other baby Tati I love her too".She said taking Yoshon's car seat and hugging me before closing the door.

"She said she love you".I said once I got in the passenger seat.

"I bet she said she gone whoop yo ass".Tati said laughing.

"Nah she said beat my ass those two totally different things".I said pulling out the food she bought me and started to eat.

Finishing up my food I place the trash back in the bag grabbing my backpack getting out.


I'm ready to go home and we just got here.

So the nigga still didn't find Ari so I had my niggas jump him and hired somebody else to do the job.

"Bro granny just called and said you need to start answering yo phone and she said Ari dropped Yoshon off over there".Abdul said walking into my room without knocking.

"Nigga I swear you on yo last with me and come on".I said getting off the bed grabbing my keys and sticking my phone in my pocket.

"You driving or am I".He asked grabbing his keys off the couch walking over to me.

"Shid it's up to you do you feel like driving or not".He asked walking out of the house ahead of me.

"Yea I'll drive I just thought about it yo ass can't drive matter a fact who gave you yo damn license I'm convinced they just handing them hoes out nowadays".I said starting the car and backing out.

"Bitch I earn my license it took me three times to get it nigga".He said waving his license in my face.

"Bitch get that shit out my face they gave that to you cause they felt bad".I said laughing as he mugged me .

"You not gone sit up here and play me".He said smacking his lips.

"Yea whatever nigga".I said and continued to drive.

Pulling up outside granny's house I cut the car off and we get out walking up to the door and I could hear Yoshon screaming his ass off.

"Damn that lil boy got some lungs on him".Abdul said as we walked into the house.

"What you in here doing to my baby woman".I said walking into the living room where the noise was coming from.

"What you mean your baby".She asked standing up with a confused look on her face.

"Damn I forgot to tell you me and Ari got drunk and had sex at a party".I said taking yosohm from her sitting on the couch.

"Boy that damn girl just turned 18".She said laughing shaking her head.


"Hell I was drunk I ain't know".I said laying Yoshon on my chest and patting his butt.

"Granny Muhammad been beating on Ari".Abdul said causing me to snap my head in his direction.

"No, I haven't granny that nigga lying".I said shaking my head. I knew I shouldn't have told him shit.

"Tell the truth Muhammad did you put your hands on that girl".She asked glaring at me.

"Man granny it was one time".I said smacking my lips.

"Abdul get the baby".She said and he walked over trying to grab him.

"Unh unh nigga back the fuck up".I said pushing his hands away.

He ended up grabbing him when I wasn't looking and granny slapped the shit out of me.

"Damn granny watch out".I said blocking her hand as she punched me.

"No, what did I tell you about putting your hands on females, huh you put your last girlfriend in a coma".She said breathing heavily taking a seat.

"That bitch slept with my brother and got pregnant she lucky I ain't beat her ass to death".I said thinking about the day she told me she was pregnant by my brother.

"Oh shit I remember that you was tagging her ass".Abdul said laughing but instantly stopped when he seen grandma was glaring at him.

"Hush and you don't touch that girl again".She said turning the tv to lifetime and we all sat there watching it.

"Girl why this bitch keep looking at us".She said pointing to a girl I don't know.

"You mean why she mugging you".I said laughing still looking at the girl and she looked over at me with a stank face.

"Bitch fuck you laughing for".She asked causing everyone in the class to stop their work and look at us.

"I wasn't laughing at you so leave it alone".I said shaking my head.

"Obviously, you laughing at something bitch so what is it you want to get down".She asked standing up and walking in front of my desk.

"Look I'm a mother now so all that fighting shit for the birds take your ass back to your seat".I said waving her off turning back to Tati.

"Bitch I don't give a fuck about you or that damn baby".She said pointing her finger in my face.

"Look I'm not calling you out of your name so chill with that bitch word and get out my face".I said shaking my head with a small laugh.

"Why you still standing in my sister's face she said back the fuck back I sat here quiet cause she can handle her own but now you picking bitch".Tati said standing up and I grabbed her arm to get her to sit back down but she wasn't going.

"Hoe I been waiting on you to say something to me so I could let you know that I'm fucking yo man".She said laughing with a smirk.

"Okay, he must not be my man if he doing that so enjoy boo fuck you thought I was gone fight you over a nigga that I can easily replace bitch bye".Tati said and the girls face dropped before she stormed away.

"These girls crazy out here".I said shaking my head.

"Girl if Abdul really fucked that bitch me and him throwing them hoes".Tati said driving away from the school.

"I don't think Abdul would do that tho I feel like he's really into you".I said liking pictures on Instagram.

"Yea that's true".she said causing us to laugh.

"When you gone let Muhammad see his baby".She asked looking over at me then back at the road.

"Probably tomorrow since it's good Friday".I said with a shrug and she just nodded and continued driving.

Pulling up to granny house I see a car parked outside but it didn't look familiar. Getting out we knock on the door and granny opens it a minute later.

"Hey, babies come in". She said smiling and we walked in going towards the living room and I hear a familiar voice.

I am so fucked...

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