
Your life with Jungkook is going great....just great. He doesn't even talk to you, nor gives you any kind of attention. Both of you have your own rooms but when your parents come over, you both have a room to show that you both are sleeping in the same room.

Jungkook thought at first that he would make you suffer through some ways but he changed his plans...he changed his plans because of what Yoongi said to him.

He thought about it for too long and came to a conclusion that you are also someone's sister and a daughter. He shouldn't hurt you mentally or physically. He has no right to make you suffer.

And since he is your husband, he has to legally take care of you.

After alot of thinking, he decided that he won't talk to you but give you everything you deserve. You now don't have anyone except him.

As for living with Jungkook, you know how much he hates you but he has a soft spot for you because,

One night you slept during watching a movie. When you woke up, he had given you a blanket and cushions under your head.

One day, he noticed that you haven't wake up to go to office so he came into your room and find you sick. He called the doctor for you.

One night, it was raining so bad and lightening. You were always scared of thunders because you read many articles as the thunders kill people. You went down to the living room to find Jungkook working late at night. He didn't notice you as he was very much indulged. You just went to the couch and start to sleep there because you can't sleep alone while it's thundering. You kept flinching which made Jungkook noticed you. He decided to ignore you but seeing you scared made him realise that he has to take care of you, so he spoke,

"Are you okay?"

You nodded but flinched when it thunder again. Jungkook took his laptop with him and sat beside you, he started to caress your hair which made you a little calm. Soon you drifted off to sleep.


Living with Jungkook is like he's muted and you are deaf. Both of you share only small and important words other than that, both of you don't speak to each other at all.

As you were doing your office work in the living room, Jungkook got out of his room and walked towards you.

"Jimin has invited us at club tonight because he couldn't attend the wedding, do you wanna go or not?"

He asked casually as he filled his mug with coffee.

You got nervous, you'll be seeing Jimin. You sighed as you spoke,

"I don't care, if you are free then we can go."

Jungkook chuckled,

"Do you not want to see him?"

You rolled your eyes,

"Why do i want to see him? I'm over him."

Jungkook smirked and nodded. The reason he asked if you want to see him is because he has been seeing his girlfriend.

And he hasn't hide it from you.

One night, he came with her and both of them drunk. You coincidentally woke up in the middle of the night to drink water and you saw both of them in the living room, kissing each other.

You don't know why but it hurted you too see him with her.

You immediately walked back to your room and was about to tear up but then you asked yourself,


'why am i crying?'

'why am i sad?'

'i shouldn't because we decided to do what we would want to do.'

You got of your thoughts as Jungkook spoke,

"I am free but would you be able to meet him?"

You bit your lip. You are over him because living with Jungkook made you forgot about him.

"Is it only gonna be us?"

You asked.

"I don't think so, he booked the whole club for tonight."

Jungkook spoke as he sipped onto his coffee.

"I don't have any problem and if you are thinking that i would cry if i see him then you are totally wrong."

You said and stood up, taking the files into your room.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow and mumbled to himself,

"We will see about that."

You took a look at yourself for the last time in the mirror.

You wore an off shoulder black dress.

There was a knock on the door and Jungkook asked,

"Are you done? I'm waiting downstairs."

You heard him walking away and took a long breath. You don't know what's gonna happen once you go there.

You walked towards the door and opened it, you then walked downstairs and found Jungkook looking at his wrist watch.

He was wearing black leather jacket with a white shirt and black ripped jeans with white shoes. You wouldn't deny that he was looking handsome.

Once Jungkook heard you coming down, he turned his head to look at you and stopped. He couldn't believe the sight infront of him. You were looking absolutely very beautiful and sexy.

You didn't give attention to Jungkook and just took the coat and wrapped it around himself.

He was still looking at you, his heart beat a little fast. He doesn't know why but he was feeling something different, looking at you.

You walked towards the door and opened it, walking towards the car. He got out of his thoughts and cursed himself for thinking about you like that.

He followed you and got into the car aswell. He started the car and drove towards the destination.

You both reached after 30 minutes and Jungkook got out of his car, giving his car keys for valvet parking. He walked towards you and wrapped an arm around your waist because paparazzi were kind of following you two as you were dating Jimin before but then Jungkook came into the picture, making their mind raise a question.

Jungkook got into the club still with his arm around the you. He doesn't know why but when he touched you, he kind of felt a heat around his stomach.

As you both were inside, Jungkook looked around to find a spot to sit.

There were many people, did Jimin invited them? A question raised in Jungkook's head.

Your eyes wandered here and there and stopped at Jimin who was laughing with a group of friends. You gulped and got nervous.

Jungkook spotted Jimin too and then he loudly said as there was music,

"Let's go say hello first."

You nodded and both of you walked towards Jimin. Jungkook pulled away his hand from your waist and then held your hand. He kind of wanted to make Jimin jealous.

Jimin noticed you two coming and his eyes stopped at both of your hands. He smirked as he walked closer to you.

Jungkook held out his other hand to shake Jimin's hand and Jimin shook it. Then Jimin eyes travelled towards to you and you smiled at him.


Jimin held out his hand for you to take. You were hesitant but have gave him and he kissed your hand saying,

"You look beautiful as always."

Jungkook raised a brow and smirked. You just smiled back and said,

"Thank you."

Then Jimin looked at Jungkook,

"Why don't you two get seated?"

Jungkook nodded and pulled you with him. You could feel Jimin's stare but you ignored it. He bit his lip as he recalled how beautiful you are looking tonight.

Both you and Jungkook sat down and Jungkook turned towards you,

"Do you want a drink?"

You thought about it and shook your head. He nodded and looked here and there. His eyes met with some people with camera, taking his and Y/N's pictures secretly.

He smiled and turned towards you. He leaned in your ear and spoke,

"I see some people taking pictures, how about we start our act?"

You smiled and nodded. Jungkook stood up and held out his hand,

"Let's go dance."

Your eyes widened, before you could protest, he took your wrist and pulled you towards the dance floor.

People looked at you two as you both went on the dance floor and they can't deny that you both look good together.

"I can't dance."

You said and Jungkook just smiled,

"It's alright, copy my moves."

He said and just started to move left and right while nodding his head. You tried to copy him but in the end you started to laugh as you couldn't succeed.

And also for the first time you saw Jungkook laughing hilariously at you.

"Am i that bad?"

You chuckled at ask.

If you and Jungkook were best friend, you know that you would have best nights with him.

Jungkook started to do salsa dance making you laugh. He didn't know why but he wanted to make you laugh and see you laughing.

You also slowly start to move your body as you listened to the music.


He said as he noticed you dancing well.

For the first time, both of you were having fun and talking to each other.

Jungkook's eye met with Jimin who was drinking recklessly at the bar. He was clearly glaring at you two.

Jungkook smirked as he noticed that he's still isn't over you.

Jungkook started to come close and circle around you, dancing like he's having the best time of his life.

Jimin scoffed as his eyes became teary. He ordered shots after shots, getting out of control.

As Jungkook was dancing, he saw his girlfriend. His eyes widened as he saw her flirting with another man. He stopped dancing, making you stop too.

He angrily and loudly said,

"Get in the car, we are going home."

You didn't know why he said that when both of you were having fun. You also didn't have any other option besides to obey him.

You walked towards the sofa where you and Jungkook were already sitting and took your coat. You noticed he wasn't on the dance floor anymore so you started to walk towards the exit.

You stopped as you heard someone calling you,


You turned around and spot Jimin who was coming your way and he was very drunk.

He smiled as he stopped and looked at you. He grabbed your wrist, making you startle. He pulled you against him and whispered,

"How can you have fun with him?"

You winced in pain as he held tightly on your wrist.

"J-Jimin, you are hurting me!"

Jimin chuckled as he pinned you at the wall, making you yelp in pain.

"Hurting you? Well that's not even equal to the pain i am feeling right now."

He said making your eyes widened. He leaned in trying to kiss you but you forced yourself to face the other way. But it didn't stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

He started to kiss your neck making you cry. He slowly sucked on your neck but before he could do more, he was punched right in the face.

Jimin fell down and an arm around your waist pulled you closer to him, Jungkook. Jimin chuckled as he wiped his lips and stood up.

Jungkook pulled you more close to him and you couldn't help but to sob.

"The knight in shining armor is here! Why don't you go and have fun with your slut girlfriend?"

Jimin shouted making Jungkook raise an eyebrow.

Jungkook chuckled as he connected the dots. Jimin only wanted you.

"Well guess what? Thanks for telling me that's she's a slut but this girl right here is my duty and my first priority so why don't you fuck off?"

Jungkook shouted making Jimin chuckle.

"Really Y/N? Why him? What he does he has which i don't?"

Jimin pointed at you asking.

Jungkook stepped forward but before he can say something, Jimin continued,

"I knew from the start that it was forced between you two. So Y/N, why don't you come back to me? He is having fun with his girl right? We can have fun too."

Jungkook scoffed.

Jimin looked at you,

"I still love you."

You were still crying. Jungkook turned his head towards you and he felt bad seeing you cry and it made him angry.

"Come back to me, he doesn't even love you."

Jimin said as was he held out his hand and Jungkook clenched his jaw in anger, he punched Jimin strongly on his face which made him fall down again.

"I don't love her? I'm sorry this is gonna hurt you as hell but we both decided our marriage and are clearly in love."

Jungkook said making your eyes widened. He was about to attack him but he stopped when you put your hand on his arm,

"Please stop."

Jungkook looked at you and then took a long breath. He turned towards Jimin again and then held your hand,

"Let's go."

You followed him towards the car. Jungkook opened the door for you and you got in. He then walked to his side and got in.

He sighed as he turned on the heater because you were shivering. Your tears were still falling and you kept wiping them away.

Jungkook couldn't help but to ask,

"Are you alright?"

You wiped your tear as you said,

"You think i am?"

Jungkook sighed as he turned his body towards you. He hesitantly held your hand and caressed it.

"I am really sorry i wasn't there for you. I didn't know it was a really her..."

Jungkook said lowly.

"That wasn't even my girlfriend....she looked like her and Jimin thought that she was really here when i ran to her."

Jungkook sighed as he pulled away his hand from yours.

"Do you wanna go home? Maybe you'll freshen up after seeing your parents."

Jungkook asked as he started to drive. You shook your head,

"They'll get worried that why i am infront of their house at 1am."

Jungkook nodded as he took a turn. Then suddenly your phone started to ring and it was Yoongi.

You attended the call,


Yoongi was panting on the other side,

"Y/N! Mom and dad....they are gone..."

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