《Let's stop | KookMin/Jikook》pt. 1


"Yah Kang Seulgi! Your daughter needs her mom!" Jimin shouted from downstairs with the three years old girl on his lap. She pouted and shook her head at Jimin's statement, and Jimin just laughed at the cute girl on his lap. They waited a good three minutes before someone shouted back.

"She's as much yours as she's mine! Now watch her till I'm finished."

Jimin rolled his eyes, almost hitting its cones. Then he looked back at the little girl. He kissed her forehead and spoke.

"No wonder you like me more than her." The little girl nodded fast while pecking Jimin's cheek and leaning her head on the male's chest. Jimin just giggled and kissed her again.


Jungkook was packing, ready to take the flight home. Anxiety filling his body, not being able to get home to his hyungs, or more like his hyung.

"Jungkook, the taxi's here," his manager said.

Taking a last look at this place that he called home for three years, a sad smile took over his features before he closed the door. Taking a deep breathe, he told his manager he's ready to go home.

Home, what meaning did this one word hold for him? BTS had gone their way since he came to this academy. Maybe he wasn't going to pursue being an idol anymore. Not without his hyungs, at least. Taking a moment to remember all the things he did here. How he has grown as an artist, how he almost got framed for rape and accused of being the father of another star and the friends he made for life. But everything passed, as it usually does. He survived, with only one person in mind. Because Jeon Jungkook would never betray his love. Not making the same mistake twice by giving up.

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