《Raven Knight》Chapter 13: Major Debrief


Jason couldn't believe that it had only been a couple of days since he originally left the USM Athena to retake the planet Loki. It felt like it had been a couple of weeks since he crash-landed on the planet and took his first command. That command resulted in a heavily fought engagement against a far superior foe. The resilience of the Crazy Tigers proved enough to withstand the enemy until orbital support was provided.

He felt angry and betrayed when the medevac, which he repeatedly asked for, didn't arrive straight away especially after clearing the area of anti-air support. Private Gisseux and Lieutenant Daniels were both in critical condition and only kept alive by the medical pods they were sedated in, while his closest friend Aurora's condition had got steadily worse as they returned to the outpost.

General von Striken was more worried about securing their position than the medical requirements of the Crazy Tigers, therefore it was another hour of unit deployments before the injured were taken away.

Jason had to be forced onto the eventual medevac because of his broken rib. He had rather stayed to help the remaining Crazy Tigers get organised. Instead, he was hounded off while Westwood took charge.

It was a bitter blow, due to their rivalry, but it was made worse when he spent the whole journey holding Aurora's hand as her speech became more incomprehensible. The feeling of helplessness was consuming him and the further they went up into the atmosphere towards the USM carrier Athena the more he could feel her slip away.

As soon as they arrived on the carrier, she was quickly whisked away by the onboard medical staff and Jason had not heard anything since, despite asking several times.

Now he sat outside Major Greenwood's office as part of his debrief, but also to gain valuable information on Aurora.

With the outpost now secured the Crazy Tigers had been returned for much-needed rest and relaxation. Westwood had preceded Jason and had been in the debrief for a good hour. This didn't sit well with Jason as neither had spoken to each other since the moment Aurora got injured and with Westwood taking temporary charge, there was a mist of uncertainty about the whole situation.

He frowned to himself, questioning the decisions he made and whether they were the correct ones. Did his ego get them into this awful situation and did his arrogance put Aurora's life in jeopardy?

The door slid open as Westwood briskly exited, not even making eye contact with Jason.

"Corporal Scharn!'' A stern voice from the Major's office called.

Jason stood and straightened his uniform, still feeling the ache from the repairing ribs that cracked those couple of days ago. He didn't realise, but he had actually cracked three ribs, but the operation had mended them easily. It would be a couple more days and then he would be back on active duty.

He marched into the office standing a few feet away from the Major's desk. Quickly saluting, he held his pose until instructed.

"At ease Corporal, take a seat." Major Greenwood said, not even once glancing at him but looking at some notes embedded in the screen on her desk.


Jason sat uncomfortably. Was he about to be reprimanded for his actions?

She swiped away the content on her screen before standing and grabbing a drink and staring out the window.

Jason continued to sit uncomfortably but refused to move in order to display the necessary respect to his superior.

"What a mess this has been!" She eventually spewed. Major Greenwood continued to look out of the window, not displaying a hint of emotion while she thought of her next sentence.

"I've lost some excellent soldiers these past couple of days, and some of them were my friends. I find my unit is severely depleted and I'm expecting my Corporal's to take charge until I receive my new request for personnel. The question is what the hell happened for me to be in this position?" She ranted.

Jason kept quiet knowing that it was a rhetorical question.

"Corporal Westwood has given me fantastic insight into the last couple of days and of you, the man who took charge!" There sounded like a bit of resentment from her as she emphasised the word.

There was no way that Jason was going to allow her to just take Westwood's word without hearing his side of the story.

"With all due respect ma'am.."

"With all due respect Corporal, you speak when I give you permission to do so." She interrupted him, giving him a stern reprimand in the process.

It filled the room with an uncomfortable air of silence.

"I've also received reports from Private Schuldermann, Private Jacobs and Lance-Corporal Okafor. All four reports are extremely similar to Corporal Westwood's therefore I will take his word as gospel." The Major took a swig of her drink before sitting back down at her desk, it was the first time her stern gaze caught that of Jason's cold glare.

She continued "All of them have stated that if it wasn't for your exemplary leadership and direction it is likely that the 223rd would not exist today and if were not for your actions Private Gisseux and Lieutenant Daniels would be dead. It appears I owe you thanks for bringing what's left of the team home."

Jason was stunned by the unexpected praise. He had been completely out of the loop since he had returned from the surface, spending most of the time in the infirmary.

"Not only that," the Major continued "Corporal Westwood heaped praises on you."

Jason couldn't believe what Major Greenwood had just said, was this a joke?

"His exact words were, 'Under Corporal Scharn's leadership we survived unbelievable odds. His decision making was exceptional and precise. We may not always agree on things and sometimes our differences can be explosive, however, I would gladly follow his lead again into battle.'"

Jason was unable to comprehend what was happening. Gisseux and the Lieutenant had survived when it seemed certain that they wouldn't and now Westwood had sung his praises. He half expected the Major to say it was a dream, pinch him, and then for him to wake up to go through the briefing once again.

The Major continued "You may have changed the tide of the battle for this planet. It was looking like we would not be able to establish any beachhead until you gained control of that outpost. It's not much, but we've managed to get a few hundred troops down there already and plans are underway to get more. Corporal Scharn, you have been put forward for a commendation for bravery and leadership. While we have a Sergeant's position available, it is not possible to provide you with that necessary promotion due to your limited service within the USM. However, you will be placed on the necessary courses so when the time comes that option will quickly become available."


She smiled, a sight that Jason could not remember her ever doing, it was surreal considering he didn't feel like the last few days had provided anything for him to celebrate about.

Thoughts of the gut-wrenching trip to the surface flooded his mind. The twisted contorted bodies he woke up to in the crashed dropship, almost being overrun by a superior force and finally the immobilising fear he felt when seeing Aurora's devastating injury. These thoughts clouded his mind, digging their way into his very soul. None of the commendations, the praise, the success would matter without knowing what happened to his closest friend.

"Lance Corporal Pendergast ma'am?" He eventually responded.

She was slightly taken back by his first comment being a question, and perhaps she slightly misunderstood his need for glory. "You're close you two?" She replied.

Jason nodded "Yes ma'am, I've known her since childhood, she's practically like a sister to me."

The Major sighed which was no confident sign. Had she died during the operation to save her and no one was willing to inform him of such? He felt so hollow inside.

"She's alive." The Major initially stated giving Jason a small glimpse of relief. "However they could not save her leg."

That was a bitter blow. There was no Jason without Aurora. That was something he hadn't realised until now, and he had been a fool to miss it.

"There are already plans underway for a new leg to be grown for her, but realistically it will be six months for a successful cloning procedure, and another six for her to be fit enough for active duty. Hopefully the war will be finished by that time. Obviously none of this takes into account the psychological damage something like this causes. She may not even want to return."

Jason nodded feeling like a mute, unable to form any words in response.

The Major concluded the debriefing "Your Instructed to have psychological evaluation tomorrow at 0800 and if cleared you'll be expected to be cleared for active duty by the end of the week. I would suggest that at some point you visit Lance Corporal Pendergast before you go back to Loki. That is all Corporal."

Jason stood and saluted, still unable to form words and feeling a massive lump in his throat. He exited the room determined to find Aurora before it would be weeks since he would be able to see her again.

- There was a nervousness that Jason felt as he approached the entrance of the infirmary.

There was a strong stench of disinfectants and sickness around as he walked into the room.

Seeing the number of injured personnel at various stages of trauma was somewhat heartbreaking.

The whole room was eerily quiet apart from the hum of computers and the occasional doctor or nurse doing their rounds. Some had painkillers pumped directly into their bloodstream to keep them subdued from the agony their various scars would be exhibiting. Some were simply unconscious or lifeless.

He carefully walked through seeing the pain and anguish on the faces of so many individuals and he imagined how this was only the tip of the iceberg of things to come.

Looking over he saw Aurora lying still on her bed, her once beautiful hazel eyes looked lifeless and lost. As she glimpsed Jason coming towards her she tilted her head away.

Jason sat down next to her, noticing the stump that was once her leg. He was glad that she was still alive but ultimately felt responsible for her current situation.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to see you sooner. Despite constantly asking, everyone seemed reluctant to tell me what had happened." Jason initially stoked up the conversation.

She didn't respond nor tilt her head.

He felt the uneasiness in the room and knew he had to pick his words carefully. "I'm glad you're ok Aurora, I was worried for the worst."

"You think losing a leg isn't the worst?" She replied bitterly.

"You're alive thank god!"

She turned her head, creases of anger entrenched on her forehead. "I can still feel my leg. It's not even there! Six months they told me before another leg will be ready, then I'll have to learn to walk again, let alone even considering active duty once more!"

"You're the strongest person I know, you'll get through this. I'll always be here to help you." Jason reassured her.

"No Jason!" her anger almost caused her to scream, but she tried desperately to contain it and to draw attention to their conversation. "You won't be! You'll be here at Loki playing hero while I'll be back on Mars recuperating. Your gambles paid off, but what of the cost."

"If I had known the cost I would have gladly paid for it myself." Jason replied, trying to keep his calm.

"But you didn't though, did you? People have said to me you risked my life constantly, until now I never realised it. Just leave me alone!" She tilted her head away once again refusing to acknowledge that he was there.

Jason stood slowly and placed his hand on her shoulder. He half expected her to push it away but she remained still. As much as he wanted to respond to her, he knew it was not the best thing to do.

Walking away he never felt so much sadness in his heart. He would be commended, congratulated and his position in the military consolidated, but he would feel empty knowing that Aurora would not be by his side. Until this moment, he had valued her but never truly appreciated her, and now he may never get the opportunity to ever do so.

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