《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XXXIII: Memories


Living a lie your whole life sounds pretty common. Whether it be your parents hiding their illness from you to finding out you have some Asian in you and not knowing it. Life just throws these curveballs constantly. The dream in my head was there. I'm not human. That's the biggest life lie you could live. And I'm here living it.

"Octavia.." I snapped my eyes up to see Finn kneeling in front of me. Kol and I had gotten back from the restaurant not long ago. And now my mates are in front of me, trying to figure out what my dreams are about. Trying to figure out what is happening in them and who the man is in my dream. I know that it's the same person each time. I don't know how, but I just know.

I jumped slightly as Finn pressed his hand on my cheek. I was so in thought that I wasn't paying attention to those around me.

"Princess, can you tell us what the man looks like?" Finn questioned, hiding the hurt in his eyes from me jumping from his touch. It probably seemed like a flinch, but it wasn't.

"I don't-" I closed my eyes, trying to think about it.

"I can try something." I snapped my eyes open to see Bonnie Bennett standing there. Nik apparently threatened her before making a deal with her. Being a Bennett witch, she would be stronger than the other witches. Or at least they hoped. "I'm not sure it'll work- but I found this spell in my Grams things, To Enter someone's deepest memory's."

"A memory spell?" Kol questioned from next to me. He was glaring at the Bennett witch. Apparently not trusting her one bit. He had voted to bring in some witches from New Orleans, but Nik shut that down quickly. "That's dangerous if you aren't sure about it." He snipped. Bonnie nodded.


"If it works, I can pull the dreams forward. Help you remember them." Bonnie said, her eyes on me. "If it doesn't work... I could end up mixing your memories up. You would possibly lose a part of yourself."

"I already am missing a part of myself." I remarked back. I just wanted to know what was happening to me.

"It's your choice." Bonnie told me. Her eyes holding a small amount of sympathy. Nik stepped up, shaking his head.

"No. This is too much of a risk." He turned his attention to Bonnie and wrapped his hand around her throat. "You were supposed to find a way that wouldn't risk her life. Her memory is her life." Nik growled, his eyes flashing yellow.

"NiKlaus!" I shouted, standing up and grabbing his arm. Bonnie let out a gasp as Nik released her. His eyes turned to me. "Don't take your anger out on her. She is doing what she can." Nik growled but tilted his head down, nodding.

"Fine." He looked at Bonnie who was standing up, her hand on her throat. "It better work." He huffed before moving to sit back down. Bonnie looked over at me with a look of thanks before holding her hand out.

"You need to lie down when I do this." I nodded, taking her hand and leading her up the stairs. My mates all stayed downstairs after I had given Kol and Nik a narrowed eye look. I brought her to my room and laid in my bed. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" Bonnie asked as she pulled candles out of her bag.

"I have to." I told her with a frown. "Theres something in me. Something missing. A part of me. My life has been a lie." I told her. Bonnie looked at me, a look of understanding. "You can relate?"


"I found out a few years ago I was a witch. My grams... my mom.. they both knew and kept it from me." I smiled sadly, nodding. Bonnie sighed, turning back to the candles, they flickered without even using a match.... Bonnie walked over to me and sat next to me. "Just breath. Relax. Open your mind up to me." Bonnie said in a soft tone. I breathed in as she placed her fingers to my temple. I breathed out as Bonnie spoke. "Apertum."

It was like I was tossed into a tunnel.

The voice of my younger self echoing through my mind.

Flashing images rushing around me.

Memories of my past.

My parents.

My siblings.

The images were moving quickly. So quickly that I was having issues with trying to see them. The voices were so loud.

I didn't recognize that voice. The end of the tunnel was dark. The occasional flash of light lighting the path. It was like I was looking at a concert or something. It was strange. My head was hurting from the flashing lights.

My breathing picked up. The tunnel flashed at the end. The shadow of a man standing at the end of it. The tunnel light went out. When it came back on, the man stood in front of me. His blue eyes staring at me. I gasped as his face flashed with fangs.

I gasped as I was ripped out of the tunnel. Snapping my eyes open and sitting up. Bonnie was already standing up, looking at me confused and afraid. Blood dripping out of her nose.

"Bonnie?" I questioned. Reaching out to her. She shook her head at me as the door slammed open.

"What is happening? We heard a scream." Kol demanded as his eyes looked to Bonnie and then to me. Nik was already staring at me along with Elijah and Finn. "Octavia?" Kol questioned, walking towards me slowly. He looked confused. His eyes staring into my own.

"What is it??" I demanded.

"Your eyes..They are different." Elijah spoke up. His voice sounded confused and worried. I jumped out of bed, moving around Kol and looking into the mirror by my closet. He was right. They were blue with what looked like an eclipse in the center. Blinking rapidly they went back to the normal brown I had.

"What am I?"

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