
It is Sunday and you were watching movie on the television. Jungkook still hasn't woke up and you were kind of hungry, so you decided to make breakfast for yourself.

Meanwhile Jungkook was awake in his room. His heart was beating fast thinking about yesterday night. He can't help but accept the fact that he really is falling in love with you.

But he was afraid. Afraid that you might leave him after he gives you his world. He is afraid and scared of love because he has never seen anyone happy.

He always saw someone crying because their loved one left them. He never saw anyone happy in love. Pain, sadnesses and heartbreak and he never wants to experience it.

Jungkook sighed as he ruffled his hair. He wants to go far away because he doesn't want to fall in love...he doesn't want to experience such sadness and pain.

So he decided...he decided to leave you for 2 weeks and keep his distance from you.

He made up his mind and got up from his bed. He walked downstairs and heard you cooking in the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, he walked inside and you noticed him. You give him a small smile and greeted him.

His heart started to beat faster but he greeted back with a small smile. He acted and walked towards the refrigerator taking out some milk for himself.

His eyes moved towards you and he stared at you for a moment. Then he took a sigh as he closed the refrigerator and spoke,

"Hey Y/N..."

Hearing him call out your name also made some butterflies appear in your stomach. You turned your head towards him and waited for him to continue.

"I got a call from company saying i have to leave for business trip for about a week and since i have an important project, i also won't be home for the week after the business trip. Soo i think you should pack few clothes and like with Yoongi until i don't come back because staying here alone won't be safe..."

Jungkook spoke.

You nodded as you heard him.

"And i also don't think I'll be able to contact you but you can come after the whole two weeks, I'll probably come home late that day."

Jungkook said as he started to walk out of the kitchen.

"I'm leaving tonight, you should call Yoongi."

Jungkook said as he left and walked into his room.

You took a long sigh as you turned off the stove. You walked to the living room, calling Yoongi.

He picked up the call and you told him, he agreed and he said he will pick you up in an hour.

Then you decided to pack.

Once you were done, you took out your suitcase from your room and took it downstairs. The door bell ringed meaning Yoongi is here.

You opened the door and he smiled at you. He leaned forward for a hug and you hugged him back.

Jungkook decided to meet Yoongi. He left his room and walked towards the main door, he smiled at Yoongi and Yoongi smiled back.

"Sorry they made a plan out of nowhere."

Jungkook apologised Yoongi.

Yoongi chuckled as he shook his head,

"No problem."

"Come in?"

Jungkook asked but Yoongi declined.

"It's alright, i just came to pick her up."

Yoongi said as his eyes moved towards you.


"Where is the suitcase?"

Yoongi asked and you spoke,

"In the living room."

He nodded, walked inside and came back. He smiled at Jungkook,

"Have a safe journey, Goodbye."

Yoongi left you all alone with Jungkook. Jungkook lowered his head because he didn't wanted to look you in the eye.

"Take care of yourself, have a safe journey."

You said as you slowly started to walk out. Jungkook pulled up his head and mumbled,

"You too"

But not loud enough for you to hear.

You walked towards Yoongi's car and sat inside. Somehow your heart was telling you to look at the house and when you did, you met with Jungkook's eyes who were looking at you from the window.

You looked away as Yoongi started the engine of his car and drove off.

Deep inside, Jungkook's heart started to ache because of the loneliness in the house. He took a long sigh as he started to pack his clothes and leave to Japan but not for business trip.

Yoongi dropped you off around 5pm back at yours and Jungkook's home. Once you entered inside, the house looked so lonely.

You sighed as you walked into your room and unpacked your clothes. As you were done, you decided to make dinner as you tried cooking for Yoongi and you made amazing dishes.

As you were done with the dinner, it was around 7PM. You sighed as Jungkook still hasn't come back home.

You looked around the house and noticed how it was not cleaned and there was dust so you decided to clean a bit until the maids come tomorrow.

You cleaned up a bit and decided to take a shower. As you were done, it was now around 9PM and still no sight of Jungkook.

You sighed as you sat on the couch and turned on the television, started to find a movie for yourself.

As the 2 hours passed by, it was now 11PM. You sighed as you closed your eyes and layed back on the couch then suddenly the door was knocked loudly.

Someone kept knocking it loudly.

It isn't Jungkook because he must have a key.

You thought.

You slowly stood up and walked towards the door. The door was still being knocked and you decided to peep through the peep hole.

Your eyes widened as you recognised who it is. You immediately opened the door and the body was about to fall but you helped it stand up.

Jungkook groaned and your eyes widened. This is the first time you seeing him drunk. You helped him walk to the couch and made him sit down.

He took long breaths with his eyes closed. As he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes met yours and he smiled.

"You are here...."

He spoke.

You raised an eyebrow. He didn't speak but then you noticed you didn't close the door so you stood up to close it but Jungkook stopped you as he grabbed your wrist.

"Please don't go...please don't leave me like i left you..."

He whispered and your eyes narrowed. He pulled you closer to him and made you sit in front of him.

He pouted as he spoke,

"I regret it."

You were confused,

"Regret what?" You asked.

He repeated,

"I regret it alot."

You tilted your head as you observed his drunk side. He looked kind of weak and pale as he hasn't been eating or drinking.


"Regret what Jungkook?"

You asked.

"I thought leaving would be a good option but it made me realize and it made me regret."

Jungkook said as he closed his eyes to take a long breath.

"Leaving? What do you mean?"

You asked him.

He opened his eyes as he turned towards you,

"Leaving you." He whispered.

Your eyes widened. Nothing is making sense right now.


You asked.

"Yes! I left you! I lied to you that i have a business trip!"

He shouted making your eyes widened.

Then he ruffled his hair,

"I lied to myself...."

You didn't know what he was saying.

"Why did you lie?"

You asked him carefully..

He pulled away his hand from his hair and spoke looking into your eyes,

"I lied because i caught feelings for you."

Your eyes widened.

"I left because i was too scared to fall in love! But instead leaving you made me realize how much i need you!"

He said as he again ruffled his hair.

"You know it too! You know it how i am too scared to fall in love! Taehyung told you everything about me!"

This time Jungkook shouted as he ruffled his hair more forcefully. You took his head because he was forcing himself.

He stopped as he felt your hands on his. He looked at you,

"I'm a coward who doesn't want to fall in love."

You just kept staring into his eyes, listening to what he was saying.

"I don't want to fall in love because you might leave me like everyone else left their loved ones!"

Jungkook pulled out his hands and closed his eyes.

There was silence until you spoke,

"How are you so sure that i will leave you?"

He looked at you,

"Because i have seen people who leave their love ones."

You sighed,

"And you don't even know any one couple who are happily together?"

"Because there is none!"

He said as he looked away. He was soo much drunk but he still was conversing with you.

You chuckled,

"You don't know my parent's love story?"

Jungkook shook his head.

"They started dating from High school and got married, you still think they didn't love each other?"

You said making Jungkook realize.

"I have alot of friends who are happy with their loved ones."

You continued.

"You still doing believe in love?"

You asked him.

Jungkook sighed,

"Then what about you and Jimin?"

"It is a total different case. We were in love but were forced to break off because of my parents."

You sighed.

Jungkook looked at you,

"Are you still in love with him as he is?"

You shook your head,

"Not after what he did that night."

Then suddenly, Jungkook leaned in close to your face. His nose touching yours as he speak,

"I would never hurt you like he did."

Your heart started to beat faster.

"Jungkook you are drunk right now to even remember this."

You said.

He closed his eyes as he whispered,

"I don't care."

He leaned in more, tilting his head as he kissed you. You were beyond shock to kiss him back.

Jungkook didn't hesitated as he pulled you close to him by putting his hand on your neck. You couldn't help but to kiss him back.

opened and he looked around. His head was still aching and he couldn't believe his vision that he is in his room right now.

Did i come back home? Jungkook thought.

He was about to stand up but the door of his room opened and you came in without noticing that he's awake. You had a tray which had a bowl of soup and medicine for headache.

When you noticed him, you gave him a small smile and spoke,

"I brought medicine for you."

Jungkook tried to sit up but his body started aching. He groaned as he sat on the bed and looked at you.

You picked up the tray and held it towards him so he can drink the soup. He took it and drank it in a few minutes and then took the medicine.

"I wasn't a pain in the ass last night wasn't i?"

He asked making your eyes widened. You immediately shook your head and spoke,

"You should take rest, I'm downstairs if you need something."

With that, you left him. Jungkook took a long sigh as he closed his eyes.

"Why did that dream felt so real... it's like i really kissed her..."

Jungkook whispered as he decided to lay back down.

"I wish i really did."

He whispered before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Jungkook woke up again and he felt better than before. He decided to take shower so he stood up and went inside his bathroom.

As he was done showering, he wore black shorts with black shirt. He decided to go down and see you but his heart started to beat fast, making it difficult for him.

He took a long breath as he opened the door. He walked pass by your room thinking even if you are inside or not.

He hoped for you to be downstairs as he climbed down the stairs. He pouted as he didn't see you in living room then suddenly a smile was brought up to his face as he saw you coming from kitchen.

You didn't notice him standing there.

His eyes went towards your body. You were just wearing a long shirt as you were in bed and decided to go into the kitchen for a glass of water.

When you noticed him, your body stiffened and him kissing you replayed in your head.

Jungkook was staring at your face. You didn't even notice your clothing as you were too busy staring back at him.

Jungkook had to break the awkward atmosphere so he smiled. You immediately smiled back at him and just stood there.

Jungkook's heart was beating faster than ever. He looked away and walked towards the couch, sitting on it and turning on the television.

Half of you was happy that he doesn't remember last night and half of you was sad. This was your first kiss with him and you can't deny it that it felt good.

And on top of that you can't deny that when he kissed you, your feelings towards him increased.

You sighed as you started to walk towards your room. Jungkook was disappointed that you both didn't share a conversation.

He fucking regrets his decision of leaving you. He should have stayed and made plans with you but he is still scared to fall in love.

"You still don't believe in love?"

A voice rang in his head and it was yours. His eyes narrowed as he tried to remember. Flashbacks started coming in.

He saw your face,

He heard your voice,

He heard your story,

He shared his feelings,

And lastly,

He tasted your lips.

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