《X-Men Alex Summers/Havok imagines》I Lost Everything Pt. 1
It was never supposed to end like this.
A world full of murder and destruction.
All because of one man.
Thanks to Trask, the Sentinels had completely taken over. There was not a single soul that was shown mercy, the best of humanity wiped out in a flash of war. Only the strongest were left standing: those brave enough to carry on the fight so many had given up on. A group of mutants, spending their lives pushing away death just one more day, running out of options. If something didn't happen soon, the sentinels would win.
It was not very often these days to run into old friends. Nor was it very often a jet with the strongest mutants that have ever lived to arrive at the doors of the temple. The group of survivors had been waiting for a day like this for what felt like decades. They knew now was the time.
"It's impossible" The new arrivals turned in shock at the young girl.
"What do you mean Kitty?" Professor X questioned, his final plan starting to feel like a wasted thought.
"I've sent somebody back days before. Maybe a few weeks and a month if we're lucky, but that far? That's decades. Nobody would be able to survive that, it would tear them apart." The room was filled with looks of defeat and desperation at these words.
"What if I could survive it?" Logan stepped forward to the centre of the room, determination set on his face at the chance to save the brothers and sisters, so many lost.
Logan couldn't lie to himself, this was going to be a lot harder than he thought, and he didn't exactly expect it to be a walk in the park to begin with.
The mansion hadn't changed, but at the same time had never looked so empty. Of course it was bound to be with only two people living in it, not that he really thought Charles was really living at the moment. He was so lost that Logan wasn't sure if he could find him before his time in the past would be up. It wasn't until he remembered who he was talking to that they began to make progress. He had to get inside the mind of the one person he never thought he could and convince him of the dark future that would be heading their way in the next 50 years. All because of one man that needed to be stopped before he was stopped by somebody else.
"If you want to try and find Raven - save her and bring her home, then brilliant. But to do the same to him. That's impossible. Do you even know where he is?" Charles, although still very sceptical, was finally starting to understand the severity of the situation.
"I know where he is. He told me. He also told me how to get him out." Logan told Charles and Hank.
"Okay," Hank nodded in agreement, more to himself than the other two men, "what do we need?"
"It's not really a question of what. More who."
"What are you talking about? Who do we need?" Charles stood up from the desk he was leaning on in confusion.
"There's one person that will be able to get Erik on our side. Somebody that's always had the strength to do so when nobody else could. Somebody who was once very close to you all."
"That's not going to work. Nobody has seen or heard from her in years and even if we did know where she was, what makes you think she'd even want to come back to this place after everything that happened?" Charles began to get angry again by the end of his sentence, whilst Hank's eyes did not leave the floor once, the face of the girl he once called his best friend came into mind.
"Because I know for a fact that walking out of those doors was the biggest mistake Y/N ever made, one she never forgot even when she returned again." Logan remembered the countless times himself and Y/N had discussed their lives with each other. He never understood what is was about the girl that made her so easy to talk to. So comfortable to be around. But then again, he wasn't the only one that thought that. She was a beacon of light for any lost soul, and right now, there were two stood in the room with him that needed her more than ever. They had just been too ashamed to admit it all these years.
"Where is she?" Hank finally looked up and stared at Logan in wait of his answer.
The corner coffee shop was exactly what Hank had imagined it to be. It was no surprise to him that Y/N had opened a place like this, and honestly made him wonder how he had not found her sooner. Walking through the doors, the three men were hit with the warmth they had become accustomed to for so many years living with the girl. Fresh coffee was offered to them straight away, along with the promised selection of the many different types of pastries making their way out of the ovens. The hustle of old and new customers exchanging seats and waitresses frantically clearing tables for their swap made It hard to remember what they came for, until she walked behind the counter. Three heads instantly turned towards the girl carrying the hot jug of coffee, a slight smile stuck on her face, purely for the benefit of good customer service. Anybody would have believed it was real. Anybody that wasn't the people she once called her family. The ones that realised instantly her beacon of light had become nothing more than a dull glow.
When she finally saw them she dropped the jug and its contents on the floor. The cafe froze silent at the sound of breaking glass and turned to the scene of the counter: three men stood in shock at the friend they hardly recognised anymore, and a girl who looked like she was about to cry.
"Nancy. I'm going on a break." Y/N called to her co-worker who was already grabbing a brush for the mess of the broken jug. She didn't say a word to the three men, just gave them one last look as she opened a door in the corner of the bar and walked inside, leaving it open for them to follow.
"How are you Y/N." Charles asked once the three men had stepped into the living room of the small flat behind the shop. Y/N still had her back to them, unsure if she was ready to turn around and face them yet or not.
"What are you doing here Charles?"
"We need your help." Hank stepped towards the girl. At the sound of his voice she turned around, anger beginning to form.
"You need my help? After all these years you show up with no warning, barely a hello and you're asking for help? Why should I help you with anything? It's not like you ever did the same for me."
Hank looked down ashamed and tried to resist the urge to just run up to the girl and hug her. Something he had been wanting to do since the last day he ever saw her.
"Y/N. I'm sorry. I truly am. You have every right to hate us. But what's happening is so much bigger than anything we've ever been through." Charles pleaded with the girl to give them a chance to explain, but instead she avoided his gaze and turned instead to the man she didn't recognise
"How did you find me?"
"You told me where you were." Logan answered.
"I told you?" Y/N questioned in anger, the tears threatening to escape her piercing blue eyes, "How could I have told you anything. I don't even know you."
"Not now you don't, but you will."
"What are you talking about?" She stepped forwards in retaliation of this statement.
"My name is Logan. I'm like you: a mutant. I was sent back here from a time decades from now to change the past in order to save our future. Something big is happening. Something even bigger is about to happen if we don't stop it and if you don't help us to. I know this is hard to believe, but you do know me. Or at least you will do years from now."
"What, so you're saying you're from the future, and what? Future me tells you that I've opened a coffee shop on the corner of Shrewbury Avenue? That's ridiculous." The girl was starting to get agitated and everybody could tell. Charles had noticed the fish bowl at the side of him was now rippling. Water had always been the element to be effected first.
"Y/N, he's telling the truth. I didn't believe at first either but you have to trust me." Hank stepped even closer as the girl took a cautious step closer to the wall.
"I don't trust you, Hank. Not anymore. Not after what happened."
"You do trust him. You trust him with your life. And Charles. You always will." Logan spoke again, causing the girl to frown in confusion.
"How do you know that?"
"Because eventually you will trust me. Enough to tell me that the day you walked out of the mansion you regretted it and every day since you've wanted nothing more than to go back." Logan began to step closer to Y/N, who was now looking to the floor, trying to control the emotions rattling inside her mind.
"I know that what you've gone through hasn't been easy. What you went through was too much for any man to handle, never mind a young girl."
"Stop it." She breathed out, closing her eyes to try and focus on staying calm.
"Being here on your own is hard for you. You act like your doing fine, but I know that watching the one person that means most to you being taken away at a time you needed him most is tearing you apart."
"Stop." Her fists were clenched and the ripples in the fish bowl were now small waves. Vases of flowers above the fire place were beginning to shake and the taps on the sinks in the kitchen next door had turned themselves on.
"What Striker did to you is unimaginable. The scars you have will never go away. They'll haunt you for the rest of you life"
"I said stop it." The flames behind her were now growing and threatening to burst out of their brick enclosure. Fire was always the second element to be effected.
"Logan, maybe you should hold off a bit." Hank placed a hand on Logan's chest, who was now standing only a few feet away from Y/N.
"But that's the thing," Logan did not hold off however, "they're just scars to you. You survived. So many didn't and even more are still suffering. You do nothing to help and you're no better than Striker. You may as well kill them yourself ." Y/N couldn't take it anymore. All the years of trying to contain her power had let it build up so much that there was no hope in containing it anymore. She let out a scream as the windows around the room burst with a sudden attack of wind and cracks broke through the floor, jolting all four mutants to the ground.
Air and Earth. Always the last to go.
Hank crawled over to the now crying girl and wrapped an arm around her suddenly frail body.
"I know you lost a lot, Y/N. We all did. But we can get it back. We can help each other. We can help them all."
Y/N looked up into the eyes of the boy she once called her family and nodded, a final tear rolling down her face.
Going back to her old home made Y/N feel so many emotions she wasn't sure which to deal with first. Walking through the doors she dreamed so much about was hard, but standing in her old room was so much harder. She wanted nothing more than to go back in time, much like Logan and change the past. She couldn't help but wonder what her life would look like now if she had just done things a little differently. Made different decisions. Said the things she wished she would have said.
It wasn't until she walked over to the tall window and noticed the oak tree still standing in the same place it was when she left that she was hit with the strongest emotion she had felt so far. There wasn't exactly a word for it. It was more like a rush of memories. Mostly of him: The first time they kissed stood under the shade of the leaves. The hours they spent sat on the branches together as the world around them would momentarily stop spinning. The late night conversations they snuck out to have about all the ways they planned to spend their lives together. All of it came back. Not that it ever really went away.
"You know, I never saw Alex smile once until the day he met you."
Y/N turned around to face Hank as he walked into the room, closing the door softly behind him and walking over to the window to stand next to her.
"Kind of like how you don't smile now you're not with him." She looked at the boy now focusing his attention on the same spot she had been doing moments before. It wasn't until this moment that she realised how much he had grown in the years she'd been away. his face was more mature and he had added an extra few inches to his already towering frame. He was still Hank though.
She wondered how much she had changed herself. She knew how much she had grown mentally over the years. That was expected after what she had been through. The day Striker and his men came to the mansion she was just a child. Her boyfriend being extracted by them to go to war made her deal with emotions like a adult, but the day Striker returned for herself, she was forced to grow into somebody she never wanted to be. Somebody she never thought she would have to be. It was the only way she could have survived the torment she never knew was in store for her, by pushing back every good memory and emotion she had of her life so that it couldn't be used against her. She was just a machine to them. In their eyes she had no memories or emotions, which is how they were able to do they things they did with no regret. No remorse.
Hank and Charles knew that Striker had Y/N, but by the time they found out she had already managed to escape. They had tried to find her and the rest of the team over the years, including Alex Summers, but with the serum Charles took to fix his spine blocking his mutation, they had no hope in locating them.
Y/N felt so much anger towards the people who swore they would always be there to protect her. When she needed them most they were never there. Over time she came to accept the fact she was on her own, and it just became the normal. So many times she considered driving back to the Mansion, or even taking the impossible journey over to Vietnam to find the man she loves, but the fear of getting caught again was just too much.
Hank knew that Y/N must of been hurt by Striker badly, but what he didn't know was what they took from her the day she was caught. Something that she would never be able to get back.
At the sudden thought, tears began to spill out of Y/N's eyes as she let out a sob. Hank turned in surprise at the sound of the girl stood next to him, and without even thinking, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. She let him.
For a few minutes they stood with nothing but the sound of heavy breathing Y/N would make to try and gain back some control until she eventually pulled away. Hank kept a hand on her shoulder, in fear she could slip away again.
"It's okay now Y/N. He can't hurt you anymore."
"You said that we've all lost a lot. You were right by that. You did lose a lot, but I lost everything and unlike you I'll never be able to get it back."
"What do you mean Y/N?" Hank leaned back to look at her, realising there was something much more different about the broken girl stood in front of him that he initially thought. "What did you lose?"
"The day Striker came for me I knew something. Something I didn't tell anybody, not even Alex. I had kept it a secret because I didn't know what was going to happen. He was going off to fight and the team was falling apart. I was so scared."
"What is it Y/N?" Hank was now growing worried at the look on Y/N's face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking up at him.
"I was pregnant."
At these words a tear rolled down her cheek. Hank stood in shock. With no words forming in his mouth, he pulled the girl into a hug for the second time, squeezing tighter than he had ever done before.
He wasn't sure how he was going to make the girl feel better after everything. He needed to help her get back atleast some of what was taken from her. Some things he admitted would be irreplaceable. The loss of a child is something no parent should ever have to have happen, but there is one thing that they could get back. The most important thing Hank could get back for Y/N.
They needed to get Alex Summers back.
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