
You were sleeping peacefully on your comfortable bed as your mom barged in without knocking.

"Are you gonna sleep till noon?"

She sarcastically asked.

You kept on sleeping, just ignoring her as this has become her routine.

"Are you not gonna reply me young lady?"

Your mom asked as she folded her arms.

You groaned.

"Till when are you gonna keep this up? You are graduated and 23 for god sake with no job! Are you just gonna live with your rich parent's money?"

She started to scold you.

You took the pillow and covered your ears with it.

"Yeah sure, just keep sleeping."

She said and left the room.

You smiled and hugged the pillow knowing that she left but little did you know, she came back but with a bucket of water. She spilled the water all over you, making you scream.

Your mother smirked and folded her arms,

"Very well, you have taken your shower now."

You scoffed in disbelief,

"Mom are you serious? Do you really want me to work my ass off and get married like you wish?"

"Wow, my daughter catches thing really quickly."

She said sarcastically with a smile.

Then her smile faded and spoke,

"I want you to be in 10 minutes all ready."

She walked towards the door to leave but turned around one last time,

"Your brother is here too."

Your eyes widened and a smile made it's way to your face. You immediately stood up from bed and started to get ready.

As you were done, you ran downstairs and started to look around for him. Once you spotted him, you backhugged him.

He chuckled and then turned towards you, pulling away from the hug,

"Did you really missed me that much?"

You just nodded.

"What about you?"

He showed like he was thinking but he already had an answer,

"Not even a second."

You playfully punched him and smiled.

"How come you came back?"

"All of my shows were cancelled in Europe so i thought of visiting."

Yoongi said.

"Well you made you a great choice."

You spoke. Before Yoongi could say another word, you could hear your mom shouting from the dining table.

You took a long sigh before entering inside the dining room. You sat down on the table and joined your mom for a breakfast. Soon, Yoongi joined in.

"Can i ask why did you wake me up? Yoongi is probably not the main reason."

You asked your mom as you bite your toast.


"Well, you are gonna join me in company today."

Your mom spoke and both You & Yoongi shouted at same time,


You entered inside the company behind your mom. She lead you towards your dad officr first. As you got in, your dad was probably shocked to see you.

"What a pleasant surprise!"

Your dad spoke making you roll your eyes.

"Honey, i have already prepared her office and have decided that she would do her first project with Jung Hoseok."

Your mom spoke, making your eyes widened. Before you could say anything, your dad spoke.

"That's great! Hoseok is perfect for her!"

Your dad spoke with a smile.

"Wait a minute! It's has not been 20 minutes since i stepped into this building and i already have a project?"

You whined.

Your mom and dad nodded. You scoffed and took a long sigh.

"Sweety, there's no way out for you now. I told you million times if you would do something you love, i won't stop you but you being a lazy ass just decided to sleep all day so i had to step in."

Your mom explained and you just nodded.

"Don't worry! Hoseok is around your age and he is perfect for you! He is a fashion designer and i have known him for a long time now."

Your mom spoke.

"But what our company has to do with him? He's a designer and we are a business company."

You asked.

"Nice question you've asked. Our company is opening a fashion department for youngsters and make the talented people sell their amazing designs. Soo, we will start with you."

Your mom explained and you just nodded.

Then your mom pressed a button on your dad's table. A girl came and board.

"Y/N, this is Miss Lee and she would show you the way to your office."

Your mom and you turned towards the door, ready to follow the girl.

"And Hoseok will be meeting you in few minutes."

She spoke as you left the room.

Great, Just great.

You thought.

You followed the girl till your office. She opened the door and you got in. You looked around for a while and then decided to sit in the chair.

You took out your mobile and saw a text from Yoongi.

How is it going?

Like hell.

They have even partnered me up with a fashion designer.

Wow, that means they must have been planning this for a while now.

Looks like it.

Before you could wait for Yoongi's reply, a knock on door was heard and you stood up immediately.


"Come in."

You said as you got nervous.

The door opened and a guy revealed himself. He smiled widely as he got in and you may not lie because for sure he is hot but totally not your type.

The guy smiled really widely and he bowed,

"Ah Hello! My name is Jung Hoseok."

You bowed back immediately and spoke,

"Min Y/N, nice to meet you!"

"Same here."

He said as he took the seat infront of you.

You observed him and he looked like around your age.

Hoseok laughed nervously and spoke,

"I have known your mother for a long time but i didn't know she had a daughter. I only knew about your older brother who is a rapper."

You chuckled,

"Well yeah i love to live in the shadows but uhmm my mom decided it's the best i start working."

Hoseok nodded and asked,

"Have your mom explained how this is gonna work?"

You shook your head,

"No, she actually just told me that the company is opening a department."

He nodded and spoke,

"Well your mom called and asked me for this opportunity for which i am very grateful and she complimented that you dress up yourself very well."

You mentally rolled your eyes as you nodded because your mom has always been making you not wear clothed of your choice.

You and Hoseok started to discuss some important things and then your mom came in. Hoseok stood up to greet your mom.

"Nice to see you after a long time! I hope you both are getting along."

Your mom smiled as she looked at you and then Hoseok.

Both of you nodded and your mom chuckled,

"I hope making this decision will bring our company more benefit."

Hoseok just smiled and nodded whereas you just stood still. Then hseok spoke,

"I have to leave as i have some important things, i will call the company and schedule our next meeting. It was nice meeting you Y/N-shii."

You and Hoseok bowed and then he left. Your mom smiled at you,

"I hope i get to see you work everyday."

You just smiled and the left the office, going back home.

As you reached home, the first you did was jump on your bed and get some rest. You closed your eyes to sleep but everyone just hates you alot because your phone started ringing.

You attended the call as you looked at the caller ID


You spoke as you put the phone on your ear.

"Hey! Are you up for another fun night?"

Your best friend asked.

"Another? We literally went last night."

You whined.

"Come one girl! I heard that today hot boys will come."

She spoke.

"And which hot guys you are referring to? Who even gives you information?"

You asked as you sit up on bed.

"That doesn't matter because you'll thank me as you'll enter the club! I am waiting at the usual place soooo hurry!"

She said and cutted the line.

You sighed not wanting to go but get wasted after a tought day? That sounds amazing to you.

You got up and started to get ready.

As you were ready, you went downstairs but you were stopped by your mom. As usual she started to scold you and said not to go because you have to come to company again.

You being you didn't listen and left. She always made you feel bad and made you felt like you are not worth it.

As you arrived at the club,you looked around to spot your friend in the club where everyone was staring at you. You were already used to the stares so you just shrugged it off.

You almost looked everywhere and that's where you decided it's best for you to sit down and keep calling her.

You sat on stool of the bar and ordered yourself a drink. You kept calling and cursing thinking she must have been ditch you.

A guy was sitting down next to you but you didn't noticed him.

"Ditched by a friend?"

He asked as he sipped on his drink.

He was totally a stranger and you didn't wanted any trouble so you just ignored him.

He finally looked at you and smiled. You couldn't help but to agree that he was freaking hot and he was totally your type but he looked like a fuckboi.

"I understand that you won't like me talking to you but I just wanted to say that I also got ditched by my friend and i don't wanna go home because i feel terribly awful there."

He spoke.

You just nodded and decided to share a few words.

"I feel you because whenever I'm home, my mom don't ask me how I'm doing and just keeps on scolding me."

The guy laughed and started to talk.

Both of you talked for a lot of ime and laughed at each other's silly moments. Both of you were indulged in a great conversation until he got a call from his friend ssying that he needs some kind of help.

The guy stood up,

"We don't know each other's name. Hi, my name's Park Jimin."

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