《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter I: Me, Myself and I



The world that exists behind closed doors. The world that everyone believes in and yet pretends it doesn't exist at all. The body's that showed up absent of blood, labeled as Animal Attacks. The memories of important dates or events completely disappear, as if they never happened. People trying to enter your home by asking for an invite. Things floating or wind becoming extreme.

Blame it on Mother Nature. Blame it on DeJaVu. On Drugs and liqueur.

But no matter what you do. No matter how much you wish to push the supernatural behind closed doors. It will always make it's presence known.

My name is Octavia Yorker. But you can call me Vee. The supernatural world has always been in my life. No, I am not a part of it. I am far from being any of the such. But I do have a tie to the supernatural. From the ripe age of sixteen, you get some kind of telltale of having a soulmate. Yeah, I know. A Soulmate, sounds Absurd.

Theres a kicker to that madness though. You only get a Soulmate, if they are a part of the supernatural. A Witch, Vampire, Werewolf. And whatever other beings that exist. Of course, there is no true way to tell what your soulmates are. All you get is a simple marking of some sort on your body.

Four Triangles. That's what I was blessed with. A blessing- as most would call it. I would call it a curse. Four triangles meaning four Soulmates. And clearly, many enemies.

I may not know who my soulmates are, but other supernatural creatures- they know. A curse as you can see.

So here I am. A human against so many Supernatural beings. And that is where my story begins. On the run. My family dead. No friends. Nothing but Me, Myself and I. And where do I end up this time? A small town in Virginia called; Mystic Falls.

My car had broken down right outside of town. Not that I was shocked. My gas light had been on for the last thirty miles. But I knew if I had stopped, I would be caught. I'm not a fast runner. Especially, if you think about being chased by a Vampire. Vampires and Werewolves are probably the quickest of the species after me. Witches are the most deadliest. Thankfully, the witches see me as an innocent. Like the whole Innocent until Proven Guilty thing.

But here I was, walking into town. Trying to follow the tree line. I was trying to stay in sight and yet out of sight. If I could get into town safely, I might be able to stay here longer. The last place I stayed was in Chicago, Illinois. I had found the busier the city, the longer I can stay put. I blend in. Or try too.


My body felt like ice running through it. I was being watched. Someone had spotted me. I could tell. I swallowed hard before taking a breath and looking ahead. The lights of the town were visible. I could make it. Or I could be caught and slaughtered. Maybe even tortured to death. Debby-Downer here. Or maybe I could be a Negative Nancy.

I took another deep breath before breaking out into a run.



Don't stop.

Don't look behind you.

Surprisingly, I made it to what seemed to be a bar, pushing through the door and letting out a pant of air. The chatter that had been loud before came to a stop. Everyone was looking at me. I could feel it. Hell, I could feel some that were glaring at me. Probably other Supernatural beings seeing who I was mated too. I was afraid to look up, to see who all was staring at me.

"Are you okay?" A woman spoke up. I lifted my head slowly to see a brunette with doe like eyes standing in front of me. Her eyes holding concern and suspicion.

"I- I was-" I started as I looked behind me to see no one behind me. I looked back at her with a short sigh, "I'm okay." I told her as I tried to calm my shaking voice. The brunette didn't seem to believe me, but she nodded her head in acceptance.

"You must be new in town, I'm Elena Gilbert." She introduced, extending her hand to me. My eyes caught sight of a tattoo on her wrist. A single crow, flapping it's wings on her olive skin. Elena noticed my eyes, pulling at her long sleeve to cover it. I brought my eyes back up to hers, taking her hand and shaking it.

"Is it that obvious? I'm Octavia Yorker." I told her with a forced smile. Elena shook my hand before turning my hand slightly to see the four triangles overlapping each other. I pulled my hand away, looking away from her.

"Sorry, I uh- Would you like to sit with my friends and I?" Elena offered, speaking up again before I could even answer her. "I know I would want to know someone in this town."

"Sure. I need to get something to eat anyway." I told her slightly awkwardly. This girl just brought out the awkwardness. Like her soul mission was to make everyone feel the same unsettling that she felt. She smiled and led me to a table in the center of the bar and grill. Two girls sat over there and two men. All of which were staring me down. They could see it. They weren't humans. Did Elena know? I tried to come up with some excuse, but before I could speak it, the blonde stood up with a grin. She was perky, I could tell that for sure.


"Hi! I'm Caroline. You're Octavia?" She questioned. She knew I knew. My guess was Vampire. She heard me from here when I introduced myself.

"Um- yeah. You guys can call me Vee. Octavia is such a mouthful." I told her with my own smile.

"Welcome to Mystic Falls, Vee. This is Bonnie Bennett," She pointed to the judgey looking woman, who was literally glaring at me. "This is Stefan Salvatore, my boyfriend." She pointed to the man with a far off thoughtful look. Like he was extremely broody. "And this is Damon Salvatore-"

"My boyfriend." Elena smiled as she sat down next to Damon, who was the bad boy looking type. His blue eyes wide and staring at me with his brows furrowed. I had a strong urge to punch him. Strange.

"Um well Hi." I awkwardly waved. I was never good at situations like these. Knowing the supernatural wanted me dead- for reasons I did not know- made me not the most social of everyone.

"So, Vee." Damon spoke up as he wrapped his arm around Elena. His eyes wide and judgey. "Who were you running from?" He questioned. I stepped back slightly, already overwhelmed.

"Uh-um, you see-"

"It's because of your marking, right?" Stefan asked. His hazel like eyes already staring at the four triangles. My hand moved to cover them, rubbing my arm uncomfortably.

"I- I think I'm just going to go sit at the bar." I mumbled. Trying to escape the weird situation I had been pulled into. Caroline got up, smacking both men as she followed me to the bar. As I sat down, she grabbed the seat next to me.

"I'm sorry about them. They can all be a judgey group." She excused. I nodded as I ordered some chicken tenders and fries. I know, not the most adult meal. But it was the cheapest. "So you know about the supernatural, right?" She asked in a low whisper as she glanced to my tattoos.

"I do." I told her, calmly. I was trying to trick my mind into thinking it was safe. It seemed to be working somewhat.

"And you realize that you have four mates?" I nodded slowly before looking towards her. "Has anyone told you about them?" I shook my head as I grabbed the water that was free of charge and sipped it.

"Most just want to kill me. Not really into the whole small talk crowd." I informed her. She frowned, nodding.

"I could tell you about them, if you want? I actually know all of them." She told me. This caused me to choke a bit on my water before I looked over at her.

"You know who I'm mated too?" I asked her, shocked. Caroline nodded with a smile.

"They live here in town- I could take you to them. I don't know if they have been looking for their mate.. but I bet they would be happy to have you safe with them-"

"N-no." I told her in a stammer. Caroline furrowed her thin brows at me. Confused. "I-I can't." I told her slowly.

"They can protect you, Vee." Caroline tried to tell me. But I just shook my head at her.

"They are the reason I have been running since I was fifteen. The reason that I lost my family- who tried to protect me. My friends- my boyfriend." I shook my head again. "They have brought nothing but grief to me. Nothing but pain. They are a curse." Caroline's face was nothing short of sympathy. Sadness. It had seemed like she understood where I was coming from. I waved the bartender down, throwing what money I had onto the bar and requesting my food be bagged along with a water. "I should go. If they live here, then I need to move on."

"You can't be serious about just leaving." Caroline said as I stood up. "If you leave here, you will be taken. Killed."

"I have no choice. I've been running for this long- what's a bit longer." I told her as I grabbed the carry-out container and my to-go cup. I went to leave, but Caroline grabbed my hand, gently.

"At least stay with me for the night. I can protect you so you can leave in the daylight. My mom is also the Sheriff. So-" I looked at her as she stopped talking. With a sigh, I nodded.

"Okay. but I leave first thing in the morning." I agreed. Caroline smiled, pulling me with her as we went to leave the bar. Her friends watching us as her boyfriend, Stefan jumped up to leave with us.

"We won't let anyone get you while you stay here, Vee." Stefan told me as he led us to what I assumed to be his car. I nodded as I looked around me. Checking my surroundings as I always did. As I had learned to always do.

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