《Baby Jackal | MSBY X Child reader ✅》*o*


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taking multiple photos of the girl eating on his bed.

At this point she was used to his noise so she just shrugged it off.

Bokuto was so happy he got rewarded a day off so he planned a fun day to go out with (Y/n) since they were both busy with homeschool and work

"Damn when did I get so good at dressing kids up!"

"Cupcake aren't you excited?" He asked as he collapsed on the bed making her body bounce from the sudden movement "you get to make a friend your age!"

She nodded and kept eating.

"We're going to the Zoo today" He announced "We'll meet lots of new animals and learn about them too!" He explained finally getting her attention.

"Like horsies?" She asked.

"You bet! And so much more!" He added.

"Ooh" she nodded "when?"

"We'll meet up with Keiji and go together. Aren't you happy you get to see him again?" He asked, knowing he managed to grow on her quite a bit.

"Yeah" she smiled.

"Okay let's go!"

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". He hated that nickname.

Kei and Tadashi approached Them with a child right beside Tadashi.

"Hello Maki~" grinned Bokuto ruffling the girls hair "when'd you grow so tall!" He gasped.

"I eat all my veggies!" She answered.

"Wow! She's a big girl" Akaashi joked putting (Y/n) on the ground.

"Cupcake, These are my friends." Bokuto explained "Uncle Tadashi, Uncle Kei and Maki. Can you say Hello?"

"Hello" she mumbled playing with her fingers.

Bokuto found it amusing at how she was so excited on the way but got shy all of a sudden.

"Hi (Y/n), it's nice to meet you!" Tadashi grinned, squatting to seem less intimidating. "How old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 3" she smiled.

"Wow! That's big! You're almost Maki's Age!" He explained "Maki, come say Hi to (Y/n)"

The little girl skipped over to (Y/n) and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Huh?" Akaashi mumbled.

"HI!" The girl said enthusiastically, pulling away from the hug.

"She does that... uh we're working on it" Kei exhaled with a small smile.

"It's not bad. Just means she's outgoing" Akaashi chuckled.

"Yeah but it's not exactly fun when she hugs anyone she sees on the street" Tadashi sighed "my social anxiety said no"


"Cupcake aren't you gonna say hi?"

(Y/n) was still confused, a random kid just hugged her. She wasn't exactly hugged that much growing up aside from (B/n) Bokuto and the other guys. So this was foreign.


"I'm Maki! You wanna be my friend?" She asked with a toothy grin.

(Y/n) nodded slowly and Maki took her hand immediately. "Okay Daddies, we're friends now let's go!" She announced walking away with (Y/n) close behind her.

The 4 men laughed and followed close behind the children.

Meanwhile Akaashi's thoughts were running wild.

'If this was a family day out why was in invited?"

'Unless...Bokuto's insinuating something!'

'Ugh come on.. it's Bokuto we're talking about'

"Keiji let's go!" (Y/n) called.

"Ah! Yeah sorry!"

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"And that one's called a Leopard!" Explained Maki. The kid had a knack for animals and was able to name alot of them. "(Y/n) say leopard!"


"Wow you're really smart!" Maki exclaimed, giving her friend yet another hug.

Yeah she'd been giving alot of hugs. Even (Y/n) didn't seem to mind anymore and sometimes hugged back.

"What's that Maki-Chan?" She asked pointing at the animals in the next exhibit.

"um...I don't know" she frowned "what is it Dad?" She asked Tadashi.

"It's called a sloth" Smiled the man who was holding up a camera.

"Sloff" both kids said at the same time making the adults laugh at the pronunciations.

"Ah! Why are you laughing?"

"Because.. you said Sloff" Kei joked "it's "

"That's what we said!" She whined "Right?" She turned to the other girl.

"Yeah, sloff!"

"Oh gosh forgive me for laughing" Akaashi whispered trying to compose himself.

"Kou" (Y/n) called.


"Can we touch the sloff?" She asked.

"Uh- I don't know"

"We can check if there's a petting zoo here" Akaashi

"Yeah let's go ask" Tadashi agreed

Both men walked away to the nearest help centre.

"So...she doesn't call you dad?" Asked Kei as they watched thier kids talk in front of them

"I've tried man... I guess she just doesn't acknowledge me as that" Bokuto answered, feeling a little gloomy.

"Have you tried telling her?"


"I see. Maybe she isn't ready yet. Or she may be a little shy." Kei explained. "Or she could think of you as an older brother or something"


"Hm..I don't mind it. But I really do want her to see me as her father" He sighed as Kei just blinked at him, taken aback a little. "What?"

"You uh.. you're a little different" He cleared his throat.

"How so?"

"Honestly, when I heard you adopted. I thought it was just one of those idiotic ideas you get on impulse" the blonde admitted "but you're actually a sensible parent"

"....I don't know if that's a compliment" Bokuto blinked with a sheepish smile on his face.


"Aww come on Tsukki!"

"So you and Akaashi, Huh." Kei mumbled, averting the conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you two going out?" Asked Kei.

"Uh!" Bokuto coughed "I uh- I don't uh... I mean.. I think we are?? I never asked him so.. I don't know"

"You don't know if you're dating?" Asked Tsukishima as he face-palmed.

"We probably are and I've forgotten" Bokuto admitted.

"Eh, believable"

"OH MY GOSH MAKI DON'T CLIMB THE FENCE!" Squealed Tadashi as he ran to the girl from behind Bokuto.

"But we wanna touch Sloff" Pouted little (Y/n).

"We can do that at the petting Zoo." Sighed Tadashi as he held his daughter "please don't do that again okay?"

"Kay" nodded Maki "hey what's a petting zoo?"

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"AH LOOK A BABY HORSE" Maki screamed, running into the petting zoo basically pulling poor (Y/n) along.

There were so many little animals around them and kids petting them as the parents watched from outside the short fence.

"You're so cute!" Maki whined pulling the pony into a hug.

"Cupcake aren't you gonna pet one?" Asked Bokuto pulling out his camera.

She looked around for a little while until one particular animal caught her attention.

It reminded her of the toy she got from her first bath-bomb.

"Duckie!" She smiled skipping over to it as she squatted around all the baby birds and ducklings.

"Aww" Akaashi smiled.

"Hello" she smiled at the ducklings putting her hand out.

"Do you wanna feed them little girl?" One of the zookeepers asked.

"Yeah!" She nodded.

The zookeeper poured a small amount of grains and oats. "There you go! Don't eat it okay? It's food for the duckies. "

"Thank you."

She put her hand forwards and watched the ducklings peck at her hand as they ate. The wide smile just couldn't leave her face.

One particular duckling managed to climb her palm making her gasp in excitement.

"Wow! It likes you" Maki smiled as she squatted beside her friend petting the other animals



"Alright! Let's hurry so we can go grab some snacks" Tadashi called.

"Aww" whined both kids.

"Can we take this one home?" Asked Maki as she pointed at the donkey beside her.

"Uh... Tadashi..?"

"She asked you"

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Tadashi and Kei were busy flirting with each other on the bench while Akaashi stood nearby holding (Y/n) as he admired the flamingos.

"Aww Akaashi" Bokuto smiled, admiring the two "Look how cute you are, holding my daughter. Ugh I swear this is so cute I could marry you" the man whined

"H-huh!?" Akaashi gaped as he felt his face warm up rapidly "that's uh-"

"Anyway I can take her" He exhaled getting up from the bench "wouldn't want you uncomfortable"

"Oh no I don't mind it at all" Akaashi Protested

"It's fine" Bokuto smiled, gently pulling the child out of his grasp.

Akaashi just stared at his friend in awe. It was no doubt that Bokuto was a foooine man. But something about him holding a child with his hair down as the setting-sun shone on him just seemed to make Akaashi's heart beat faster.

"You've matured" he smiled softly.

"Have i?" Bokuto cocked a brow "Honestly, everyone's been saying that but I still feel the same" He chuckled.

"You're still you but... I don't know.. it's confusing" Laughed Akaashi "it's not a bad thing at all though"

"Yeah.." Bokuto smiled.

"Uh Hey, Bokuto.." Akaashi trailed off.


"I uh-"

"Hey guys I think it's time we head home" Tadashi butt in.

"Oh! you're right, I gotta tuck her in then burn today's calories" Bokuto stiffened "I totally forgot"

"So.. i guess we're all going home" Kei shrugged.

"Mhm. See you guys!" Bokuto waved frantically before scrambling away.

"Yeah." Akaashi nodded stiffly.

"Oh yeah you wanted to tell me something?" Bokuto paused turning to his friend.

"Oh I forgot" Akaashi laughed humourlessly. "I'll uh.. I'll text later" He smiled.

"Okay then! Bye guys!"

"We should do this again sometime" Kei muttered to Tadashi as they began walking away.

"Akaashi aren't you coming?" Asked Tadashi.

"Oh.. yes. Sorry."

Akaashi quickly caught up to them as they headed to the parking lot.

'We'll get em next time' He thought to himself.



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