《Him & His Muslimah》25
Flicking a ball-point pen uninterestedly, Zaib sat in his car in Zoya's driveway, waiting for her to leave her home with Bilal. Zaib thought of yesterday and wanted to laugh. After Zoya texted him about not being able to go shopping, he couldn't just sit around. Late at night he went to his mother begging her to give excuses to Zoya's mom. Thankfully it had worked.
His phone screen lit up and his lips stretched into a soft smile, hope rose within him that it was Zoya as he hurriedly unlocked his phone. His hope was extinguished seeing it was just Ehsan sending him another dumb meme. Just within a day of texting, his heart longed to see her again, to make her laugh in person and to hear more from her.
It was a long, hectic day at work yesterday, organizing the new deal with an investor for a new apartment complex he had been yearning to build for a couple of years now. However, every time he got a break, his thoughts would deviate to Zoya. He wanted to marry her fast so he could avoid letting his feelings for her get the best of him. She had him whipped. As soon as he got home he had messaged Zoya, the thoughts of her getting the best of him.
When she had showed annoyance in him texting in slang, he couldn't help but burst out in peals of laughter; they weren't even married yet and she was already putting him in his place. Not that he minded, he always strived to better himself and had hoped for a partner to help him with that; Zoya was the perfect person.
After minutes of waiting, the front door finally opened. Bilal came out grinning from ear to ear with his hands carelessly shoved in his side pockets. He opened the door to the front passenger seat and slid in.
"As salamu alaykum," both voices echoed. "Where's Zoya?" Zaib asked trying to act nonchalant about it. "Of course that's the first thing you ask about," Bilal said rolling his eyes.
"Well if you must know, my dear sister has been up from the morning excited to go shopping with you and is currently despairing looking for her favourite pair of shoes to match her outfit with. You didn't hear this from me though." Bilal winked at Zaib.
Zaib's heart swelled with joy, considering he had spent an hour grooming himself to meet her. Maybe she cared about him as much as he did her. He thought of her frantically searching for a pair of shoes and stifled a laugh.
"Zaib." Bilal's fingers snapped in front of Zaib's eyes, attempting to free him from the trance of thought he was in.
"Huh?" Zaib looked completely lost as he was snapped back to reality. "Allahuakbar, Zaib are you also doing that hypnotized by love thing? You and Zoya both keep zoning off these days at the most random times, if you guys are getting married and keep doing this lovey thing, what does that make me?"
"Sorry," Zaib sheepishly grinned, his face heating up at Bilal's words. Were his feelings that obvious?
Their attention was diverted when the front door opened.
Zoya stood there meekly, her hands fidgeting in front of her denim maxi skirt paired with a plain white blouse. She adjusted her dark blue headscarf and walked to the car with a lowered gaze, one hand clutching a cream and denim over the shoulder purse.
She slipped into the backseat, another round of Salams being passed. Zaib and Zoya's eyes met in the front mirror, giving them a sense of deja vu as that had happened before.
Zaib caught a slight difference in Zoya's eyes; they were lined with soft brown liner- barely noticable- but Zaib could tell the difference. It made her eyes seem more gentle and deer-like. The corners of his mouth slightly lifted as she quickly looked away.
After a few seconds of silence, Zaib cleared his throat. "So... which mall are we going to?"
Bilal let out a heavy sigh as another bag was passed to him to hold as the lovebirds continued shopping in front of him. It had been the third store they had gone to and they had again bought many different items as Zaib insisted upon Zoya getting everything that looked 'useful'.
Zoya was still shy around Zaib in person but she had slowly gotten used to his company and was adjusting well. The past two shops had been general household and usage items but now they were in a clothes store.
"I think this looks good, Zoya come here."
Zoya blushed as her name left Zaib's mouth. She still wasn't used to being called by her name from him, from him it sounded endearing and precious.
She walked over to the second aisle where Zaib was holding up a cheetah print scarf with a hot pink shirt and a green frilly skirt. "Oh God," Zoya let out a prayer as she walked over to him. She forced a smile as she looked over the fashion atrocity, "I-I'm speechless."
'"I'm that good huh, maybe I didn't need your help after all. I'm great at women's fashion." Zaib looked so proud of himself with a wide grin on his face that Zoya struggled to not burst into laughter. She pinched herself to stop laughing because once she started she would not be able to stop.
"Uh, Zaib I really appreciate the thought but please stick to men's fashion, leave the women fashion to me." She grinned at him as she took the items from his hand and put them back in their respective places.
Zaib could tell she was trying to be nice and she high-key hated it yet that just warmed his heart more: she didn't want to completely put down his efforts.
"Okay, you can go ahead with the clothes while I stick to other items."
"Which one do you want?" Zoya enquired, browsing the menu of the retro-themed ice cream shop. The three had come to a mutual agreement to take a break from shopping and cool off in an ice cream parlour nearby.
"Is that even a question little sis? My one and only love is chocolate. You know how you guys have a thing for each other? I have a thing for chocolate." This was the umpteenth time Bilal had commented on Zoya and Zaib's feelings for each other and the couple got more embarassed with every one.
"Bro, please just shut up. I'm begging you."
"I am THIS close to losing it."
Bilal just smirked as he stared between the two fuming at him, both their cheeks flushed; Zoya's clenched fist raised in Bilal's direction with a sharp glare and Zaib mirroring that expression.
"Okay, okay calm down... lovebirds."
Bilal chuckled as Zoya shook her head, "Okay what flavour do you want Zaib?"
"Plain Vanilla."
"I'll go order and treat you guys this time." Zoya held up a hand in Zaib's direction, "No excuses, I'm paying this time. I can't always be dependent on you guys to pay you know."
Zaib held up two hands in his defense and gave her a grin, "Okay miss independent, you can pay this time."
Zoya smiled back and grabbed her wallet, walking to the counter. She bit her bottom lip gently while looking at the options above, a habit she was working on fixing as she always does it when she's thinking. Her hands tapped the counter as she looked at all the options above. Unlike others, Zoya didn't have a fixed favourite flavour, she liked to mix things up from time to time.
"Having trouble choosing this time?" The young man at the counter asked her, throwing her a galliant smile. He had been rearranging the cups when Zoya had strolled over to the counter.
Zoya was a regular at the ice cream parlour, dropping in and out with Naimat atleast twice a month. He had noticed her always switching things up and gotten used to her spontaneous choices. At times, while he wiped the tables, he'd overhear her enthusiastic conversations with Naimat and be amused by her optimistic viewpoint on everything.
"Hm, yeah actually could you recommend something? I can't really think about it properly right now," She softly replied. Zaib's presence made her nervous and muddled up her thoughts for a while.
"Well, I am the perfect person to ask for a recommendation. I have tried every flavour in this shop." He nodded at her.
"What's your favourite colour?"
That question caught Zoya offguard slightly. She didn't know how her favourite colour had to do with an ice cream flavour.
"Lilac," She answered without hesitation.
"Mine's green," he continued to smile at her, making eye contact with her before she looked away. The situation was getting awkward as he didn't answer her initial question and was just starting a different conversation.
"Nice, what do you recommend then?" She asked again, fumbling with her wallet.
"Oh yeah that, how about cotton candy? It has your favourite colour in it after all.'
"I'll have that then, small cup. Also vanilla and chocolate both small too," she ordered.
"Okay miss, your order is coming right up." He turned to get the ice cream ready and Zoya let out a breathe she hadn't realized she'd been holding.
For some odd reason, Zoya could face anyone and everyone but when it came to giving a simple order at a restaurant she had to mentally prepare herself in order to not mess up. She turned around too see Bilal laughing while Zaib was staring off into the distance, his expression troubled.
She stared, surveying him.
As if sensing her gaze on him, Zaib made eye contact with her, his distressed frown softening. Unexpectedly, he got up and marched towards her.
"Just checking what's taking so long," he muttered as he stood beside her, his arms crossed. Zoya nodded in response.
"Here's your order." Their attention was diverted to the young worker. Zoya turned around to pay. "How much will that be?"
"Let me check that again, three small cups right?"
"Alright, that will be ten dollars and a name." The worker didn't even spare Zaib a glance.
"Name?" Zoya asked as she pulled out a ten dollar bill from her wallet, in confusion. She caught a glance of Zaib's hands which were pulled into a fist.
What was up with him?
"Your name miss, you visit this shop so often I'll put you down for customer of the month." He passed her the receipt.
She heard Zaib scoff under his breathe.
"Oh—There's really no need for that." Zoya was flustered as this sort of thing hadn't really ever happened to her.
"I insist, you are a valuable customer to us." At that, he gave her a slight smirk.
"None of your business. Now if you'll excuse us, me and my fiancee have to get back to something," Zaib interrupted her, grabbing the ice creams.
"Let's go." He gruffly addressed Zoya.
Zaib set down the ice creams on the table and pulled out Zoya's chair for her to sit down and sat down himself robotically.
"What took you guys so long?" Bilal asked noncholantly pausing the mobile phone game he was playing.
"Why don't you ask Zoya, she was talking to her new best friend," Zaib snapped giving Zoya a pointed look.
"What? I was just ordering ice cream and the kind worker was helping me." Zoya's anger began to steam up. Why was he suddenly all gruff and mad? He was acting so off when nothing had even happened.
"Forget it," he rolled his eyes.
"Excuse me—" Zoya was cut off by Bilal's huge sigh, "Do you guys even care that I'm here? You can have your lover's quarrel elsewhere, let's eat our ice cream before it melts."
Zaib and Zoya continued to glare at each other, their eyes daring the other to look away first. Zoya held her chin high in a determined look and Zaib had his eyes narrowed in a challenging manner. The tension continued to grow until Zaib's eyes landed on her ice cream.
"Oh yeah, we're switching ice creams." He grabbed her ice cream and pushed his own towards her. "Why? I got free sprinkles I want to eat them." Zoya argued childishly.
This sparked another gush of this weird feeling from Zaib. He grabbed his spoon and shoved the sprinkle-filled bite of ice cream into his mouth even more childishly. "Well, now you can't eat them, too bad."
"What is your problem? You were completely fine till a while ago." She crossed her arms, baffled by his annoying behavior.
"You want to know what my problem is?"
"That worker was flirting with you and you were happily flirting back!" Jealousy laced in Zaib's words. She was speechless, his angry gaze, bitterness of his tone stunned her.
This was the feeling of jealousy.
He disliked her smiling at that worker, the way she did towards himself. He disliked the look in that worker's eyes towards Zoya. Zaib hadn't felt this kind of seething jealousy over a girl ever and this foreign feeling was overtaking him.
Zoya was the only one who had pulled out this side from him and he didn't know how to deal with it.
The confused and enraged Zoya, who was pretty sure the worker was just being nice and she was answering just fine without giving any flirty signals, didn't understand Zaib's outrage.
"You're being paranoid. The worker was clearly just helping me out when I asked him for it. I can't believe you're taking this the other way."
"Yeah, sure." Zaib's voice was dripping in sarcasm.
Zoya rolled her eyes, "Yes, and I was just normal. Do you want me to cower and be nervous in front of all men or something?"
Zaib took a deep breath, calming himself down. "No. That was not what I was implying. I don't like the way you and him were talking to each other," he frustratedly explained.
"You mean being nice?"
"This has nothing to do with being nice. You're oblivious," he pointed out.
"I'm not oblivious. I'm being rational unlike some rude people." Zoya rolled her eyes.
"Did you just call me rude?" He seemed offended.
"Yes if your ears are working fine that's exactly what I said."
"He had some other intentions! There's no such thing as 'customer of the month'. He literally just wanted to know your name. Stop acting dumb," he rasped, wanting the conversation to be over.
"It's probably something new they've started! Are you really going to be arguing over this?"
"How often do you come here?" He muttered.
"Huh? Why do you want to know that?" She questioned alarmed.
"Because you're not coming here again, atleast not without me."
"You're so overdramatic."
"I'm a man, I know what men are like and his intentions weren't friendly. Zoya just listen to me alright," his eyes softened as he witnessed her wide eyes. She really didn't have a clue about men and their sneakiness.
Zoya sighed, she was getting married to him after all so it wouldn't be a big deal bringing him along with her when she came to this ice cream shop again. He sounded genuine about his worries.
"Fine, let's eat our ice cream now before it melts." She gave him a small smile before scooping up the vanilla ice cream. She hadn't eaten plain vanilla in a long time so this was refreshing.
Zaib noticed the tension and sighed grumpily digging in as well.
"Are you guys done now?"
They stopped, their eyes zeroing in shock. They had completely forgotten Bilal was right there, witnessing their first argument. Bilal showed them his empty cup and gave them a sarcastic look before going off to throw it away.
They looked around flushed and embarrassed.
Zaib's car pulled up in the driveway, the locks opening to let Zoya and Bilal leave.
"As Salamu Alaykum, see you around man," Bilal jumped off and jogged to the front door to open it.
Zoya stayed put in the back, fidgeting with her fingers. During the ride back, she thought about the recent event and felt guilt hollowing her stomach. She texted Naimat to ask about the 'costumer of the month' deal and Naimat joked about it saying she visited a week ago and they didn't even discount even though she paid with a credit card.
Zaib silently eyed her. He wanted to stay mad but looking at her made him forget the previous argument.
"I— I'm sorry and thank you for today, As Salamu Alaykum." Zoya hastily shoved the car door open and hopped out, sprinting towards Bilal, waiting against the door.
He looked at her astonished at her speed and unconsciously smiled massive. "Hey Zoya!"
"Yeah?" She turned around, wondering what he wanted.
"I love your shoes."
He saw her rush into her home and his heart thudded faster with warmth overtaking.
The second she was in she let out a huge breathe and slipped off her shoes. She heard murmuring in the living room and wandered there. She recognized Bilal's excited chatter and her mother's laughter.
When she got closer she could make out what he was saying.
"Yeah, then they started arguing about some ice cream man and-"
"Bilal, I'm gonna kill you!"
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