《Him & His Muslimah》8
"Are you sure you don't need anything else, at all?"
He didn't even glance her way. Honestly, he was repulsed by Aliya's indecent behavior. Firstly, she stared at him a little too much and also never missed the chance to pass him a file, so their fingers could 'accidentally' graze together. Zaib was surely innocent but he was no fool. He was very well aware about her intentions, and he didn't like them. Period.
"I'm fine. You can leave. I've got it covered," he muttered without sparing her a glimpse. Desperately, he wanted to avoid anything that caused fitnah to arise. Surely, the eager girl had other plans.
"But I want to stay with you."
Confusion dawned upon him. Normally, he would be tempted to at least look back, but this time he didn't even feel a little tug towards it. He was simply extremely uncomfortable and irritated by her sick trials.
Zaib continued inspecting the time-honored designs created by primeval architects. He never liked changing everything about architecture. Every piece of Zaib's work held an ancient touch to it. It was his little speciality.
"Are you married?"
What in hell-?
Zaib's gaze flicked from the numerous blueprints placed before him to her. The girl who kept interrupting his peace had short brown hair with pounds of makeup blanketing her entire face. Cautiously, he reminded himself that he was no one to judge. Allah was the only judge, in this world and the hereafter.
"Er, could you please call Ehsan for me?" Zaib, as kindly as he could, avoided her silly questions. He didn't want to act disrespectfully.
He noticed Aliya rolling her eyes at him before she stomped away to call Ehsan. A while passed when Zaib finally heard a knock and Ehsan stepped in with a sly smirk on his face.
"As Salamu Alaykum Zaib, what's up?" He walked inside the chill room.
"Wa Alaykumu Salam. Don't act too innocent, idiot. You know exactly what's up. Why am I supposed to work and bear with her?" He complained while groaning.
He remembered working with her two years back and she still remained clueless. That girl just couldn't take a hint!
"Because Mr. Jenson is as stubborn as the Pharaoh. He will initially fire you and then pass the assignment to me which, by the way, will result into me getting fired as well since I wouldn't be able to handle Aliya either. So at the end of the day, you need to do this for the both of us, man. Save us." And that was Ehsan's highly exaggerated speech.
Seeing Zaib's scowl, he merrily chuckled. "Don't worry, you won't have to go through it for long. Just this once and you'll never have to see her ever again."
"That's what you said the last time," Zaib couldn't resist from muttering. How long could he take the obvious make-believe laughs, the continuous batting of eyelashes and biting lips?
He'd had enough already!
"What's happening to you? You're acting sorta weird these days. And I'm actually concerned. Wanna see a psychologist, therapist? You name it," So, Ehsan had noticed. Yeah, Zaib was acting pretty strange nowadays, but he was oblivious to why he was. He constantly felt irritant and uneasy.
"Don't know. Maybe the work load's just getting too much," Zaib didn't look at him as he so bravely lied. It wasn't work. It was something else.
"Fine. But I know you're lying."
When Zaib remained the silence, Ehsan once again spoke up, "Yesterday my parents visited Naimat's family because... I said yes," he mumbled the last bit. Zaib immediately jerked up from the chair, his eyes widening in sheer joy.
"That's great! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ehsan shrugged awkwardly with a small smile covering his mouth. Zaib pulled him into an embrace, patting his back the whole time with a grand smile.
"I'm really glad Ehsan. Naimat seemed very corresponding to you. May Allah bless you with the happiness of a righteous marriage." Ehsan pulled away from the hug. "Thank you, really. But you should start thinking of this too, you know. Will you marry when you're what, thirty four and no one wants you?"
"Idiot, I'm in my early twenties right now."
"Still," Ehsan mumbled. Zaib rolled his eyes.
Zaib swept his fingers through his brunette hair while thinking of the possibility of him having a wife. Someone to care for; to love and cherish; to share his entire life with. Now, Zaib won't be qualified as a romantic but he had read a novel or two, 'accidentally'. When she does come, he would do anything for her, even be as romantic as those guys in cliche novels if she wants. All he'd want in return was love and loyalty. He didn't desire more.
Marriage was truly a special relationship which only the blessed ones were able to maintain with happiness flowing all over.
"Ehsan, what made you choose Naimat? I mean, what is your criteria for the ideal wife?" Zaib didn't know why he chose that out of all the questions he could've asked Ehsan but it seemed right at the moment to him.
"Well..." Ehsan seemed to be searching for an answer, "Naimat has this great ideology of loving any obstacle coming her way. She accepts it, actually welcomes it. She believes that the pain and the hardships are a form of Allah telling us that He loves us. Now you tell me, where will I find a lovely woman like her?"
Not once did Zaib hear Ehsan speak about desiring attractive looks or great fashion sense. Not once. His reason for choosing her should inspire him and others to look for features other than just beauty. After all, beauty would fade but the woman's piousness would glow and overtake every other drawback.
True that in modern day society, looks mattered the most. But we were Muslims. We had Tawakkul and trusted Him with our lives. Allah wouldn't ever decide anything that overburdened us.
Many times Zaib met rich, nice-looking people who because of their appalling attitude, had seemed quite ugly to him. Personality and character mattered very much. In the end it was always character over looks.
Zaib began to wonder who he'd want. Well, he never cared about looks. He desired for her to be sincere, knowledgeable, frank and just the best to talk to. His smile vanished when he realized how he was shamelessly contemplating a certain someone who had crazy blue eyes, melodious titter and a heart-flattening smile.
He didn't know her well and had only seen her a week ago. Though, he couldn't help but ponder upon how perfect she seemed. The best part? She didn't even know the magic only she possessed. There was no way that it was a false front. Zaib was an expert at identifying false personalities and Zoya's didn't seem close to fake.
Just the way she carried herself made his heart flutter with joy. She kept her gaze down, but there would be a wave of manifest confidence around her; her own circle of profound independence.
And the phone call just remained in his memory: fresh and amusing. A stupid smile always splayed over his mouth whenever he thought back to the conversation. She was a natural at making him happy.
Bilal had so innocently told him that she was studying to specialize in the cardiac base and so far had achieved high expectations in university. How many people can do that? With her being being a Muslim woman in the USA, it was not a child's play. Yet here she was, following her dreams: Zoya Hayat Malik.
Had she thought of him–even once? Had she also just pondered upon the idea of them possibly... Possibly–
Allahu Akbar; Allahu Akbar
The adhan began.
Fudge, how could he have even thought about it like that? How dare he even think of some other girl who could be someone else's one day? The thought of her being someone else's didn't settle well.
The Adhan from Zaib's phone boomed through his ears and his thoughts were finally put to rest. After the call to prayer ended, Ehsan averted his concentration from the papers and spoke up. "I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but we need to get to the masjid or we'll be late for Asr."
Zaib absent-mindedly nodded and followed Ehsan out of the office to his car. "I informed Mr. Jenson that we're done for the day." Zaib again without much response.
Ehsan, noticing Zaib's blankness, decided to enquire.
"What's up, Zaib? You've been acting weird all week but today you're just randomly zoning off and looking into the distance. Something's wrong?"
Zaib pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Nothing, this new project has got me stressed, that's all. If we don't do this right, we may lose the biggest guy's approval in the country."
Ehsan was no idiot. He was well aware that Zaib was distressed due to something else.
"Bumped into Idrees Yousuf after Salah," Ehsan told Zaib as they climbed into the car. "He seemed extra happy today." Zaib chuckled, pulling his car to the road.
Idrees was the most uncomfortably joyous and excited person on the planet earth. He was Ehsan's friend, but Zaib knew better. Zaib carefully kept his distance from him. After all, how much of insane energetic vibes could he handle?
"Why? Cause he found a dollar on the ground?"
Ehsan snorted, "No, dude. He's happy because tomorrow he's going to see a girl for marriage. He says that she's from the same community."
"Nice, it's actually an exciting news. If you ignore the excessive enthusiasm, he's a good guy. Who's the lucky girl?" Zaib inquired.
Ehsan shrugged. "Don't know. Not much can go wrong seeing that Idrees is a pretty charming man and has everything set. Additionally, if the girl is from our community she's most likely to be decent."
Ehsan then smugly added, "Naimat's from this community."
Zaib chuckled at his friend's infatuation. "You're already a lovesick fool, man."
"Anyways, remember that plan we made with Bilal for tommorow? Do you think the idiot's still up for it?" Bilal had a habit of cancelling at the last minute.
"Hope so," Zaib muttered.
"I'll call to check."
Ehsan dialled Bilal's number speedily, put the phone on speaker and set it in between them.
After the flow of slow rings, Bilal's voice vibrated through the car. "As Salamu Alaykum."
"Wa Alaykumu Salam," Ehsan and Zaib answered simultaneously. Ehsan began to speak up first since Zaib was driving the car.
"How are you, B?"
"Alhamdulillah, you?"
"Alhamdulillah. Zaib and I were wondering, are we still on for lunch tomorrow?" Ehsan just straightforwardly asked.
"Tomorrow– oh right! I'm really sorry guys, but I won't be able to make it to lunch. I completely forgot–"
Both the men stared at each other confusedly. "Are you okay?" Zaib could hear the audible uneasiness in Bilal's thick voice.
Bilal chuckled nervously. "You see, we're having guests over tomorrow. A family is coming over to see my younger sister for a possible engagement."
Zaib's entire world stopped for a millisecond. Hold on, Zoya? His' Zoya? He mindlessly pulled the brakes. He really didn't know what he was doing anymore; he didn't have any control. As they proceeded into an abrupt stop, the tires screeched and cried aloud. The phone dropped from Ehsan's grip.
With fearful eyes, he turned to scream at Zaib, "Are you freaking nuts!"
Everything else was muffled except Zaib's heart thudding faster than a train on its track, speeding to reach its destination. How and when had all that happened? Zoya could be getting engaged? Was she actually happy about it? Who was the guy?
Ehsan leant down to check if Bilal was still on line. He was.
"Is everything okay!" Bilal's alarmed voice shouted out. "Yeah, everything's fine. Masha Allah, congrats about your sister."
Zaib sat completely frigid.
"Jazak Allah. He's from this community, but I don't really know much about him," Bilal told them.
"Who is he?" Zaib's voice was toneless and gruff.
He found himself urgently listening to what Bilal was about to say. "Idrees Yousuf. He comes in our masjid and–"
Zaib felt a pang of sharp pain strike at his chest as he struggled to breathe. Idrees. She was going to see Idrees for marriage. Insecurities smacked him harder than ever. What if she liked really optimistic and excited men?
Zaib was overcome by monstrous insecurity. This was maddening him. Had she suggested Idrees to her parents or was this just a random pick?
"That's great! I know him very well, B. He's a very keen, optimistic man. Works hard and earns well, Masha Allah."
Zaib stared at Ehsan infuriated as he blabbered praises after praises of the so called Idrees.
Bilal chuckled from the other side of the phone, "That's really good. Insha Allah, it will go well."
"Insha Allah." Ehsan looked over at Zaib and questioningly raised an eyebrow.
Zaib hadn't uttered a word since Bilal had told them the 'amazing' news. It would seem impolite if Zaib didn't even bother congratulating Bilal. Ehsan nudged Zaib and looked at the phone pointedly.
Zaib snapped out of the prolonged period of madness and stammered out, "Uh, congrats. It'll go well." He tried. He really tried to utter the words, 'Insha Allah' but he just couldn't.
"Well, I have to get going. Mom wants me to run an errand for her. As Salamu Alaykum."
"Wa Alaykumu Salam."
The call finally ended, and the car was surrounded with tense silence. Zaib could feel Ehsan's intense stare at him, but he decided to leave it unanswered. Zaib began to start up the car again.
Regret flushed through him. He shouldn't be sad, disturbed or angry about this. He should trust Allah alone.
But what would've happened if he had expressed his liking for her to his parents from the beginning? Would she have liked him back? What if's kept popping up in Zaib's mind leaving him upset at himself.
"They're not engaged yet. It's possible, but the families are just testing waters." Ehsan's statement caused Zaib's heart to jump up in panic.
How'd he know?
"I see it Zaib. I might be somewhat dumb but shall I remind you, I'm your best friend and close to you like a brother. I know you very well. I saw you that day, continuously checking to see if she'd walk back out of the kitchen but she didn't nor did Naimat return."
He was mentioning about the day when Zaib had heard the first words of wisdom roll out of her mouth so eloquently, when he had went looking for a bathroom. Later when he returned back in the living room, he kept his gaze settled at the entrance, waiting for her to arrive. She didn't.
"And today just gave it all away."
Zaib sighed upsettingly. "I'm really sorry for not telling you about this. I just– I didn't think I'd like her so much so fast."
"If you like her, go and tell her family, Zaib. Idrees is just someone their considering. Their not marrying her off with him."
"Here you are," Zaib pulled over Ehsan's villa.
"At least think about it. If she really matters, then go out there and speak to her family. As Salamu Alaykum." Ehsan opened the door of the vehicle and walked out.
"Wa Alaykumu Salam." Zaib drove off.
While driving to his home, he forced himself to not overthink anything involving Zoya. He pulled over before a big grassy lawn and paved path which led to the art that was Zaib's house. Parking his Mercedes, he walked up to his house and opened the door with his spare keys.
As he entered the house, he heard a magnified screech of some dishes crashing.
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