《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XIII: Pretty Woman


It had been a few days since my bonding with Finn. The guys had seemed to back off for a bit- well actually Klaus left for some kind of issue. Finn and Kol had been following me around, but not too much. Currently I was laying in my bed, my sacred place of peace it had seemed. No one was bothering me. It was a bit weird honestly.

But it ended as soon as I was thinking it was suspicious. A knock on my door caused me to sit up and walk to the door.

"'Lijah?" I questioned as I looked up at him. He offered me a smile.

"I noticed that none of my brothers have snatched you up yet." He pointed out. "Pack a light bag, I'm taking you somewhere." He told me. Leaving no room for questions. Elijah's eyes floated down my body before adding, "Maybe dress comfortable as well." With that he left me there to get ready. I sighed turning around, closing the door before moving to my closet. I waisted no time in getting changed, since I was still in pajamas.

I was so excited for a nice warm day. The chill in the air was keeping me from wearing my tank tops that Rebekah helped me pick out. Which, by the way, Rebekah left for adventure a few days ago. She promised to return to see me often. I'm so happy for her.

I picked up my little gym bag that I had used when I was on the run, throwing in some fancy underwear and a set of clothes. I had a feeling what was going to go down this weekend. I won't lie, I was a bit nervous. Knowing what would happen made me all warm and tingly, but made my heart pump a bit fast in anticipation of it. Zipping up my bag, I made my way out of my room.

"So where are we going?" I questioned, glancing over at him. Elijah was driving with one hand as his other hand held mine. It was a small sentiment, but I loved it. Made me feel like he loved me, even if it was too soon for that. Elijah smiled over at me, keeping his eyes on the road as we drove past the Mystic Falls sign.


"I thought we could go out of the town for a bit. Just you and I. Maybe explore a new city or something of the sorts." I grinned at him.

"That'll be fun." I agreed. "Did you tell the others we were going somewhere?" I questioned. Just now thinking about how I didn't say bye to the guys that were home. Elijah shook his head.

"I'll give them a call once we stop at the hotel to drop off our stuff." I raised my brow at him.

"They won't be happy about that." I hummed. Elijah smirked, glancing at me.

"And yet you chose not to say anything before we left. Do you enjoy pushing our buttons?" He asked. I smiled, biting my bottom lip. Elijah glanced to me, his eyes looking to my lips for a split second before he stared back at the road, his jaw tight.

"Am I pushing your buttons right now, Elijah?" I questioned in a lower tone. I had seen that look before. Elijah pursed his lips a bit before looking back at me.

"Are you wishing for me to respond with words or actions?" Elijah questioned. My tongue darted out, wetting my lips as I squeezed his hand slightly.

"I suppose that depends on you." I smiled in return. Elijah shook his head with a smirk as he continued to drive. His hand holding mine tightly, not in a painful way though. But in a way that I knew he chose action.

Elijah pulled into the parking lot of what seemed to be an extremely expensive hotel. Pulling up to the awning, I realized he had literally picked this place on purpose. A man took the car after someone took our bags. Elijah was handing bills to the men who assisted us. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I had my fingers crossed for the giant jacuzzi tub.

"Ah! Mr. Mikaelson! Welcome! Welcome!" The man at the counter greeted. I raised my eyebrow, looking over to Elijah. Had he been here before? "We have your suite made up all ready to go for you and your missus. Please enjoy the complimentary wine that has been already delivered on our behalf." The man spoke. I didn't want to think that he had brought other women here before me. That made my stomach drop slightly as Elijah placed his hand on the low curve of my back, guiding me to follow the attendant to the elevator. Our luggage had already been taken up.


"Thank you, but I know my way up." Elijah spoke up as we entered the elevator and closed the door before the attendant could enter with us. I glanced up at him, my brow arched in question. Elijah glanced down at me. "Tell me, Octavia. Have you ever been in a Dominant relationship before?" Elijah questioned, looking straight at me. No shame. I choked on my spit slightly, nodding slightly. I mean... I did have something similar going with Niklaus- although I was the dominant one there.

"I mean, I like to think of myself as a switch, I suppose." I explained. It was true. That day Elijah took me to my car to get my clothes, when he praised me. I enjoyed it greatly. But I also enjoyed taking the control from Niklaus. I felt like he needed it taken from him.

"Interesting." Elijah nodded. His jaw slightly ticked.

"Are you going to Fifty Shades of Grey me right now? Offer up some rules and put me in my place?" I asked in a humored voice. I was laughing slightly at the thought. But when I looked up to see Elijah already looking at me with a serious face, I knew it wasn't a laughing matter.

"Fifty Shades of Grey?" He questioned. Obviously not understanding the term- movie I mentioned. But he seemed to understand when I said the word rules.

"It's a movie about dominance and submitting to your lover." I explained simply. Not wanting to ruin the actual movie for him in case I could talk him into watching it. I would love to play out some of those roles.

"Then yes. I suppose I do have some rules for you." The elevator dinged as the doors opened. Elijah kept his hand at the curve of my back, leading me off the elevator and down the hall to a door. It was literally the only door on the floor. Did he rent out a penthouse or something?? He slid a keycard, opening the door and my eyes widened. Walking into the room- nope, not a room. More than a room. I twirled around, trying to take this all in.

"Oh, my god.. I'm living as Vivian Ward." I muttered, blinking in the atmosphere. Elijah walked in, his eyebrows raised.

"Vivian Ward?"

"A prostitute that was hired to escort a rich man." I explained. Probably should have made it clear that it was a movie. But before I could say something, Elijah was in front of me.

"You are not a prostitute or an Escort." He told me. Like he was making it very clear that I had no choice. I placed my hands on his chest since he was actually standing super close to me.

"It's..a- another movie." I clarified. Elijah titled his head at me.

"You really enjoy movies." Elijah pointed out. I nodded timidly. My bottom lip moving in between my teeth for the second time that day. His eyes moved instantly to my lips, eyes darkening. Moving his fingers to grab my chin gently before moving his thumb over my lip. Pulling it from my teeth. "Only I should be biting your lips." He whispered. My lips stayed parted as he leaned closer to me. My breathing was coming out shaky and sporadic at this point in anticipation. "Maybe we should go explore the town."

"Maybe you should just kiss me."

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