《Her Final High [C.Cullen]》4.


Destiny stood in shock as Carlisle took her off the table and stood her on the ground. She was destined to be with Carlisle, a vampire. His mate...

She put her hand on her chest and looked up into his eyes. The beautiful pool of molten gold.

"What if I want to go with Charlie?" She whispered lowly.

"I thought you and Charlie weren't a thing." Bella commented looking at Edward with an awkward squirm.

"I think I like Charlie, too. I've liked him for a long time." Carlisle's lips twitched downwards at her words and she laid on his chest.

"Give it thought. I won't demand and answer from you." Carlisle said with a soft smile.

-----begin playing song here----

Destiny's heart skipped a beat and she began walking to go get some food. As she walked, the world began to swirl and she hit the ground hard.

"Destiny!" Carlisle called as he held her head up.

"Carlisle, I can't feel my legs..." She whimpered almost crying from the painful tingles that shot up her spine.

"The tumor must have put pressure on your spine. Esme get the car and Emmett help me carry her."

Bella looked panicked as Edward walked her out to his car. Alice went with Jasper and Esme to get the car.

Destiny winced as Emmett lifted her legs quite roughly.

"Easy, Emmett." Carlisle growled tensely.

"Sorry." He eased his grip and they carried her to where the car waited.

Emmett placed her legs on Carlisle's lap and put a couch pillow underneath her head for support. They drove quickly almost passing the speed limit by 10.

"Can you feel this, Destiny?" Carlisle asked as he poked her legs.

She winced "It's really tingly. It hurts..."



After 10 minutes, they reached Forks Hospital and Carlisle carried her in.

"Dr. Cullen..." Everything went blank in Destiny's head. The ringing was so loud.

She could see Carlisle barking orders and Alice was rubbing her hands. She couldn't move.

She sighed and let darkness consume her. Putting her trust into her blonde angel.


"Her cancer has reached stage 4 and is spreading into her throat."

"Is there anything you can do?"

"She needs to consent to Radiation Therapy. It is not that far from the original starting point. She will also need Immunotherapy to prevent it from reoccurring."

Destiny moaned opening her eyes to see Carlisle and Charlie standing by her bed. The latter holding a bouquet of dandelions.

"Destiny? Bella sent these for you. She sents her best wishes." Charlie explained placing them on her lap.

"Thank you." She looked at the pretty card with a cartoon pill on it.


'Dear Destiny,

These are from Charlie, don't let him lie to you. My dad has a crush on you. I'm aware that you are mated to Carlisle but I thought you should know.

Get well soon.

~Bella Swan'


Destiny laughed softly and closed the card. "So what was that about Radiation Therapy?"

"You heard that." She nodded, "Good I don't have to explain something I don't understand."

She rolled her eyes at Charlie and turned toward Carlisle.

"Radiation therapy will hopefully shrink the tumor enough to surgically remove it or destroy it completely. Surgery will be the last option of course if the tumor refuses to dissipate completely."

Destiny nodded throughout the explaination and decided to sign off on it.

"You will do therapy every other Wednesday. The Wednesday's that you do not do therapy will be with me." Carlisle explained.


Destiny smirked "I see you, Doctor. Trying to get some alone time with me."

Carlisle chuckled, "Absolutely. You are quite the charming woman." He played along. Charlie looked back and forth between the two awkwardly.


Destiny's first day passed with no problems.

So did the 2nd.



By the 5th, she was annoyed with reading the same books over and over. She was being dismissed luckily this afternoon.

The door opened and Alice came bouncing in with a giant basket of flowers.


"This is for you from us, girls. The boys didn't want to help pick them. Except Emmett, he had to go somewhere." The pixie haired girl explained putting it on her bed.

Esme came afterwards with a bag of clothes. "I got you some clothes to dress out."


"Carlisle had your key." She explained helping the blonde woman from her bed.

"The boys are in the hallway waiting for us. Rosalie is hunting this week." Alice explained taking her gown off.

Destiny took a quick shower before walking out and changing her clothes. She pulled on her lacy underwear.

"Did you or Alice pick this outfit out?"

"Alice. I have no fashion sense, Honey." Esme said with a laugh.

"I'll clip your bra." Alice said clipping the clasps together and tightening the straps to support her.

"Thanks-" She was interrupted when the door opened and Carlisle came in causally.

"Destiny, you have one last blood tes-" He was interrupted by a shoe to the face.

"GET OUT!" She screamed in embarrassment covering herself.

Emmett grabbed him from the cracked doorway "We warned him, Destiny. We told him."

"Stay out, all of you!" She said firmly throwing her other shoe at the closing door.

Esme shook with laughter as the human huffed and pulled on her red shirt that said 'I'm not like a boss. I am the boss.'

Alice watched as she tried to pull up her shorts and huffed.

"Did I really grow out of these?" Destiny groaned bouncing on her feet to pull them up.

Alice attempted to help her pull them up and nodded. "They're a bit tight. We'll need to get them changed before the game."


"We're playing baseball later. It's a big thunderstorm." Alice explained.

"That Carlisle told us not to tell her about." Esme added.

"I'll go. I like baseball. It's one of the only sports I understand besides basketball."


After they pulled up the tight shorts, the girls left the room and Carlisle checked her out.

"Don't do anything to strain yourself. Bed rest."

"I'm going to the game, Carlisle. I wanna see you play." She sais firmly unwilling to move on the decision.

The doctor sighed and nodded. "Just be careful."

"I will." She chirped.

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