《Together we howl》Part 17


"Who the fuck are you" A shout was heard from the family room. Our eyes widened before we rushed out of the kitchen and into the room, finding two figures with their wands pointing at the pack, who was standing in front of Jared to protect him.

"Put that away" Sam growled but Sirius remained tense and protective. Remus' eyes glowed amber as he glared at the wolves, his wand pointing directly at Paul whilst Sirius' was at Sam.

"I'll give you one minute to tell us who the fuck you are, otherwise your arses will be hexed" Sirius threatened, though no one seemed all too scared, instead, their main focus was to protect.

"You will do no such thing" I announced, gaining their attention. I stepped into the room and stood in between Sirius and Sam whilst Ginny had done the same with Paul and Remus.

"Why do you have random boys in your home, cubs?" Remus growled protectively, making the wolves respond with a growl of their own.

"They aren't random boys" Ginny responded with a frown, her arms crossed over her chest, showing her disapproval of their behaviour.

"Who are these old men, Hermione?" Jacob questioned as he glared at the pair. Sirius' mouth swung open in offence, he attempted to step forward but I placed my hand on his chest, stopping him from moving any further.

"Don't even think about it, Padfoot" I warned but he continued to glare at the group.

"I think we should close the Floo at certain times of the day, we are getting too many surprised visitors" Luna sighed as she curled her blonde hair around her finger.

"Not going to happen, little moon" Remus responded through clenched teeth.

"Get these little boys out of here, before I make them" Sirius shouted as he pushed his wand in Sam's direction. It was as if something snapped within me, the urge to protect my mate and pack was the first thing on my mind. I grabbed hold of his wrist and a threatening growl erupted through my chest, making both Remus and Sirius' eyes widen. That was until Moony took it as a sign of disrespect and began growling in hopes to make me submit, however, it didn't seem to be working as I continued to growl.


"You will not hurt my mate or my pack. You will have to go through me first" I growled protectively. A knowing look appeared on both their faces, wide smiles formed and they instantly lowered their wands, though Moony was still on the surface.

"Why didn't you say so" Sirius rolled his eyes before pulling me into a tight embrace, to which I happily responded.

"I missed you pup" He whispered.

"I missed you too, uncle Pads," I said as I pulled away but was immediately met by another pair of arms. The scent of Remus overwhelmed my scenes and I hugged him back with my all.

"I should have known you'd be an Alpha one day" He mumbled in the crook of my neck, making me giggle and shrug. As we pulled away, he placed a kiss on my forehead but was met with a possessive growl from behind me. I turned around and the wolves jumped back slightly at the sight of my glowing amber eyes, though their expressions were full of awe.

"No need to growl, you are the only man for me" My wolf purred as I stepped towards him, his eyes widened in shock at my words before a large grin appeared on his face.

"Is that so?" He responded and grabbed my hip, pulling me against his chest as his face immediately snuggled into the crook of my neck.

"Of course, my handsome alpha" A satisfied growl erupts from his chest, making me giggle. My attention was turned toward the two new figures, who cleared their throat.

"My mistake. Pack, I'd like you to meet my uncles, Sirius and Remus. Uncles, meet the pack. Sam is the Alpha and my mate, then we have Paul, who's the beta and Ginny's mate, then we have Jared, who's injured at the moment and then we have Jacob, pansy's mate" I introduced and a large smile appeared as they greeted each other respectfully.

"How long will you be staying?" I ask as I summon some butterbeer from the kitchen.

"Only a few weeks, we want to visit the magic part of America," Siris said in excitement before sipping his drink. The wolves looked at us with confused frowns, making me chuckle.


"Each country has a muggle side and magical side. I have yet to visit the magical side, now that I think about it" I mumbled the last part to myself, though due to everyone's enhanced hearing, they all were able to hear me and chuckled.

"Why don't we make a day of it? I want to see what outfits American witches have to offer" I can see Pansy's eyes light up at the thought, making me shake my head fondly.

"Would we be able to go? Since we aren't magical" Jacob asked with a frown.

"You're shape shifters, you may not be able to perform magic but you are labelled as magical beings" they were shocked, to say the least, but it seemed they were easing into our world a lot quicker than we all expected.

"We'll wait until Jared is fully healed, I'm sure he'll be quite irritated if we went without him," I said softly as I looked over at the sleeping wolf, his face still peaceful and thankfully, absent of any pain.

"Who's looking after Teddy, Moony?"

"Andy, I'm going to pick him up tomorrow and bring him here, if that's okay with you?" a bright smile appeared on my face, making him chuckle. He knew how much I adored the little wizard, I had spent a lot of time with him before Harry, Ronald and I had to go and hunt the Horcruxes. After Tonk's death, Ginny and I helped Remus and Sirius as much as possible.

"Of course, I miss him dearly. Now, your rooms are prepared already, so follow me" Their eyes lit up instantly and they gawked in awe as they followed me through the home.

"Wow Cub, you did an amazing job" Remus complimented, making me smile over my shoulder in thanks. We stopped off at two doors that stood beside each other, both with signs that said 'Moony' and 'Padfoot'. Sirius' face broke out into a large grin whilst Remus looked at me with an appreciative smile. Sirius, being the man-child that he is, bounced on his heels in excitement, much to Remus and my amusement.

"You can decorate it however you want, it's quite plain at the moment," I said with a shrug as I gestured for them to enter. Sirius was the first to open his door, his eyes widened in awe at the interior and he immediately pulled me into his embrace.

"Thank you pup" He whispered sincerely before looking around the room, his eyes filled with wonder and it was obvious that he had many ideas. With an amused chuckle, Remus and I left Sirius and entered his room, and though it was almost identical, I made sure to add a large bookcase for any books he may purchase whilst in America.

"I thought you'd like a personal library, you might find some interesting books in both muggle and Magical America," I said softly with a smile, his eyes lit up at the thought of the different kinds of magic he could learn.

"You're an amazing little witch" He sighed in amazement, making me giggle and lower my head, hoping to hide the blush due to his compliment. Though I have become more confident within myself, compliments were still something that I hadn't gotten used to. I could only assume it's because I spent most of my life underestimated and undervalued for my knowledge and power.

"Dinner will be served soon and I thought it would be a good idea to add a conjoined room for Teddy whenever he stays too" I suggested, making him nod his head with a bright smile. He pulled me into his arms and placed a kiss on my temple.

"Thank you, Hermione" I nodded my head with a softer smile before I left him to settle into his new room.

As the time came for everyone to sit down for dinner, I was pleased to see that everyone was getting along perfectly. Despite their first reactions to one another, Sirius and Remus gave the pack a chance and by the end of the night, they had developed some sort of bromance.

All I knew, was these next few weeks are going to be hectic.

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