《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XI: Throw me a Bone


I woke up in the arms of Finn Mikaelson. It was so amazing sleeping in his arms and not worrying about someone waking me up by bursting into my room. Not to mention, he was so warm and cozy. Like my own personal body pillow. I moved a bit, before pausing with a grimace of pain. Soreness running through me from not only the sex- but from how he had gripped me. It felt so good last night that I hadn't thought it would hurt in the morning.

"Are you alright?" Finn asked in a very soft tone. His tone also held guilt. I rolled over to face him, spotting the sadness in his eyes. He felt bad. Did that mean he also regretted last night?

"I'm better than alright." I whispered back. Moving closer to him and pressing my lips to his. Finn reached out, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. But as soon as he touched the bruise on my hips I made the mistake of cringing. Regretting the instant reaction as soon as it happened. Finn pulled back from me, moving the blanket from me and examining my hip.

"I hurt you.." He breathed. I sat up, making him let go of me. But before he could get up, I grabbed his chin, making him look at me.

"I'm fine, Finn. Okay? I promise." I told him, leaning my forehead to his. Finn met my eyes, staring into them- trying to spot a lie to my words. I tilted my head, connecting our lips. Finn sighed into the kiss, relieved at me telling him the truth. But he was still iffy. I knew it. But I could easily distract him.

I weaved my fingers into his hair, moving over to straddle his lap. Finn grunted as I rolled my hips against him. We were still stark naked and his cock was pressing against me already.

Something I knew about Soulmates from what I had read in books. Once you've mated fully- not including announcing your love for them; you feel the need to be with them for the whole day- sometimes longer. The urge to mate over and over again. I didn't fully mate with Niklaus, since he decided not to mark me yet. But Finn and I have fully mated.


"I don't want to hurt you, Vee." Finn breathed as he pulled away from me. His mouth said one thing, but his hard throbbing member said another. I raised my eyebrow at him, grinding my hips against him, watching as his lips parted and eyes darkened. His hands moved to my hips, gripping them. I moaned from the pain. I had already been heated from feeling him, from having him near me. "Vee.."

"Finn.. you can't hurt me." I whispered to him, leaning in and kissing the corner of his lips. Finn let out a small growl. "I want you, Finn.. Please.. Can I have you?" I whispered, begging for him to accept. I rolled my hips against him again. Finn groaned at the feeling. I was dripping around him. He almost slid in from how wet I was.

"You already had me." Finn growled out before moving my hips for me, he slid into me easily causing a gasp to escape my lips. "Always and Forever yours." He groaned out. I leaned in, capturing his lips with mine. I rolled my hips against him, pushing him deeper into me as I moved my lips with his. Finn's grip on my hips tightened as he pulled me down more, grinding me against him. Moans muffled against our lips from both of us.

I pulled back from his lips, leaning back as his lips trailed down my neck to my chest. His hands holding me up as I kept grinding against him. My walls fluttering around him. Squeezing him tightly inside of me. Finn took my nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it and grazing his dull teeth around it. His hands pulled my hips back, causing me to slam back around him.

That's all it took for my walls to flex and release around him. Warmth flooding through me in waves, crashing against Finn. His mouth left my chest as he pulled me back up to him. His lips hitting the pulse in my neck before sucking on it gently. His fangs poking out and scratching against my skin before piercing into the spot he had healed last night. Loud moans leaving my lips as my blood flowed into his mouth. My hands pull his head closer to my neck, causing him to bite deeper into me.


Finn held my hips as he lifted me up and down along his length. Bringing him to his finish. His hands holds my hips down as I felt his warmth spread throughout me.

Finn and I finally left his room. Of course not willingly. Kol ended up pounding against the door, saying that I needed to eat and drink or I'd be weak and sickly. Finn of course did not like the sound of that. After feeding me his blood- which did in fact start a third round of fun. But in the end, Finn had dragged me out of the room. In only my knickers and silk robe. A way I had picked to tease and mess with my other mates. Also, so Finn could brag.

"Well well well." Niklaus spoke up as I entered the kitchen with Finn extremely close behind me. "If it isn't our precious mate with her lap dog." I glared at Nik causing him to shut his mouth.

"Watch how you tease your brother, Nik. I'm sure the real lap dog here will step forward eventually." I scolded him. A snort coming from Kol as Elijah chuckled to himself. Nik glared at me back before letting out a huff of annoyance.

"Woof." I mocked him before I felt Finn's arms around me, pulling me into him. Kol was snickering more before setting a plate with fried chicken and mashed potatoes in front of me on the counter. My mouth watered at the food before I felt Finn pushing me to sit at the bar, right in front of the food.

I waisted no time in eating the delicious chicken. Ripping it apart with my hands.

"Whose the animal now?" Nik muttered, only for me to throw a chicken bone at him.

"Fetch." I retorted with a smirk.

"I love how confident you have become, darlin'." Kol cheered, leaning against the counter across from me. I raised my eyebrow at him as Finn sat next to me, his hand on my thigh.

"Aren't you a bit cold, Octavia?" Elijah spoke up as his eyes were staring at my legs.

"Not really." I said honestly. Kol snorted.

"Yeah I bet not. The bond will keep you heated for days." He filled in. He was right. I was actually burning up, like I was in heat or something. "Just wait until I bond with you, Darlin'. I will have food brought to us. You will not leave my room for weeks." Kol winked. I picked up a chunk of chicken and threw it at him only for him to catch it with his mouth. I shook my head at him laughing.

"She isn't mating with you next." Klaus snipped.

"I'm not mating with any of you for a while. I can't handle this testosterone anymore." I huffed as I picked up the fork and ate of the potatoes. Finn got up, causing me to feel a coldness from his empty spot before he returned with a water bottle, handing it to me. Before I could open it, he grabbed me, lifting me bridal style and flashing us away from the others.

"I couldn't take not being able to touch you a second longer." Finn muttered as he laid me back into his bed, his door locked. I let out a laugh as he pounced on top of me, kissing me.

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